Naruto: Intelligence from Uchiha

Chapter 335 Obito with Sudden Change in Painting Style

Konoha, Yile Ramen.

Sasuke gently touched Hinata's arm with his arm, and a kaleidoscope of hexagrams appeared in his eye sockets.

After nearly a year of cooperation, Hinata was stunned for a moment, but then rolled her eyes.

"It's impolite to just stare at someone like Baiyan, let alone a girl."

Obito said, but looked at Sasuke: "Kanleidoscope Sharingan, the kid from Uchiha's family is really rude now. I think I was happy to help others every day."

"who are you?"

Hinata who opened her eyes stretched out her hand and pointed at Obito: "Why can't I see you in my eyes?"

can not see?

Sasuke and Naruto were stunned.

Naruto looked at Sasuke: "The boss didn't notice the malice, did you get Sasuke wrong?"

Sasuke replied: "No malice does not mean that the other party is not suspicious. We have never seen a person with that kind of hand speed, and he is not wearing any forehead protection."

Hinata's eye sockets on the side were bursting with green: "My eyes didn't see any meridians or chakras in his direction, just like a cloud of air. No, wherever I see, there doesn't exist!"

"What... what do you mean?" Naruto was a little confused.

At this time, Obito raised his hand in a gesture of surrender.

"Ah la la... I'm going to die, I'm going to die, what should I do if I'm found out?"

As soon as this remark came out, a Kunai was thrown out instantly with lightning flashing.


Kunai with thunder attribute chakra directly penetrated Obito and the wooden boards of the ramen restaurant behind him, all of which sank into the ground.


Taking a breath, Obito was terrified: "I almost died! Is the kid in the Uchiha family already this scary? So scared, so scared... run."


As soon as the voice fell, Obito's figure rushed out at a high speed.

The three little ghosts looked at each other and rushed out at the same time.

"Three bowls of miso ramen are ready..."

? ? ?

I looked at the empty seat with my hand, and my eyes twitched suddenly: "Naruto!! You haven't paid yet!!"


In front of the Memorial Monument.

Obito's bamboo hat, who had just arrived here, originally looked terrified, but when he saw Kakashi, his expression changed instantly.

"Yo? Isn't this our copy ninja Kakashi?"

A disdainful voice sounded, and Obito went straight to Lin's comfort monument, stretched out his hand, picked up the chrysanthemum and threw it into a different space.

"Using the power of the entrusted guardian to end the entrusted guardian with his own hands, and then come to pay homage every day, a guy like you is really disgusting..."

Kakashi looked at Obito, and the wind blew by, and half of his ferocious face came into view.

After a long silence, Kakashi finally did not refute.

At that time, I gave myself Sharingan as a gift to be promoted to Jonin, and asked myself to use this power to protect Lin, which I really failed to do.

"Yo? Cowardly Kakashi is speechless? →_→"

Kakashi let out a breath, and when he was about to say something, several cold lights shot from not far away.

"Ahh! I'm going to die, I'm going to die!"

Obito heaved a sigh of relief after twisting his body left and right to avoid Kunai.

"I just came out to eat noodles. Can you three brats stop mobilizing the crowd like this? After all, a few days ago, I promised the fourth generation of Hokage that you would not be discovered."

"Master Hokage knows you?"

It was only after Sasuke landed that he found Kakashi, followed by Hinata, who stretched out his hand and faced it.

Naruto who arrived last, at this moment the red chakra coat also began to attach to the whole body.



The huge impact swept across in an instant, and Obito focused his eyes, and directly opened his hands to block Lin's comfort monument.


Amidst the roar, Obito kicked his feet on the ground, and the branches took root from his lower legs to the ground, resisting the huge oncoming repulsion.

After the dust settled, Obito's upper body was already covered with tiny wounds, and a section of his chest even collapsed directly.


A mouthful of blood spurted out, and Obito fell to the ground.

Naruto, who was wearing the Nine-Tails Chakra Coat, jumped up and held Obito directly: "Look at how you are still running!"


Sasuke pushed Naruto away: "We made a mistake, he is not a spy who sneaked into Konoha!"


At this time Kakashi rushed over, and when he was about to pick up Obito and go to the hospital, Obito avoided him directly.

"Get your dirty hands off."

Obito, who turned over, had recovered his chest and looked at the three little ghosts caressing his chest: "I almost died... Are Konoha's ninjas already so terrifying? They are all monsters!"

Seeing that this guy was fine, Sasuke also breathed a sigh of relief.

Naruto also rolled his eyes: "Can you stop pretending? You can be fine with one blow from Hinata, are you the monster?"

Naruto looked at Kakashi while talking: "This guy is sneaky, isn't he a spy who sneaked into the village?"

At this time, Hinata had already closed the pupil technique, and bowed to Obito ninety degrees apologetically: "I'm really sorry, we may have misunderstood."

Kakashi rolled the dead fish's eyes: "Seventh class...Let's not talk about whether the other party is a spy, you know that if the memorial tablet is destroyed, Yun and Minato-sensei will probably hang you up and beat you."

Speaking of which, Kakashi turned to look at Obito: "If you have any other thoughts, I advise you to give up. The moment you make a move, Yun also has a reason to do it to you."

Obito rolled his eyes back: "Why are you still such a stinky fart, Kakashi? I will give him a chance to deal with me for that bad character?"

After sighing, Kakashi turned to leave.

But the next moment, Obito grabbed his back collar, staggered a bit, and Kakashi turned around: "What else is there?"


Obito was a little hesitant: "Can you lend me some money? These days, I feel sick from eating ramen, and I forgot to bring money when I came out."

Kakashi chuckled: "Huh? It's really the same reason as before, but why should I lend you money?"

Obito was upset, he reached out and touched Kakashi's forehead covering his eyes.

"After using it for so many years, why don't you pay me some rent?"

This made Kakashi immediately want to pluck his eyes and throw them over, but he calmed down after thinking for a while.

Apart from Yun, this eye is the only source of ability to restrain Obito.

"for you."

Taking out a wad of money and handing it to Obito, Kakashi turned around and was about to leave, but stopped after thinking about it: "Your house is so ugly, I will send a friend over to help this afternoon."

After the voice fell, Kakashi disappeared in place in an instant.


"You three little devils are going to sneak away like this? Except for the girl who apologized, what about the two of you?"


Squad 7, who was about to sneak away with Hinata, was discovered on the spot. After Naruto and Sasuke bowed and apologized ninety degrees, Obito asked them to start cleaning the memorial monument.

The three little devils who had been busy for more than an hour and hadn't eaten any ramen almost collapsed from hunger.

As for the soil...

Someone has taken care of the house. It must be a sunbathing nap at this time.

Someone is going to walk the road of peace, and I just need to guard Lin, wait for peace to really come, and find a way to bring Lin to a peaceful world.

"Uncle... what's your name? Why haven't we seen you before?"

"Konoha's newly recruited gravekeeper, if you have a can call me A Fei."

"A Fei? How come there is such a strange name?"

"Little Nine-Tails, if you don't want me to complain to your mother, hurry up and work. Your mother and I are very familiar!"

"What are you looking at? Uchiha Sasuke, right? I also know your mother Uchiha Mikoto, hurry up!"

"The two men are not as diligent as the girl. It's a shame."


Two hours later, the seventh shift returned to the ramen restaurant and began to gobble up.

After eating, Sasuke was a little absent-minded.

Although it is not very clear, at that time, because I was worried that Hinata's attack would not be able to withstand the opponent. seems to really feel the pupil power of Sharingan.

Is that so-called A Fei... the Uchiha clan?

"So you are here?"

Yun, who raised the curtain, looked at the three of them, and immediately handed over the application form for the Chunin Exam.

"I have already recommended you to take the Chunin Exam, but based on the principle of voluntary participation, you still need to fill out the application form."

"Of course, if you don't want to participate, don't fill it in, and you can continue to do ninja weeding and exterminating wild boars every day."

Hearing that Naruto and Sasuke quickly took the application form, borrowed a pen from Uncle Handa, and quickly filled it out.

"Who would want to continue to endure in the present, either picking up trash or weeding and catching cats."

Naruto said doubtfully: "It seems that there is no task of catching cats recently. Has the fat woman in the Daming Mansion lost her cats?"

Yun casually replied: "You mean the task of catching cats? No more, the cat eats three meals a day so well that it has already been slaughtered by the Xiao organization together with its owner."

? ? ?

These words made the three little ghosts stunned.


Although I don't like that fat woman very much, but I still have some inexplicable feelings when I suddenly hear that she is dead.

Glancing at the three of them, Yun said in a deep voice: "You think... spend a lot of money to post missions in Konoha several times a month, just to find her cat. How did she get the money?"

These words made the three of them recall the scene of the Daming Mansion in the Tang Dynasty again, and then they lost their voices.

"The cats caught are different each time. Do you think the cats lost are different each time? Or is it that the cats before are all dead?"

"After all, such a good life, I am afraid that only when its life is threatened, it will try to escape every time..."

After the words fell, Hinata shuddered for a while.

Some thoughtful and horrifying remarks planted seeds in the hearts of the three little ghosts, and it took a long time for the three to come back to their senses.

"Brother Yun, has a new gravekeeper named A Fei been recruited at the comfort monument?"

Naruto asked and looked at Hinata: "That guy is quite powerful, he can even completely follow Hinata's blow."


Yun smiled and replied casually: "There is indeed one, but it's not very powerful. You can kill him casually."

Sasuke on the side hesitated to speak: "Is he... also from the Uchiha clan?"

Yun thought for a while and nodded, "That's right, but because he made a mistake, he is not allowed to live in the Hui nationality."

Sasuke froze.

did wrong? Such a powerful combat force, what mistake did it make that even the Hui people are not allowed?

He wanted to ask again, but was bounced back by Yun with two fingers.

"The secrets of the village, if you don't reach the high level, you can inquire about them at will. You are just mere ninjas."

Speaking of this, Yun put away the three completed application forms: "By the way, let me tell you, this Chunin exam, I will seal Naruto's Kyuubi, Sasuke's Kaleidoscope, and Hinata's hair during the whole process. strength……"


The three little ones were dumbfounded.

Originally, he was going to surprise everyone with his skills, but he was sealed before he started as a force to rely on.

"The meaning of the kaleidoscope seal... Sangouyu's Sharingan can still be used, right?"

"We are your disciples, Brother Yun... If we can't beat the whole audience to the end, won't we embarrass you, Teacher?"

"Teacher Yun..."

Of the three brats, only Hinata didn't resist too much, it was just an exam, and she herself was afraid that a slap would kill a lot of people.


Yun looked at the three of them: "If you don't accept it, you won't be able to take the Chunin exam, so you want to be a Chunin for the rest of your life?"

Naruto immediately stood up and protested, "Why?"

Yun slapped him and pushed him back.

"Don't get so close, if you don't do this, others won't take the Chunin exam, so why are you three taking the Chunin exam?"

"Also, you have nothing to do except the power of being sealed? The chakra of the Uzumaki clan can create a thousand shadow clones, and the writing sharing eyes of Sangouyu are enough to compare with the special ninja..."

"Hinata's supercilious reconnaissance, Naruto's shadow clone probing, Wind Dun and Fire Dun's combination attack, Sasuke's chidori rush..."

Naruto spread his hands and looked frustrated: "But...but this is not cool! This is completely different from the Chunin exam I imagined!"

Yun laughed and said, "What do you imagine?"

Naruto stepped on the seat immediately: "Sasuke's black flames burned the entire examination room, everyone ran around amid the wild laughter of the fox boss, and then Hinata stretched out his hand, and the violent gravity attracted all opponents, and then..."

"Then you go down with the tailed beast jade, and Minato and I come to the emergency rescue to block it? Announce that the strength of the seventh class is so handsome that all of them will be directly promoted to Jonin?"

Yun said with a sneer and looked at Naruto: "How about letting your father abdicate directly, and then I will also give you the position of Fifth Hokage?"

Naruto, enjoying with his eyes closed, nodded again and again: "Of course it would be the best! I will be Hokage, Shikamaru will be the military advisor, and Sasuke will be the leader of the dark army!"

"I still want to marry Hinata and defeat my uncle!"

"Destroy the Xiao organization, capture the whirlpool alive, and let him pick up trash and weed every day! Hahaha...uh!"

Naruto's laughter, which opened his eyes, was pierced back by Yun's gaze, and he almost choked.


(Try Riwan again tomorrow night. I persisted for three days last week. It was too overwhelming for me...)

(I'm so sorry!)

(In addition, it seems that there is a function for readers to correct typos. I beg you to check and make up for the omissions.)

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