Under the blue eyes, Obito could perceive the huge pupil power contained in them.

Those who can form a confrontation with Uchiha Yun have no opponents in this ninja world except opponents.

I can't escape...

In the end... still failed to change this deformed world?

It seems that because he already knew his result, Obito's originally tense expression relaxed for a while.

Sitting casually on the cube, Obito looked at Uzumaki and said, "A guy like you, who has reached this level, still has hope for this world... Hehe!"

"In order to fight against you, the five major ninja villages formed a ninja coalition. But believe it or not? When you are completely killed by Uchiha Yun, and then Uchiha Yun dies of old age, or both of you die together, this world will be what it should be!"

"The five great powers are constantly competing for resources. When the war broke out, everyone was involved. Killing and hatred filled the whole world again..."

"After that, the war ended, and the Five Great Ninja Villages began to maintain stability and seek peace, but their purpose was just that they needed time to lick their wounds."

"It goes on and on...the pain fills everyone's heart and there's no end to it."

Having said that, there seemed to be hope in Obito's eyes again.

I saw him lift his mask and stare directly at the whirlpool: "Only the infinite moon reading, only this technique left by the Sage of the Six Paths, can restore this deformed world to normal, and can bring permanent peace to everyone. "

"Uzumaki Sora! Once the Uzumaki family was also destroyed by Kirigakure in the chaos of war. As an ally for generations, Konoha refused to save the country of Uzumaki. Don't you feel pain?"

"And in the world of Unlimited Tsukiyomi, the country of the vortex can reappear, and you can truly become a god! The god who rules everything!"

Obito Uchiha, who has gradually become fanatical, has already stood up, and at this moment, he is dancing and telling Uzumaki the benefits of Infinity Tsukiyomi.

In his opinion, the only way to peace is infinite monthly reading.

From the moment Lin died, he was completely disappointed in this world.

And Uzumaki Sora didn't stop him, he waited until the end of his speech before smiling and sighing.

"Are you finished?"

Whirlpool smiled: "As someone who understands all the secrets of this world, sometimes I think you are very pathetic."

After the voice fell, Kong's figure disappeared instantly, and then appeared beside him in an instant.

"Thirteen years ago, if the Fourth Hokage and Kushina had died because of you, then perhaps we would not have met today."

Thirteen years ago?

Obito was stunned.

He didn't care about Kong who suddenly appeared beside him, because if the other party wanted to kill him, there was no need to say so much.

And thirteen years ago, it was the time when his information was traded to Teacher Minato by Uzumaki Sora.

"What do you want to say?"

Kong replied: "Lin's death left you with only despair in this world, even Kushina, who used to take care of you so well, would still not hesitate."

"These... are all because you know that in the world of Infinite Monthly Reading, everything will exist and live well."

"Even if those are just a large illusion."

Uzumaki Sora said and looked at Obito: "But what you don't know is... Infinity Moon Reading is not so beautiful. Its real function is not only to make human beings drunk in the illusion, but also to transform all the magicians after a period of time. In vain."

After the words fell, Obito's pupils dilated instantly.


How can it be?

"Bai Jue is an accidental product of the golem of the heretics combined with the cells between the columns. You are wrong!"


Smiling lightly, Sora replied: "This point itself is what Uchiha Madara told Uchiha, and of course it is the answer that best fits his guess, after all, he is too proud."


Is there a problem with Black Jue?

The kaleidoscope in Obito's eye sockets rotates slowly, he is well aware of the power of Uzumaki's information, and many secrets in this world cannot escape his eyes.

But... Could it be that everything I have known all this time is false?

"Heijue is the incarnation of Madara's will, it..."

Before he could finish speaking, he was stopped back by the raised hand of Uzumaki.

"The incarnation of will? This is also Heijue's answer to Madara. After all, there is nothing more reliable than one's own will. It's just that it's not the case..."

"According to the source of blood, Heijue is actually the ancestor of Uchiha. Its real existence has been thousands of years."

"You and Madara are nothing but pawns for him to save his mother."

Speaking of this, Uzumaki Sora said to Obito in a funny way: "Do you think it's funny? Heijue regards Madara as a chess piece. Madara is like this to you, and you are likewise to Nagato."

"It's like nesting dolls, one layer after another. Until the end, you don't even know what the consequences of your goals will be."

Obito, who was in shock, was silent for a long time.

Finally raised his head and asked, "What exactly do you want to say? If you want to kill me, these words will not make any sense to me."

Whirlpool shook his head slightly: "You are a human being, and from the standpoint of a human being, you are just being deceived. And what information do I want to tell you, which may change your perception?"

"Unlimited monthly reading will only kill all human beings and transform them into humanoid weapons of war like Bai Jue. The Bai Jue you see now, and the hundreds of thousands of Bai Jue who are waiting underground are all human beings thousands of years ago. transformed."

"If Unlimited Tsukiyomi can really bring peace to the world, then why did the Sage of the Six Paths who had the eyes of reincarnation and the power of the Ten-Tails Jinchurk leave a stone monument instead of doing it himself?"

After the words fell, Obito froze.


All the information about Unlimited Tsukiyomi comes from the stone tablet under the Uchiha Nanga Shrine.

Even Uchiha Madara's reincarnation eye was inspired by that stone tablet.

The real way to bring peace to the world is also that stele.

Ten-tailed Jinchuriki, using the moon as a medium to launch the infinite moon reading that can make the whole world fall into illusion...

All of this, the legendary Sage of the Six Paths in the records can easily do it, so why didn't he do it himself?

"That stele...is it fake?"

Whirlpool smiled: "For thousands of years, only the Kaleidoscope Sharingan can translate part of the content of the stele. Who do you think will be able to tamper with it?"

Obitu paused: "I don't know. As far as I know, even the Sages of the Six Paths have not lived in this world forever. Thousands of years..."


Heijue in memory, from the third ninja war to now, has not changed at all...

But it's not human, it's just a monster like Bai Jue, how could it be...

Uzumaki Sora continued: "Under the blessing of mankind, the Goddess of Mao gave birth to her sons, the eldest son Otsutsuki Yuromo, and the second son Otsutsuki Yumura."

"Among them, Yuyi later founded the Ninja sect, which was recorded in the legend by later generations, and was called the Sage of the Six Paths."

"And Otsutsuki Yumura is the ancestor of the Hyuga clan, and the power of Baiyan also comes from this."

Obito asked directly: "Who is Heijue?"

Uzumaki waved his hand: "Don't be so impatient, you know that I usually don't want to tell stories to anyone. Let me tell you first, Kurois is the younger brother of Hagoromo and Hamura, and the third son of the goddess Otsutsuki Kaguya."

"Or it can be said... that it is the incarnation of Otsuki Kaguya's will."

? ? ?

Another incarnation of will?

The corners of Obito's eyes twitched.

If Uzumaki didn't say anything nonsense, Hei Jue, who was his descendant for hundreds of generations, also said the same.

The incarnation of Uchiha Madara's will has actually been fooling him all the time.


Waiting for Uzumaki Sora's next story, but after a long time, no sound was heard.

Obito looked up at Sora.

"Forget it, it's useless to tell you too much at your level."

In a word, Obito was directly beaten to pieces.

What is your degree?

With the cells between the pillars and the three kaleidoscope Sharingan, even if it is the shadow of the five great ninja villages, few of them can defeat themselves, okay?

"You just need to know..."

After thinking about it, he continued: "To save his mother, Heijue tampered with the stele, lied to Uchiha Madara and you, it's as simple as that."

"In addition, all human beings who have mastered the art under the Infinite Moon Reading will be transformed into Baijue. At that time, the Infinite Moon Reading will be over, and the false Nohara Lin will also be over."

? ? ?

Obito, who was blocked again, took two deep breaths: "Tell me this... What is your purpose?"


Whirlpool smiled strangely: "Actually, there is no purpose. It may be because it is a bit boring, or it may be because of personal bad taste and want to see certain scenes."

"If Heijue still had a chance more than three years ago, he has no chance now. You two... For me, as long as I see it, I can kill it at will."

After the words fell, Uzumaki stood up and patted the non-existent dust.

"Then tell me your answer, join Akatsuki again, or just die in this different space?"

"Don't worry, maybe one day Kakashi comes in on a whim to take a look, and he will still collect the corpse of your old friend and bury it."


With a gloomy face, Obito replied, "Do I have a choice?"

Uzumaki Sora nodded seriously: "If you have a choice, you don't have to follow me to join Akatsuki. You can also choose to go back to Konoha and be a positive Uchiha Obito."


"What's the meaning?"

For a while, Obito was a little confused again, he received too much information today.

What has always been steadfast is false. It's just a poor guy who was cheated. The fate of the chess piece has been arranged by those two bastards long ago. If it wasn't for the information of Uzumaki...

"You can choose to go to Uchiha Yun, he is my body."


As soon as this sentence appeared, Obito Uchiha almost suffered a cardiac arrest.


How can it be?

The two beings who have been standing at the pinnacle of the ninja world for a long time, could they be the same person?

Wouldn't the Battle of the Sea of ​​End that shocked the entire ninja world be a big joke?

Fight yourself?

"Don't be so surprised."

Whirlpool Kong's voice sounded: "It's not just you who think this world is deformed, and you're not the only one who wants to bring real peace to this world."

"I know a lot of secrets in this world, so I can naturally think of a way to bring this world back on track."

The corners of Obito's eyes twitched slightly: "So you are going to fight with yourself every day? Uzumaki Sora's immortal body will always be like a sharp knife hanging above the head of the five great ninja villages."

"Uchiha Yun is the savior of the entire ninja world, accepting everyone's worship?"

"It's just...it's just perfect!"

Under the sight of Uzumaki Sora, Obito had to hold back the words he was going to say.

Although there are indeed some old six, everything is for the ultimate peace, and there are preparations for the arrival of unknown enemies.

Obito Uchiha lay flat on a cube in a different space, and his mind was in a mess at this time.

Unlimited monthly reading will only destroy the world, Heijue lied to Uchiha Madara and also to himself...

Uchiha Yun and Uzumaki Sora turned out to be the same person, one is the leader of the enemy Xiao organization in the entire ninja world, and the other is Uchiha Yun who actually leads the alliance of the five major ninja villages...

Why do I feel more and more stupid after all the information is collected?


There is also Uchiha Madara, that bad old man is really stupid. At least I know the whole truth now, and Uchiha Madara is still dreaming of resurrecting and launching infinite monthly reading.

right! It is enough that I am not the stupidest one.

Turning over and sitting up, Obito looked at Uzumaki Sora: "Can your plan bring real peace to this world?"

"With you and Uchiha Yun here, I believe that the Five Great Ninja Villages dare not start a war. But one day you will grow old, just like Senjujuma and Uchiha Madara."

"After the death of the first generation of Hokage, a new round of war began soon. And the interval between the first ninja war and the third one was very short. For a small country like the Land of Rain, there is not even time to take a breath. Not enough."

Whirlpool replied with a smile: "Don't put me and my body at the same level as those two people, life levels are already different. And even if it is longevity, it is not a difficult thing for me."

"Also... What do you think is the reason for the outbreak of war? When the desert in the Land of Winds becomes an oasis, both commoners and nobles can eat and clothe themselves, and ninja becomes just a profession..."

"Do you think war will break out?"

"The Whirlpool is a sharp blade that hangs above everyone's head. After everyone's hatred is gathered, this sharp blade will eventually be removed."

"Fear will not bring peace, it will only lead to endless resistance, so there will be the existence of Uchiha Yun Positive."

After the words fell, Obito fell into deep thought.

With his vision and insight, there are many things he can't understand in what he just said.

Because it's too brief, and because it's short-sighted...

The desert becomes an oasis, and if the common people have food and drink, there will be no more wars?

Ninja became a common occupation?

These words are like gibberish, but they were spoken by Uzumaki.


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