"We have no way to change the decision of the village's senior management."

Speaking of this, the ninja of Kirigakure sighed: "In any case, under the new policies of the fifth generation and Yuanshi, the village of blood mist has become a thing of the past, which is good."


After a chuckle, the already dissatisfied companion said in a deep voice: "Re-accept the rebel who once betrayed the village and assassinate Ying, and bowed his head to a rebel, Kirigakure no longer has any face."

After the words fell, his companion frowned, hesitated to speak, and after thinking for a while, he still said: "There... there is another reason."

Another reason?

Just about to ask something, but a figure lifted the curtain at this moment and walked in.

"Another reason... is this for Loquat Juzo? Because Akatsuki's information is very important, just the first time it was passed on, the matter of the Fourth Mizukage being controlled surfaced, so the senior management of Kirigakure I attach great importance to the information of Loquat Ten Zang here..."

The voice in the ears stopped, but the two drinking in the private room found that they couldn't move anyway, as if their bodies were imprisoned.


As soon as the thoughts in his mind flashed, the cold touch on his neck rushed straight to his brain.

The coming of death brought the two back to reality.


They wanted to say something, but the two whose trachea had been cut could not say anything, the air and blood prevented them from speaking.

"A good start, two people at a time, not bad."

"Bang bang."

As soon as the voice fell, the two people in the private room fell directly on their seats.

Whirlpool Kong reached out and took out two scrolls, then put away the two corpses and threw them to Xiao Nan behind him.

Xiao Nan took the scroll and put it away, looked at the whirlpool and asked, "Loquat Shizang...do you have any questions?"

Uzumaki shook his head slightly: "As the Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the previous generation, there is no doubt about their feelings for Wuying Village, although they may each have some ambitions."

"Even though Loquat Juzo looks...ugly. But the information he passed on to Kirigakure is also within the scope of my permission."

Whirlpool looked towards a direction outside the curtain while talking: "If you can detect us, you should come out and say hello? Otherwise, I'm afraid I'll kill you instantly, are you right?"

These words made Xiao Nan frowned, and the fluttering butterflies in the air began to search around, but in the end they found nothing.

Whirlpool smiled: "The guy who is proficient in the technique of fog concealment and silent killing, you can't find it if you want to hide and don't attack."

After the words fell, in the mist outside the izakaya, the two figures turned around and looked here.

"I just wanted to leave, but I was discovered by you without any killing intent. Uzumaki Sora, the new ninja duo."

Buzhan re-entered the shop, and the fog slowly dissipated.

But at the izakaya at this moment, everyone seemed to be asleep, and there was no sound.

Xiao Nan looked at the two people who came in: "The ghost who once assassinated Mizukage will not be killed, although he is not on the list, are you going to kill him?"

Whirlpool waved his hands and said, "Don't be so murderous... Some people's purpose in life is just to live well, and they are willing to abide by some rules."

"Even if such a ninja has power, there are not many of them... especially he is a traitor."

Speaking of the whirlpool, Kong walked over to Zai Bu Zhan, and in just three steps, a figure stopped in front of Kong.

"I know you. You are called one of the strongest ninjas by the entire ninja. If you want to kill Mr. Zabuzhan, please destroy me as a tool first!"

Kong frowned slightly: "Do you think I can't kill you? Or do you think I can let you go if you don't fight back?"

As he said that, he threw out a handle of kunai in Kong's hand, pointing directly at his heart.


Kunai pierced, but passed by his heart, without hurting his internal organs.

During this attack, Bai did not take any evasive actions.

Blood slipped from his chest, but Bai didn't take a step back, still blocking the front of the whirlpool.

"Facing the power of Your Excellency, it doesn't make any sense whether to take action. But as a tool, you can't die after Mr. Zabu Slash!"

Bai stared directly at the empty kaleidoscope, without any thoughts of fear of being caught in an illusion, only a desperate belief.

And at this time, Zai Buzhan who was behind him slowly stepped forward, brushed past Bai Hou and said, "Your role has already been played."

Saying no more, he also looked at Kong: "You didn't mean to kill me, did you? Then... my existence is still valuable to you, although I don't know what this value is."

Kong looked at the two men in front of him. Although one of them was very handsome, they were indeed two men.

In the plot of the land of waves in memory, Bai's death belongs to most people's uneasiness, but this kind of uneasiness seems to be more or less out of touch in reality.

"I'm thinking about what to do with you."

Kong frowned: "There are many people who need to be killed in Kirigakure this time, and the existence of the martial arts faction will affect the progress of my next plan. So... it will take a long time."

"And as a former ghost, you have a deep bond with this village. You once planned to assassinate the fourth generation of Mizukage because you were dissatisfied with the policy of the Blood Mist Village. You should like the current Wuyin Village very much. "

Kong was a little hesitant as he spoke: "People who have experienced darkness actually yearn for light in their hearts. It is precisely because of this that your life may be useful."

"So... shall we kill you?"

With the last sentence out of his mouth, even Zabuzhan, who is called a ghost, became nervous.

The right hand moved slightly, but in the end it still didn't rest on the handle of the long knife.

During the few years as a rebel, the money exchange place was also a place he often visited. He knew about the battle in the Sea of ​​End, and he had visited such a miraculous battlefield before.

It can only be said... like a god!

And facing such an enemy, he has no chance of winning.

After a while, he didn't cut again and said: "With such terrifying power, if the target is these characters, you shouldn't use assassination methods, right?"

"Furthermore, there should be no one who can stop you in Wuyin Village, which has led the blood mist for many years. Then... your purpose is not to destroy Wuyin, right?"

Uzumaki thought for a while and then nodded slightly: "You guessed right, but your appearance may force me to severely damage Kirigakure Village. As a Kirigakure ninja who grew up at that time, you should be able to understand."

No matter how hard he looked, for a while, he couldn't guess what the other party's purpose was.

But on the other hand, he understands that once the assassination fails, the opponent can only start the massacre of Kirigakure openly.

There is no doubt that the opponent has such power.

Swallowing, Zabu Zhan bowed slightly and said: "I will pretend that I have never been here today until all your goals are completed."

After finishing speaking, Buzhan and Bai both looked at Uzumaki nervously, waiting for his decision.

After a long time, Sora sighed.

Then he looked at Bai and said, "Ask a question for the many unwilling guys."

Bai nodded somewhat cautiously: "You...Your Excellency...My lord, please ask me."

After thinking about it for a while, I asked, "Are you a man or a woman?"


For a moment, the other three were stunned.

"I am male."

After getting the answer, Sora nodded, and then beckoned for Xiaonan to follow. After passing by, the two left the izakaya, heading towards the next nearest target.

The two in the izakaya breathed a sigh of relief when the two left completely.

After calming down his tense mind, he looked around at the sleeping people all around, and then left here with Bai Ye.

"Mr. No Kill, shall we report this to the village?"

"If you report... Maybe Kirigakure will no longer exist, and the best result will be heavy casualties."

"That person has already warned us, and his target is the Fighting Faction. It may be another benefit for those guys to be killed."


On the street, Xiao Nan behind him looked at the back in front of him.

If the red hair is replaced by orange...

For a moment, Yahiko's back flickered past, causing Xiao Nan to lose his mind for a moment.

"Sneaking into a place like the Five Great Ninja Village dares to be dazed. The state just now is not the emotion that a sneaking assassin should have."

Whirlpool's words restored Xiaonan's focus, but there seemed to be something different in his eyes.

The two walked down the street again.

After a while, Xiaonan asked: "If the peace of the whole world is finally achieved by us, what will you want to do?"

The sudden question made Kong stop, turned around and looked at Xiaonan: "In your case, you probably want to go back to that cabin? I heard that it is already in ruins. Build a new one?"

"Compared to Nagato, in your heart, the happiest time should be those two years..."

"I was caught by Sansho Fish Hanzo and used to threaten Yahiko to commit suicide. Now that the situation has developed, most of your heart is filled with guilt for the other two companions, right?"

"Otherwise, Nagato's middle school character, who can carry out his will? He is a god all day long. I think he must be crazy before."

One sentence made Xiao Nan's face darken.

Some things were completely destroyed at this moment.

"Huh... let's go."

Uzumaki nodded, and followed the butterfly above again.

And Xiaonan also restrained his memories, and began to focus on the information passed by Origami.


A day later, night fell.

After a day, Whirlpool Kong and Xiao Nan had already killed most of the targets on the list.

There are only a few ninjas who are not on missions in the village.

In the Water Shadow Building, Master Yuan opened his eyes unprecedentedly as he looked at the reports in front of him.

After a while, Master Yuan put down the document in his hand.

"Anbu, Ninja Chasing Troops, Jōnin, a small number of Chunin...these people all disappeared within a day, and there were bloodstains where they finally appeared."

"Among them...even the ninjas of Anbu, there are no traces of struggle. In this case, the other party's purpose is somewhat unclear."

Quan Bingwei behind him said: "These can only prove that the enemy's strength is very strong, but they are not as difficult as directly forcing them in."

Bi shook her head slightly: "I don't want to make too much noise, it's possible."

Ignoring the analysis of the two guards behind him, Master Yuan put down the document and closed his eyes slightly.

Those who disappeared were all the radical ninjas in the village, and many of them were even very dissatisfied with the Five Kages meeting just held.

It is also very resistant to the formation of a joint search force.

Then...the other party may be someone from the other four major ninja villages, and the purpose is to promote the alliance.


Just thinking of this, Master Yuan looked up at the door of the conference room.

"It's quite unexpected that an existence like you can think of knocking on the door."

Uzumaki, who was about to knock on the door, smiled, then pushed open the door and walked in.

"To be able to discover me at this age is worthy of being one of the pioneers of Kirigakure."

Master Yuan looked at Whirlpool Kong with narrow eyes: "At first I guessed that it was Konoha's action, and some felt that the white eyes had gone back. Now it seems that because of the place of blood mist, Kirigakure was the first one to be targeted. .”

Whirlpool shook his head slightly: "At this time, Sha Yin's side should have just ended, and Wu Yin is not the first one."

Said whirlpool slowly walked over.

Behind Master Yuan, Bi and Quan Bingwei glanced at each other, followed by the two of them walking out instantly.


The two long knives came alternately, and they were in front of the whirlpool in an instant.

However, just as the long knife was about to fall, the two were suddenly restrained by the trees growing on the ground, unable to move.

"If you have the courage to attack me, you are enough to be praised."

Said Uzumaki shot instantly, Bi's neck was torn apart by the blow.


Blood spurted and scattered all over the place.


Quanhei roared angrily and wanted to struggle out, but it didn't make any sense.

The tree tumbled down, the chakra in his body was being absorbed, and the feeling of powerlessness invaded his brain.

Whirlpool ignored it, and went straight to sit down opposite Master Yuan.

"The trusted guard was killed, but you didn't show any anger. After many battles, you are used to death, right?"

Master Yuan raised his head slightly: "When resistance is useless, everything will be futile."

While talking, Master Yuan glanced at the blood flowing on the ground: "Bi is indeed a little aggressive sometimes, but he shouldn't be of the brainless kind. Maybe...you shouldn't kill him."

Whirlpool shook his head slightly: "As your guard, his appeal is not weak. Death is the real destination for him."

Master Yuan sighed upon hearing this.

He knew that Bi had his own identity as a guardian, so he was bound to be different from ordinary jounin.

"So... can you tell me your purpose?"

"As a dying person, after going to the Pure Land, I still want to know the future of this world."

Master Yuan looked straight at Whirlpool as he spoke, not afraid of the Sharingans in his eye sockets.


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