Naruto: Intelligence from Uchiha

Chapter 247 Do you want a baby?

In the early morning, the land of the Uchiha clan.


Xiao Jiuwei stretched on the ground, looking very comfortable.

These days are eating, drinking and drinking every day, and then having a good night's sleep, isn't it more comfortable than the days of wandering before?

Sure enough, it is beneficial to recognize the boss, if you don't believe me, look at the other half of your body, you can only stay in the belly button of that little yellow hair every day.

Bajibajizui, my mouth always feels a little bad in the morning.

Then Xiao Jiuwei looked at Shuzuru who was still on the sofa with his eyes closed, so he went to his secret place in peace.

Push open the cabinet, open the wooden floor...

? ? ?

The next moment, Xiao Jiuwei was stunned.

What about wine?

What about such a good wine that I hid?

Made! That's Konoha's 30-year-old wine...

The next second, Xiao Jiuwei looked directly at Shuhe on the sofa with angry eyes.

Boss Yun doesn't drink, and Master Quan and Ye Yue are even less likely to drink...

It can only be this stupid civet cat!


Little Nine Tails jumped up, and was the first to press on the top, and sat on Shuhe's head with one buttock.

And Shouhe, who was sleeping soundly, woke up at once, with a confused look on his face: "What are you doing, stinky fox? Today, children don't have to go to work in class, so why are you waking up so early?"

Little Ninetails' eyes were full of anger.

Why are you up so early? Of course, I came to have two bites secretly!

But now...


The paws fell directly, and the two big ones went down, and the little nine tails directly pressed Shouhe and beat them violently.

Originally, Shuzuru was not the opponent of Xiao Jiuwei, but since he got half of the original body's chakra, he directly crushed the game.

"Stinky fox, are you crazy?"

"Bastard! My face!"

"Don't you know that you don't hit someone in the face?"

"Hit me again!"

"Woooooo... I was wrong."

"Can't I be wrong? Stop hitting..."

Xiao Jiuwei's paws stopped in the air: "Say! Where did you go wrong?"

Shouhe was taken aback by this remark, and then cautiously replied: "Yesterday's fish balls... I secretly hid two skewers?"


With a slap on Shouhe's face, Xiao Jiuwei became even more angry: "Still hiding fish balls? There are more! Continue!"

Shou He covered his face in a daze, hesitated for a moment, and said: "Last time I split the money... and... I also hid a thousand... two thousand... three thousand... no, it's ten thousand taels!"

"Bastard! How dare you hide my money?"

After another good fight, Shou He was completely dazed.

What did the stinky fox find?

I can't say any more, and if the shaking continues, the chakra will have to be broken up.

"It's gone! That's all...don't hit me..."

Begging for mercy, Xiao Jiuwei said angrily: "Did you steal the four bottles of wine I hid?"

Shouhe was stunned.

Four bottles of wine? what's going on?

What four bottles of wine?

At this time, Uchiha Hazuki upstairs also got up because of the noise.

But as soon as she opened the door and came out, she sniffed her nose.

Then he followed the smell to the door of Uchiha Yun's room.


An hour later, one person and two tailed beasts were standing obediently.

On the sofa, Uchiha Hazuki had a serious face, while Uchiha Izumi covered his mouth and snickered.


The coffee table was slapped, and Xiao Jiuwei and Shuhe trembled with their hands behind their backs.

Uchiha Hazuki looked at the two little guys: "Tell me, who brought the wine back?"


I saw Xiao Jiuwei slapped Shouhe on the back of the head with his paw, and almost fell to the ground.

"I told you not to bring wine back, don't bring wine back, just drink something outside, how can you bring it home?"

Shouhe was stunned for a moment, and was about to refute...


After that, another big bag fell down.

Xiao Jiuwei put his hips on his hips, with a look of hatred for iron and steel: "I don't know that there are two minors in the family? Boss Yun is very strong, but he is still underage! And Quan, what if a girl learns to drink?" manage?"

"I told you several times not to bring it back, but you didn't listen. This time it's a good thing, you even secretly brought the wine back without telling me, and hid it in the dark compartment under the table!"

"Tell me! How long did it take to dig the hidden compartment?"

After a combination of punches, Shou He was stunned.

who I am? where am I?

What were they talking about just now?

I hid wine?


Uchiha Hazuki looked at Yun at this moment: "Do you remember the three forbidden ninjas?"

Yun nodded honestly: "I remember."

"Just remember. Because ninjas perform dangerous tasks for a long time, they need to be vigilant at all times."

Uchiha Hazuki said with a sigh: "Just remember these, no matter what, I hope you will have your own sense of proportion when drinking in the future."

After the words fell, she looked at the two tailed beasts.

Under the gaze, Xiao Jiuwei and Shuhe immediately stood up straight, with their paws behind their backs.

"According to the records in the literature, both of you are thousands of years old, why can't you be more reliable?"

Xiao Jiuwei smiled flatteringly and said: "That's all nonsense, in fact I'm still a baby."

Seeing this, Shou He quickly raised his paw: "I am also a baby."


Quan, who was sitting on the sofa beside him eating melons, couldn't hold back for a moment, and sprayed out a sip of water.

"Cough cough cough..."

Patting his chest, Quan looked at the two little guys and said, "Master Nine-Tails and Master Tanuki, the recovery bodies of you two are probably bigger than this house. I haven't seen such a... strong baby. "

These words made the two tailed beasts scratch their heads with embarrassment.

But Uchiha Hazuki glared at Izumi, and then said to them: "From today onwards, the money you two earn will be handed in, a thousand taels of pocket money every day!"

"If you bring wine home again, the pocket money will be cancelled!"


After looting the small coffers of the two tailed beasts, Uchiha Hazuki went out to buy groceries after dealing with drinking early in the morning.

And here, the little Ninetails and Shuhe are downcast, as if their souls have been emptied.

"Boss Yun, you have to take responsibility!"

Yun looked embarrassed, and said with some embarrassment: "I will subsidize you one thousand taels a day, and I will pay you here."

These words made Xiao Jiuwei's eyes brighten, and then he looked at Quan again: "I knew before that Quan is a good girl who is beautiful, kind, and happy to help foxes."

As he said that, Xiao Jiuwei patted Shouhe with his tail.

Shuzuru also understood very well, and looked at Quan with the same pitiful eyes: "I heard Kyuubi say that Quan would give it pocket money. Such a beautiful and kind girl is much better than those of Sayin! They... they used to only give it pocket money. I eat sand... woo woo woo... π_π"

The cloud on the side is covering his forehead, this scene is a bit overdone!

Eat sand?

Is it blessings or is there sand in Gaara's sealed land?

And before coming to Konoha again, you didn't eat anything at all, okay?

On the other side, Quan rubbed his shoulders, feeling goosebumps: "I'll subsidize one thousand taels, too. There won't be any more. I just became a Chunin."

Xiao Jiuwei immediately patted his chest: "I am also a ninja of Konoha now, the one with a ninja number! You choose two high-level tasks, and Tanuki and I will help you. After the task is completed, we don't need money. We'll just have pocket money."


Xiao Jiuwei, who was covering his head, looked at Yun: "Why hit me?"

Yun replied: "Hide your ears and steal the bell, be careful that my mother will deduct all the 1,000 taels for you, and I and Quan will not be able to subsidize you."

Quan spread his hands: "I can't accept high-level tasks now, and Kyuubi-sama is only a ninja student, so I can't accept tasks yet."

Seeing this, Xiao Jiuwei sighed, and knew that the guy from the Nara family was not a good guy.

Next time I see Gao Low, I have to give him a couple of smacks.

Shuhe here has been thinking deeply.

By now it had already reacted somewhat.


Blame the stinky fox!

But you can't fight, what should you do?

I will endure!

Suffocated, Shouhe looked at Little Nine Tails, and wanted to give it two practice rounds.


commercial street.

At this moment, Uchiha Mikoto was standing on the side of the road with a sad face, until Uchiha Hazuki appeared, and then hurried over.

"Did Yun also drink yesterday?"

"Itachi drank too?"

"I drank a little too much. I talked nonsense all night last night. You know Itachi's character. You have never seen him talk so much."

"Are you feeling better now? Fortunately, Yun shouldn't drink much. A hangover can cause a headache."

Speaking of this, Uchiha Mikoto hesitated, but still leaned forward and said in a low voice: "In what Itachi said last night, there are many things that cannot be clearly stated, including dissatisfaction with Lord Hokage."

"Right now, the village basically agrees with Yun regarding the succession of the next Hokage and Five Generations. In this case, their drunken talk last night cannot be heard by others."

Uchiha Hazuki frowned: "Thank you Mikoto, I'll ask Yun when I get back, it shouldn't be a big problem."

Miqin nodded: "That's how it is, I'm waiting for you here for this matter. That kid Itachi hasn't woken up yet, I have to go back and take care of him."

After Uchiha Mikoto left, Hazuki rubbed the center of her brows.

It seems that the two little guys have to be taken care of, and Yun also needs to warn him.


Konoha, ninja school.

After the practical class in the afternoon, Naruto's students in this period are out of school.

But Naruto, Hinata, and Sasuke still couldn't go back. They needed to go to the technical department, and Kato would be there waiting for them every day at this time.

But it was obvious that Er Zhuzi was not happy all day because he couldn't find Yun after skipping class in the afternoon.

And Itachi was drunk yesterday, which has never happened before.

"Hinata, do you want some fish balls?"

"Thank you Naruto-kun, no need."

"Do you want takoyaki, Hinata?"

"Do you want to eat three-color balls?"


Passing by the commercial street, under Naruto's repeated inquiries, Hinata finally ordered three skewers of three-color meatballs.

Then the two of them completely forgot that there was Sasuke behind them.

"There's still a bunch of chicks to eat."

"Eat Naruto-kun, I'm full."

"How could it be? I heard Dingji say that you participated in the Big Eater Competition."


Hinata's face turned red.

And Sasuke, who was behind the two of them, couldn't help but complain about being an idiot.

This movement made Naruto turn around, and after seeing Sasuke's displeased face, he said: "When I bought it, I said three people bought three skewers. Where did you go, Sasuke? Why didn't you see you just now?"

Seeing Naruto handing over the ball, Sasuke was speechless: "Where did I go? I just saw a couple with you and me together, and completely forgot the existence of my friend. Where do you think I went?"

Naruto scratched his head in embarrassment, looked at the three-color ball in his hand and said, "Then Sasuke, do you want to eat it? If you don't eat it, I'll give it to Hinata."


He snatched the balls with his hand, Sasuke bit off two in one bite: "Who says I won't eat them?"


Konoha Technology Department.

Kabuki brought the blood from Naruto and Sasuke into the laboratory, and came out after a long time.

"There are indeed special powers in your body, but these two powers will have some changes every day."

Hearing this, Naruto asked anxiously, "Did you succeed this time?"

Dou shook his head: "The power in the two of you is not just blood, they come from deeper in the body, and have even involved the so-called reincarnation."

"Judging from the current stabilizer, the probability of its perfect integration with Hinata is not high. Therefore, we cannot bet on this success rate."

As he spoke, he looked at the data in his hand, and then smiled and said, "That's why I sometimes say that the human body is miraculous. The combination of two special powers through the human body may produce new power."

"In terms of genetics, it is called Xueji. Your Uzumaki physique, Sasuke's sharing eyes, and Hinata's white eyes are all such powers. This power also appeared in the genetic way thousands of years ago. now."


Naruto was stunned for a moment, then looked at Hinata and said, "If you say that, do you want Hinata and I to have a baby? How?"


This question stumped him. It wasn't that he didn't know how to do it, but how should he explain this kind of thing to Naruto?

However, Naruto did not give up, and continued to ask: "If you kiss me, is it okay?"


At this time, Hinata on the side fainted directly.

Marry Naruto-kun...?

And Naruto-kun...have


Xiao Hinata's mind was in a mess at the moment.

this kind of thing...

Speaking with Naruto-kun...

"Hinata! Hinata!"

The shout made Hinata open his eyes, and Naruto asked worriedly, "Are you all right, Hinata?"

The pocket on the side reached out and pushed the approaching Naruto back: "In this case, according to the past practice, you should stay away."

Naruto took two steps back helplessly.

And Hinata sat up now, looked at Naruto, and said in a low voice: "If Naruto-kun kisses... I am willing."

He covered his forehead with his pocket.

So what topic did you just bring up?

Is there a proposal scene?

Can you finish it now?


In the end, Naruto, Hinata, and Sasuke were kicked out. If they didn't leave, Dou felt that he might be beaten to death by Mrs. Hokage.

Walking on the road, I saw that Hinata was a little depressed.

Naruto smiled and walked to the front, turned around and said, "Trust me, I will be able to protect you well from now on. So if it doesn't work, please don't be disappointed."

Hinata nodded slightly: "Naruto-kun..."

Before I finished speaking, I only heard a "bang".

Naruto hit the electric pole with the back of his head.

Sasuke, who was full of dog food behind the two, smiled and said, "You should learn how to walk first."


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