Naruto: Intelligence from Uchiha

Chapter 342 Uchiha Yun's Conspiracy

"The ninja of Yan Yin? If you are only a ninja at your age, you are not capable of walking with us."

Karui said and looked at Zhitu: "Unless you deliberately maintain the rank of ninja, or Yanyin Village concealed your file? In this case, maybe we can think about it."

Omoi, who was holding a lollipop in his mouth, scratched his head, said nothing but his heart had already become active.

Did this Iwakakushi guy modify the file? If Konoha finds out?

Will Uchiha Yun that scary guy jump out and shoot him to death?

When I stand beside him, will I be shot to death together as an accomplice?

The teacher just let us hang out casually, there is no need to be with this guy, right?

Thinking of this, Omoi moved his body, as if he wanted to stay away from this guy. A bastard needs to be prepared for a bastard, although he really wants to defeat those three guys from Konoha.

"Five years ago, I came to Konoha to take part in a Chunin exam. Since then, I have been out of the village to perform tasks, so I missed the subsequent Chunin exams."

Zhitu spread his hands as he spoke: "As you can see, I'm still just fighting with Genin. But speaking of it, the last time I also faced that adult student, I almost won..."


Karui was stunned.

The first half of this passage is obviously a sophistry, but the latter proves my guess.

The teacher said that the third generation of Tsuchikage in Yanyin Village is the one who is best at conspiracy. This time, the seventh class of the Four Great Ninja Villages against Konoha was formed under his help.

Is the guy in Yanyin in front of you the third Dokage's card?

"Who else have you contacted?" Carui asked.

"There's still fog."

Jido smiled and replied: "In the Chunin exam five years ago, Kirigakure's Wuya failed like me, but he also almost succeeded."

"In the opponent that time, the girl named Uchiha Izumi was not only the disciple of the adult, but also his sister."

"It's also the Sangouyu Sharingan. We have found a way to restrain it. Although the number is not large, it can also play a key role."

Karui frowned slightly: "What kind of attitude is Sayin...?"

Jido replied: "Sayin has already fallen, and you must know that the representative of the five shadows of this joint Chunin exam is just a thirteen-year-old child, and he is also Jinzhuriki..."

"Speaking the righteous words, I don't want to go back to the union, I want to touch the seventh class. But in the final analysis, they are just afraid."

Omoi at the side said at this time: "Aren't you afraid? If Yanyin is not afraid, Your Excellency the Third Tukage might not be able to sit still long ago, right?"

Zhitu choked on these words.

There was a moment of silence.

At this time, Wuye, who had been watching here, came over.

"Excuse me for being rude, I have read some information about you two."

"Yunyin Village is probably not much better than Shayin now. One of the Fourth Raikage and the Fifth Raikage died directly at the hands of that person, and the other died indirectly. There is no need to argue about these two points."

"Your teacher...should be very sad, right?"

After the words fell, the two of Yun Yin frowned.

Omoyi changed the direction of the lollipop: "The teacher is in good condition, don't worry about it."

Wuye smiled: "But I heard that His Excellency Kirabi's concert has not been held in Yunyin for a long time."

For a while, the two fell silent.

In fact, they knew very well that the other party was right. Since the death of Lord Raikage of the fifth generation, or since the death of Lord Raikage of the fourth generation, the teacher has changed a lot.

The raps that used to be blurted out are gone, and I even started to sit quietly in the Leiying Building, handling official business all day long.

And this was simply impossible before.

"That Hinjuriki from Sagakure received Konoha's favor. I heard that Sagakure was invaded more than three years ago. If it wasn't for Uchiha Yun, this Hinjuriki would have died."

"For them, we don't force it, and the same goes for you."

"As long as you can bear the humiliation of your teacher and can't return it, then act separately. Yanyin and Wuyin don't necessarily fail together."


In classroom 301 on the third floor of the teaching building, the ninja who broke through the two guards at this time has basically arrived.

Seats were assigned randomly, but Naruto happened to sit next to Shikamaru.

"There are a lot of people..."

Naruto looked at the door of the classroom, which corresponds to the stairs from the second floor, which has already passed through a lot.

Shikamaru on the side said: "In order to deal with your Four Great Ninja Villages, you will definitely not go with the flow as before. I can't even guard against the illusion downstairs, let alone those guys."

While talking, Shikamaru looked at Naruto: "Why haven't you come to me all this time?"

Naruto scratched his head and smiled, "How did you know that I would look for you? I'm doing special practice during this time, so I don't have time."

"But fortunately, the first written test is not a big problem, so it's not too late to find you after the first test is over, isn't it?"

Shikamaru nodded and accepted the explanation.

After thinking about it, I reminded: "I came here early on purpose, I observed everyone on the first floor..."

Speaking of this, Shikamaru approached Naruto while the teacher was not here and said in a low voice: "The ninja school system was first proposed by the Second Hokage, and after that, various ninja villages began to imitate it, so the age of ninja graduation in peaceful times is generally around About twelve years old."

"Many chunin may not take the Chunin exam in the first year because they are not sure, but they will basically take it in the second year."

"Most of the time I participated in the Chunin exam for the first time was to accompany me, but the second time I would basically advance, even if I lost the third duel."

Naruto was stunned: "Can you advance even if you lose?"

Shikamaru bumped Naruto's arm: "The important thing is not this, but I just saw a lot of ninja who should be over fifteen years old, and some of them are obviously eighteen years old."

"And... two of them are the existences who took the same Chunin exam as Mr. Quan five years ago."

"As for the Chunin exam, Mr. Quan, who has always been proud of it, mentioned it more than once. Those two guys are not easy to deal with. They used to push them very hard."

"Five years have passed, and the other party will definitely not keep standing still. We'd better be careful."

Naruto waved his hand casually: "Don't worry, I have carried out a very strong special practice this time, so there will be no problem."

Seeing that Naruto was so confident, Shikamaru wanted to say something, but at this time the person in charge of the first test had already walked in.


In an office of the ninja school.

At this time, Minato was fiddled with the crystal ball in front of him, and the picture inside was the first exam for the ninjas.

"How did you lend this thing? That old man treats this thing like a treasure, and he didn't lend it to him even after he came here."

Minato casually replied: "Since Jiraiya-sensei was arrested, even the three generations of Hokage-sama have lost trust in the Women's Federation. Tangchi is no longer seen in this thing."

Yun Wenyan was stunned: "How do you know? Have you tried?"

These words directly made Minato not calm, and quickly explained: "The formation of the enchantment over Tangchi needs to communicate with Anbu and the security forces. I just borrowed this crystal ball for today. I will use it after the first exam. Just go back."

"Why are you so nervous? I didn't say you were doing bad things with it."

Talking, Yun looked at the picture in the crystal ball.

There were no major surprises in the first exam. Compared with the original book in memory, not even a single person was eliminated.

The so-called last question, without Naruto's declaration, didn't even make a shinobi give up the exam.

This situation is very unreasonable.

"It seems that these little guys have long known the purpose of our assessment."

Yun said and looked at the crystal ball: "All the guys who took the Chunin exam with Quan have come out. They are already eighteen years old, right?"

Minato sighed at the side: "After all, it's about their courage to continue to unite in the future. Your Excellency the Third Tsuchikage has been very busy during this time."

"In the final analysis, the Zhongnin exam is just an assessment for the rank of the ninja to be promoted to the Zhongnin. They also know very well that we will not let the seventh class have an accident, and the harmless temptation can naturally convince most people."

most people?

Cloud smiled.

I am afraid that most of them will follow in their footsteps in the future, except for the bad old man Onoki.

They may think that when they die, they will have an opportunity, and they will surrender when they are killed by the whirlpool.

But it's all a joke...

At this time, Minato handed over a document: "Look at this. I thought about it, but it's still up to you to decide whether to agree or not."

Cloud takes the file and opens it.

? ? ?

The report on the document made the corners of Yun's eyes twitch, so Shikamaru could take advantage of the loopholes.

Little Kyuubi's registration is a ninja beast, and because of the Inuzuka clan and some psychics, the power of the ninja beast is indeed allowed to participate in the Zhongnin exam.

But take a nine-tailed fish into the frying pond...

This is a bit outrageous, right?

"Reject it."

Yun directly threw the file on the table: "My purpose in letting the seventh class take part in the Chunin exam is to let them experience something. Put that bastard Kyuubi in the fish pond, maybe it can finally Ruined the Chunin exams."

Minato thought about it for the same reason, and when he was about to agree, he found that Yun picked up the file again.


"What's wrong? Changed your mind?"

Yun smiled evilly.

"When Shikajiu gets old, Shikamaru is the next military adviser I have appointed. Although this guy's head is as smart as his father, sometimes he still can't tell the difference between the big and the big..."

"Let Little Nine Tails participate, and I will communicate with it about the specific arrangements. Letting him shoot himself in the foot this time may be an improvement."

"Naruto who has learned the immortal mode is still a bit strong. Putting Xiao Jiuwei in to disrupt the situation is also an accident for Class Seven."

"Too many things in this Chunin exam have been made transparent. It is not my wish for them to complete the Chunin exam step by step without arranging a little accident."

After the words fell, Minato smiled helplessly.

So Shikamaru still didn't understand the truth, he only knew that Nine Tails could be used as a helper, but he didn't understand who the Nine Tails listened to.

This report must return to him from the very beginning, and Yun will definitely know his plan.

So Xiao Jiuwei is Tingquan and him? Or do you listen to the cloud?


The first round of the Zhongnin Exam was basically passed by all members.

And Naruto is ready to spend his money.

Just after leaving the gate of the ninja school under the eyes of everyone, Naruto argued with Sasuke.

"You go and invite the ninth class."

"Why should I go?"

"Sakura likes you! If you go, she will definitely not refuse, Sai and Togen seem to be afraid of her, so we can be together?"

"No, I'm not going. You're asking me to sacrifice Hue."

"going or not?"


"If I don't go, I'll give Sakura the photo of the bathhouse last time! →_→"


After finishing one, Naruto looked at Hinata again.

With just one look, Hinata instantly understood, and said quickly, "I...I'll go to Brother Ning Ci, he will definitely help us."

Naruto nodded and put his hands together: "Hinata is still the cutest, so please. Shikamaru and I will go find Xianglin, and then we will meet at the barbecue restaurant at night."

As soon as the barbecue shop came out, Choji, who was following Shikamaru, immediately jumped three feet high.

"Naruto is the best! Yakiniku Yakiniku!"

At this time, Ino, who had been silent until now, came over.

"Naruto...that...I want to ask...have you..."

"No! Impossible!"

Before he finished speaking, Naruto denied it.

Shikamaru on the side said helplessly: "If you think about it, you should understand, right? If Naruto had a photo like Uncle Yun's, would he still be standing here alive? I'm afraid Master Hokage won't be able to keep him?"

Ino felt down for a while...

Why not?

If there is, it is also possible to move the flower shop safe!


On the other side, under the threat of the photo, Sasuke could only go to Class Nine.

Seeing Sasuke coming directly to her, Sakura's heartbeat quickened instantly.

The second personality kept shouting in his mind, even thinking of the child's name.

"That... I want to invite you to the barbecue shop together."

BBQ shop?

"Sasuke-kun... is this invitation... a date...?"

Appearing beside Sasuke at a flashing speed, holding arms, Sakura's eyes straightened.

Happiness came so suddenly!

Direct dating...isn't it too soon?

Shaking her head violently, Sakura quickly threw out this bad thought.

Seeing this, Sasuke looked helpless, so do you have to rely on this method?

For the photo. I will endure!

At this time, Sai still looked over with a smile on his face: "It seems that the seventh class is not as confident as Naruto said, so is this trying to unite us?"

"After all, apart from this ugly girl who is a nympho, our class is quite strong. Naruto asked you to sacrifice your appearance to invite, but you are very good at choosing people."

Ugly... Ugly girl... (O Pan O)!

In an instant, Sakura, who was almost accustomed to Sai's poisonous tongue, broke out.

Under the second personality, he turned around and chased Sai.

It's no surprise that rooting on the side is already done.

Slightly bowed towards Sasuke: "That's how they communicate, don't take offense. Actually... Sakura is quite pretty."

Sasuke's eyes twitched.

He really didn't see anything beautiful, all he could see was violence.

"That...are you going?"

Takugen thought for a while and replied: "We must go to Naruto's invitation. He is our classmate and friend, and so are you."

Sasuke breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words: "Then the barbecue shop will be waiting for you tonight, and you still have to go home at this time."


Night fell.

The three tables in the private room of the barbecue restaurant were pushed together, and the seventh shift came early as the treat party.

Naruto was taking out his wallet at this moment, counting his few savings with a painful expression on his face.

Fifteen people in five classes ate barbecue, and there was even a level existence like Choji among them.

After this time, it is estimated that the wallet will have to make a heroic sacrifice, and I will only be able to eat and drink in the future.

"It's really early for you to come."

Shikamaru's voice sounded, and Naruto was about to get up, but the next moment.

"The boss has the old rules, first serve twenty barbecues, and then ten bottles of sake!"

The shouts fell, and Naruto in the private room was dizzy and almost fell down.

Little Kyuubi-sama is here too?

Shikamaru, who was supporting Naruto, was a little embarrassed. In order to prove that he didn't bring people here to eat and drink, he could only explain: "Master Kyuubi's registration file is a ninja beast, so I used it as my ninja beast before." The beast has been reported."

"The record has just passed the review after the exam today. In order to prevent this little Nine-tailed lord from knowing afterwards that we don't call it a dinner, so..."

After the words fell, Naruto who had already sat down was stunned.

In the next second, the previous pain in the flesh has disappeared, and the rest is joy.

"Shikamaru, I knew you had the best brains! Good job!"

Sasuke on the side was also stunned.

Kyuubi followed Shikamaru into the arena as a Ninja Beast, wouldn't it be no problem to walk sideways?

Even if Sahiro's Jinchuriki is perfect, with only one tail per tail, how can he be the opponent of Master Kyuubi?


Always feel that there is a problem.

Raising his head, Sasuke and Shikamaru's eyes collided.

Shikamaru smiled helplessly, although he wanted to understand something, but there was nothing he could do at this point.


A soft sound interrupted Sasuke and Shikamaru's train of thought.

Little Kyuubi landed on the table, stretched out the table and patted Naruto on the shoulder: "Sure enough, you, the yellow-haired brat, are more reliable than your Hokage's father."

"Don't worry! Those who invite me to eat barbecue and drink are all brothers. I will definitely not let my brothers do business at a loss!"

Naruto was about to thank him, but Kyuubi, who couldn't hold back inside his body, ran out.

Six beards popped out, and Nine Tails slapped the little Nine Tails' paws off: "That means I can't come out, or else it's your business?"

Xiao Jiuwei waved his paw: "I don't care about foxes who have nothing to do."

"What are you so proud of, bastard? Believe it or not, I'll come out and beat you to death?"

"You didn't make it up."

"My uncle wants to eat you!"

"You didn't make it up."


After some dialogue, Kyuubi was directly broken by his half body.

Returning to the sealed land, Nine Tails was depressed.

Looking at Naruto in front of him, the first sentence is to compile.

In desperation, Naruto could only promise: "When I become the sixth generation, I will definitely arrange the highest establishment for the fox boss."

"Boss Fox, bear with me for a while, when I become Hokage, I will arrange the lowest gear for that guy!"


After finally appeasing Kyuubi, Naruto breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, the other three classes also came, and after being seated, the five classes of the new generation also started to have dinner together.

"If it weren't for Aunt Jiuxinna, I wouldn't have come here. Since graduation, you have the loudest name in class seven, and I can hear you every day."

Xianglin said and looked at Naruto: "Our Eighth Squad's capabilities are basically in reconnaissance. Although the combat power is a little bit, it can't compare with those monsters targeting you."

Shikamaru, who was sitting next to Naruto, nodded and said directly: "I have considered this point. The main task of the eighth class will be investigation, so please rest assured."

As he said that, Shikamaru looked at the three of Neji and said, "Because they are not in the same period, please introduce what the three are good at."

Neji thought for a while and replied: "I am from the Hyuga clan, Xiao Li only knows physical skills, and is good at ninja tools every day."

Neji looked at Sasuke while talking: "We will not help those people because of Hinata-sama and fellow villagers, but we will do our best in the third exam, I hope you can understand."

After the words fell, Qugen from Class Nine also said: "The Four Great Ninja Villages jointly want to besiege, we naturally have to help our friends, but we will not give up the third exam after that, either."

Sai smiled and looked at everyone: "Actually, compared to other ninjas in Ninja Village, I want to see if you can bear the title of strongest."

"But that person was right. As a friend, you must help, so I agreed."

that person?

The green on the forehead of Qugen exploded, so he was ignored again? The strongest characteristic of the oil girl clan...

Sakura, who was sitting next to Sasuke, also put away her nympho at this time, and after a glance with Ino, both of them looked at Hinata.

"Actually, I have always envied you, Hinata. There must be some jealousy, but there is also pure envy for my friends."

"Although we have always been good friends, we will also go all out for the third exam."

"So the strongest Class 7...don't be defeated by us so easily!"



As soon as the two girls finished speaking, Xiao Li stepped on the table.

"A youth full of love and friendship, of course we must go all out to pursue it!"

"For the sake of love, I will definitely prove myself in the third exam. I will prove that even if I am the bottom of the crane, I can also become a genius through hard work!"

"This is my way of ninja, and it is also the youth I have been sticking to."

While the declaration was being made, the table split open the next moment.


Unable to bear the weight on Xiao Li's calf, the dining table was scrapped directly.


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