In the northern part of the Iron Country, in a dark underground cave.

"Come back here again, we are likely to be discovered again."

"No. Come back after being scattered, the most dangerous place is also the safest place."

"Don't forget, we who have already left Akatsuki, Uzumaki Kong is very likely to sell us."

"If he can really foresee the future, no matter where we hide, he will find us."

Hei Ze's words silenced Obito.

Indeed, if Uzumaki's intelligence capability is so powerful, he will be found wherever he hides.

After a long time, Obito glanced at Heijue: "Then what should we do now? Akatsuki is no longer under control. Nagato and Uzumaki are mixed together. We have no way to regain control of Akatsuki."

Hei Jue thought for a while and replied: "Power. Because of the existence of Whirlpool, our power is no longer enough to carry out the follow-up plan. Now...we need the power to continue the plan."

Obito chuckled when he heard the words: "You and I should be very clear. We were able to retreat safely from Uchiha Yun's hands, relying only on ability."

"Power? Uzumaki Sora possesses the power close to that of Senju Hashirama, and Uchiha Yun is already close to Uchiha Madara except for the eyes of reincarnation, and Hachimon Dunjia even surpasses Senju Hashirama."

"With such power, we don't have any chance of winning."

The voice fell, and both of them fell silent.

Obito looked at Heijue from the corner of his eye, wondering how he would break the situation as the incarnation of Madara's will.

And among them, does he have a chance to remove the spell seal on the heart.

As for Heijue...

At this moment, he knew very well that the situation was close to getting out of control, and the eyes of reincarnation were now in the eye sockets of Nagato, and the resurrection of spots with the natural technique of reincarnation had become a luxury.

Under the nose of Whirlpool Kong, he was not sure that he could control it without being discovered.


One hundred thousand Baijue was discovered by the five great ninja villages, and the next five great ninja villages will inevitably re-emphasize Akatsuki's power.

A large number of searches will inevitably occur, and it is also absolute to be equipped with white eyes to investigate the underground.

This place...even if it can be hidden for a while, it will never last long.

Heijue is a little annoyed...

For thousands of years, even when Yuyi was still alive and fooled Indra, he never thought he was so aggrieved today.


Hei Jue looked at the rock formation above his head, as if he could see the moon in the sky through the rock formation.


If you are here, what are these reptile-like human beings, the descendants of the unfilial son Yuyi?

I will definitely rescue you!

Clenching his fists, Heijue looked at Obito and said in a deep voice: "Use your ability to control the wandering tailed orc Churiki first, and then wait for the opportunity."

Obito chuckled lightly: "What opportunity are you waiting for? In this case, I don't think we have a chance. Unless your body can be resurrected and you can take back the eye of reincarnation."

Heijue thought for a while and replied: "The resurrection of the main body is absolute. Nagato's physical state, since he was burned by Hanzo's fire escape, has been maintained by the golem of the outsider."

"Once Whirlpool Kong and Payne Liudao are gone, that woman Xiaonan can't stop us."

Obito replied: "We haven't seen Nagato for a long time. We don't know how Nagato's current physical condition is in that tower."

"Whirlpool has a strange spar, which contains a lot of life energy. I saw him use this energy to restore his own chakra during the battle of the sea of ​​​​end."

Just when Hei Jue was about to say something, a clone of Bai Jue slowly rose from the ground.

"Guess what I just saw?"

Obito frowned: "If it's peeking at other people's poop, you don't need to say it. We are not in the mood to pay attention to your cold jokes now."

Bai Jue spread his hands: "Although the purpose at the beginning was indeed an analysis report on defecation, after all, I was very curious about the state of defecation in each of the five major ninja villages, so I went to Konoha to research and analyze..."

Under the long speech, the expression under Obito's mask has become darker and darker.

Finally, Heijue couldn't help but said in a deep voice: "Get to the point!"

Bai Jue's eloquence was stopped, and then he could only skip his own research report and said: "Yuyin Village has been discovered by Konoha, and the other kages have been told by the Fourth Hokage in the second meeting of the Five Kages. "

? ? ?

For a moment, Obito and Kuroji looked at each other.

The next moment, the corners of Heijue's mouth raised, revealing a touch of whiteness: "In this way, the Five Great Ninja Villages will inevitably launch operations against Yuyin Village. The Xiao organization will be in a bright state."

Obito added: "The Land of Rain has a special meaning to Nagato and Konan, after all, the dead fetter, that idiot named Yahiko, from the beginning of his will was to prevent wars from happening in the Land of Rain. "

Heijue nodded: "Nagato can't let go of the rainy country! His lair has been exposed, and he can only turn from the dark to the bright."

"And Konoha has the existence of Uchiha Yun. If they fight, we have the possibility to wait for the opportunity!"

Possibility of waiting...

Under the mask, Obito frowned.

If Uchiha Madara is resurrected, with a pair of reincarnation eyes, that power may even surpass Uchiha Yun.

In addition... the power of ten tails, the power of feathering!

At that time, once I haven't destroyed the curse seal on my heart, the final outcome can be imagined...

Thinking of this, Obito asked, "Where's Orochimaru? Did he agree to join us?"

Hei Jue shook his head slightly: "Dashewan is not someone who can submit to his subordinates, but at this stage he is useful to us, and we are also useful to him."

Obito immediately asked: "Did he give you the technique of resuscitating the dead strong man?"

"not at all."

Heijue said and looked at Obito: "The first generation of Hokage and the third generation of Raikage in your different space were all produced by him and handed over to me through the medium of spiritism."

"Oshemaru and Uzumaki's three-challenge agreement, he needs us to test the power for him and Uzumaki's growth rate."

Hearing this, Obito frowned: "In this way, the technique is not under our control, and he will want to jump out of this game at any time."

Hei Jue shook his head: "No. When he is about to try some things, he loses. But for a person like him, what I give him will definitely become his demon..."

"It's not that the technique of reincarnation can't be undone by yourself. It just so happens that, as Qianshou's only enemy, my body has corresponding measures."

After the words fell, Obito already understood what Hei Ze meant.

In the original plan, there was no hope for Nagato's natural reincarnation technique, so he could only use Baijue, who possessed the energy of the cells between the pillars, as a sacrifice, and use the technique of reincarnation of dirt to awaken Uchiha Madara's power as much as possible.

Under the mask, Obito had a gloomy face.

He is not familiar with the reincarnation of the dirty soil, what kind of requirements it has, and how to recover Madara who is close to the peak period. Except for Bai Jue, he doesn't know anything about it.

in addition……

Referring to the Mutun of the first generation of Hokage and the power of the third generation of Raikage, it seems that Xueji's ability can also be carried when he recovers.

So... the eye of reincarnation, will it also appear in the spotted eye behind the dirt?

Even if he has the ability to blur and speak his fate, he still lacks the confidence to face Madara without absorbing the ten tails to become ten tails Jinchuriki.

However, in order to become Ten Tails Jinchuriki, the curse-seal symbol in the heart must be erased first.

After a long time, Obito asked, "When will we start the plan to collect tailed beasts?"

Heijue grinned and said, "You and I don't know the information about leaving Akatsuki's Five Great Ninja Village, so put on Akatsuki's coat and let them resist the pressure."

"When the coalition forces are coercing Yuyin Village, we should take advantage of the chaos to control a few and collect them. As for the Renzhuli who were originally wandering outside, it can be a little later."

Obito replied: "Understood. But... Sanwei hasn't been resurrected yet. In terms of time, it may take another year or two."

Heijue looked at Obito: "So I reminded you at that time, if the Akatsuki organization was still under control, then there was still time. Now... Sanwei can only postpone it."


Obito smiled under the mask.

If it is postponed, then I will have a year or two to plan.


Two days later, Konoha Hokage Building.

The five shadow talks started again.

At this time, the five major ninja villages have already made a list of perceptual ninjas. As for how many of them are concealed, each has their own ideas.

After compiling the five lists, Minato handed them over to Lu Jiu.

Then he looked at the four shadows and said, "Actually, there is some bad news I need to tell you all."

Onogi looked at Minato: "Is there any new information?"

Seeing the eyes of several people looking over, Minato didn't hide anything, and directly asked Lu Jiu to distribute the translation of Genbu's mission report to the four shadows.

Then he went on to say: "The root of Konoha and Danzo, I believe that Lord Tukage and Lord Kazekage both know each other. And this is the mission report of the root that has been destroyed, which records Akatsuki's information."

At this moment, Ohnoki had just read the document in his hand, raised his head slightly and asked, "The Akatsuki who has been wiped out by Yuyin Sanjiao Hanzo is not the current Akatsuki. It's just an organization with the same name, so it's not surprising."

Luo Sha also opened his mouth and said: "Although this document records that two people escaped, the leader was killed and the members were emptied. Even if it is revived, it will not have this power."

As people who have experienced the war, the two of them knew very well about the darkness of Konoha at that time, and their purpose was to cut grass and roots.

As for Terumi Mei and Darui, they were still quietly waiting for an explanation.

Minato looked at the crowd and nodded, "Indeed. According to this information, Akatsuki at that time was indeed destroyed by the cooperation of Hanzo and Nemo."

"But before that, Konoha went to Yuyin to investigate. The final information is..."

"Samshoyu Hanzo, known as the demigod, has died. At this moment, the leader of Yuyin Village is the person in this information."

"And...he has the eyes of a sage of the six paths: reincarnation eyes!"

? ? ?

For a moment, all the people present were stunned.

After a while, Ohnogi said in a deep voice: "The eyes of the Sage of the Six Paths are known as one of the three major pupil techniques, and they are the strongest eyes of reincarnation."

"With such power, if you rely on legends, you are indeed qualified to be the leader of Akatsuki. This... is really bad news!"

Luo Sha frowned tightly: "That is to say, the former Dai Xiao who escaped the joint stranglement of Hanzo and Genbu was recreated, and still possesses the power of the Sage of the Six Paths?"

"With such a power... plus a Uzumaki that only Uchiha Yun can fight against, do we really have a chance of winning?"

Terumi Mei and Darui were a little puzzled.

"It seems a bit too arbitrary to think that he is Akatsuki's leader?"

Darui also said: "I also feel that although the name is a part of a coincidence, maybe this power is not Akatsuki? He may also be our help, isn't it?"

Hearing this, Onoki waved his hand.

"No, you don't understand. Sometimes there are too many coincidences, so it must not be a coincidence."

"The same organization, naive ideas, the ability to explode when important fetters die. In this way... it is no longer a coincidence."

At this time, Luo Sha looked at Minato and asked, "Then what does Hokage mean?"

Minato replied in a deep voice: "The Five Ninja Villages unite to surround Yuyin Village. If the other party is really the current Akatsuki, then a real war will begin."

"And if not, let them join our union. Read the infinite months, no one can be an exception!"

Speaking of Minato, he looked at Yun behind him and said, "If the power of Samsara Eye is extremely powerful, then I will ask Lu Jiu to come up with a specific plan for your ability buffer."

Yun nodded and said with a smile: "With Lu Jiu making arrangements, it can indeed increase my confidence. Hiss..."

After taking a deep breath, Yun covered one eye with his hand.

After a while, he said: "The time is a little too urgent. If we wait for the power in these eyes to be successfully conceived, maybe the Bamen Dunjia will not need to be used."

At this moment, Onogi looked at Yun and asked, "Isn't the eternal kaleidoscope Sharingan not the end of your eyes?"

Yun shook his head slightly: "No. Maybe the ordinary Uchiha kaleidoscope is the end point, but for me, the changes in the power in my body are still there."

"Actually, if it's just the eyes of reincarnation, I don't think you need to worry too much. If the time is calculated well, Uzumaki can be resurrected, but it should also take time."



The sound of applause sounded, and several people were all stunned.

After looking over, I saw Wei Wukong pushed open the door and walked in, followed by Xiao Nan on the side.

There is no need to hide the uniform of the red cloud on a black background.

"Your plans are very thoughtful."

Uzumaki Sora pointed at Uchiha Yun and said with a smile: "There have been strange changes in your body, and the end point of blood returning to the ancestors does not even stop at the Sage of the Six Paths."

"In this case, if you open the reincarnation eye before my reincarnation eye is conceived, it will be a bit troublesome."


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