Naruto: Intelligence from Uchiha

Chapter 237 Jiraiya's Suspicion (2/2 Five Thousand One)

Chapter 237 Jiraiya's Suspicion (22 Five Thousand One)

The dust dissipated, and after one blow, the two stopped again.

At this moment, Jiraiya was staring closely at the five pairs of reincarnation eyes in front of him.

All the same hair color, same eyes, no mood swings at all?

What is going on?

Were Nagato's eyes gouged out after he died?

Then re-engraved the eyes of reincarnation with special means, and distributed them to these five people?

How could the legendary power of Samsara Eye be replicated so easily?


Nagato in memory, because of the existence of Samsara Eye, is proficient in all the ninjutsu taught by himself, and can release all attributes.

As for the five people in front of them, although only two of them had ever made a move, they did not perform conventional ninjutsu with five attributes.

The information differs too much!

Even this is not certain.

So... is it the power of the five pairs of eyes of reincarnation that he relies on, so that he is not afraid of Konoha and dares to attack him?

"Jiraiya, leave the Land of Rain! Otherwise, at a time when all parties are full of fear towards Konoha, even if you die as an invader, Konoha will not dare to take any action."

The animal's condescending attitude made Zilai also frown slightly.

He has been collecting information about the organization outside, and he knows that there is nothing wrong with the other party's words.

Uchiha Yun's combat power really made the ninja villages dare not act rashly, but the Uzumaki Sora organized by Akatsuki is indeed another force that can make everyone scruples.

In this case, Konoha's casual attitude will really cause a chain reaction.

Zilai is also very clear that he cannot bear this responsibility!

So... Is it because of this that the other party repeatedly discouraged me from leaving?

Feel confident, but also unwilling to gamble on Konoha's attitude.

"Do you want to continue fighting?"

Toad Ken's words brought Jiraiya back to his senses.

And at this moment, the hellhound that was just sent flying by Hama Jian was divided into three at this moment, scattered all around, and faintly surrounded itself.

Will it split when attacked?

This kind of increased psychic ability is really tricky...

There is definitely a problem in Yuyin Village!

If Nagato is killed, the eyes of reincarnation are taken away, and then the power of the eyes of reincarnation is used to kill the Sanshoyu Hanzo and seize the power of Yuyin Village...

This will be a new force, and it will always be hidden in the Kingdom of Rain!

Want to try again?

Strive for more information.

Thinking of this, Jiraiya spread his hands, "I'm leaving."


Toad Jian returned to Mount Miaomu in the smoke, while Jiraiya turned around and walked outside Yuyin Village.

The five Payne Six Paths behind him were all staring at him.


Among the towers.

"Teacher Jiraiya has left."

Nagato's voice sounded, and then he said: "But the reincarnation eye in Payne's six eyes will definitely remind him of my existence."

Whirlpool nodded: "The existence of Samsara Eye, he will not give up the investigation. Whether it is because of the friendship between master and apprentice, or such a sudden force."

"And besides Tiandao, the other five are all ninjas who once had a relationship with Jiraiya. Because of time, maybe he hasn't remembered it at the moment. Once he remembers, Yuyin Village will be targeted by him."

Xiao Nan asked, "In this way, the relationship between Yuyin Village and Xiao can no longer be hidden."

Uzumaki shook his head slightly: "No. Konoha's new generation hasn't grown up yet, and those two special people haven't reached the time to communicate with the old man of six ways."

"In the name of Yuyin Village, send a questioning letter to Konoha. And this questioning should be known to the rest of the Four Great Ninja Villages."

Nagato froze for a moment, then understood.

Just like what Uzumaki Sora said just now, Konoha is stronger now, but because of the existence of Akatsuki and Uzumaki Sora, they also have scruples.

Immediately Xiaonan nodded and left the tower, ready to go to arrange the questioning of Konoha.

And Kong said: "Don't underestimate Jiraiya, although his power is really not worth mentioning to me. But based on the immortal model, it is still somewhat difficult to disperse the power of Payne's Six Paths."

Fairy mode?

Nagato's eyes narrowed slightly, Konoha's Sannin all had their own special powers.

Even if it is Orochimaru, it is the same.

At this time, Nagato was slightly startled, and then he said: "At Tiandao Payne, members of the Akatsuki organization are asking about the movement just now. Because of the hibernation, except for the Kakutsu group and Obito, they are all nearby. "

Kong replied: "Let them ignore it, if you have nothing to do, go out for a walk, it will attract attention."

Nagato nodded.

Immediately, Sora was about to leave, and waved his hand: "Jiraiya should be careful to drive away at any time. As the teacher of Konoha Fourth Hokage, it is not good to die in Yuyin Village. A week should be almost the same. "

After the voice fell, the whirlpool had already disappeared around the corner.

And at the same time...

The Land of Fire, the Valley of the End.

On top of Uchiha Madara's stone carving, the masked soil is sitting on it, but his eyes are not looking at the stone carving of Senjuzhujian on the opposite side, but in the forest not far away.

After a while, the black and white body slowly rose from the stone carving.

"It's almost there, do you want to go there?"

Obito stood up and said, "Let's go."

This world is full of hatred and war, and death. Only the world of unlimited monthly reading can satisfy everyone.

In a truly peaceful world, there is Lin and Kakashi.

If there is Uchiha Cloud, there will be Uchiha Izumi!

Only by understanding the darkness of this world, can one understand the value of the infinite moon reading world.

The next moment, Obito and the stone carving disappeared.


In the forest, Izumi Uchiha was leading his two teammates through it.

Having entered the Land of Fire, the group unconsciously relaxed a bit.

"Izumi, I'm afraid it won't be far from you becoming a Jonin after you go back this time, right?"

"The power of Sharingan is really enviable, and Izumi is also Master Yun's younger sister, just the use of illusion can be used as a special ninja."

There was sincere envy in the tone of the two teammates, not jealousy.

After all, in this mission, thanks to Quan's strength, the two of them completed the mission without any risk.

Quan smiled and replied: "It's too early. The promotion to Chunin in such a short period of time is just the accumulation of experience, and it will not allow me to be promoted to Chunin again in such a short period of time."

Otake, who was behind him, retorted: "Izumi's accumulated experience is enough. In terms of age, I remember that the four generations of adults were not very old when they succeeded Hokage."

Another teammate immediately echoed: "The special jonin in illusion is definitely meeting the requirements. Izumi, you can try to apply after you go back..."

Dazhu nodded: "After Izumi became a special jounin, it would be great if we could form a team together. After all, Izumi's power really makes people feel reliable."

After smiling, Quan didn't say anything more.

It's a good feeling to be recognized by teammates and feel reliable.

Being the younger sister of the strongest ninja is also very stressful...

I complained in my heart, I learned it from my brother.

? ? ?


After raising their hands, the three of them stopped on the trunk of a big tree.

Quan's gaze was fixed on the figure that suddenly appeared in front of him, how could Yan Yin's forehead guard appear here?

"The ninja of Yanyin Village entered the territory of the Fire Kingdom for no reason. What is your purpose?"

Obito, who had changed his appearance, replied in a deep voice: "As that person's sister, you should be clear about my purpose. The special bloodline gives Uchiha Yun almost invincible power, and this power scares us."

"And you, Izumi Uchiha. As Yun Uchiha's younger sister, no one in your blood can be sure whether you will be the next Yun Uchiha."

Quan's eyes narrowed slightly: "Then Yan Yin is not afraid of Konoha's revenge? If my brother knew, Yan Yin Village would not exist!"

Obito shook his head slightly: "No one will know, you who died in the land of fire, Yanyin Village does not have to bear the responsibility."

Is it just for an ambush against yourself?


In an instant, Sangouyu's Sharingan appeared in Quan's eye socket.

Slowly turning, figures in the forest appeared in the vision.

One, five... twelve!

How can it be?

Is the line of defense at the border of the Land of Fire just a piece of paper? How could there be so many Yanyin ninjas appearing within the border?

"You dare to speak out here alone, you really have enough courage!"

As soon as Dazhu's taunting sound sounded, one figure after another appeared in the opposite woods.

Yan Yin's forehead and standard armor all showed the identity of the other party.

Quan frowned slightly, and said in a low voice, "You guys go first in a while."


Unanimous rejection.

Youxi even said: "Abandoning my teammates and fleeing alone, I can't do this."

Dazhu also replied: "Although my strength may be insignificant to Quan, but if I escape like this, I will be ridiculed by everyone!"

The teammate's answer made Quan smile helplessly.

But then Quan's face turned cold, and he said in a deep voice: "I was able to take care of you in the previous battle, but the enemy you are facing now, you will only get in the way, understand?"

"Whether it's being taken as a hostage, or being used as a shield by the enemy to resist my ninjutsu, it will make me unable to exert my full strength. Hurry up!"

"Go back to the village for help, this is the only way to help me!"

"My life depends on your speed!"

Otake and Youxi glanced at each other, both of them understood that perhaps this was the best solution.

"Find your own timing!"

Quan's final voice fell, and his hands began to form seals quickly.


The smoke dissipated, but there was nothing in it.

Obito on the opposite side frowned.


With Uchiha Izumi's Chakra, the psychic technique should not fail.

Art fire escape ho fireball.

A huge flame was sprayed out, and it swept towards the opposite side in an instant.

However, the next moment, the other party was still standing on the charred tree, without any movement but unharmed.

How can it be?

Did you avoid it in an instant with the blink of an eye?

The opponent with such a fast speed didn't even notice the opponent's movement from the perspective of Sharingan, it was simply prepared.

But it seems that only this leader has such a speed!



Kunai collided, and for a while the duel of physical skills began.

Eleven Yanyin ninjas transformed from Baijue besieged the three of Quan.

And the first collision with Kunai gave Quan some confidence in his heart.

The strength of the opponent is not strong!


Like the chirping of thousands of birds, the thunder and lightning converged on Izumi's right hand at this moment.

Lei Dun: Chidori!

Stimulated by the thunder attribute chakra, Quan, whose speed increased again, began to harvest.

Ordinary Baijue only has the strength of ordinary Chunin. Without special abilities, it is a harvest for Izumi of Sangouyu Sharingan.


The right hand killed the enemies one by one, and Quan's voice also sounded at this moment: "Go!!!"

Dazhu and Yuxi looked at each other, and then they made a sudden detour towards Konoha.

At this moment, the spring also went straight to attack Obito.


Chidori hit him in the chest and passed through.

Quan was slightly taken aback by this situation.

No dodge, very simple.

He was killed by himself just like that?


The feeling just now, no!

She has played against Dejian at the seventh training ground all year round, and she remembers clearly the feeling of every hit.

And the blow just now didn't feel like hitting an entity.

As soon as the thunder and lightning passed through, there was a dull pain in the position where the back was facing the heart.

Tudun: Flying gravel!

The rising rocks shot towards Obito, almost in sync with the Kunai in his hand.


The boulders passed through Obito's body, and Kunai also passed through Izumi's back without any injuries.


Izumi, who fled back in an instant, just stared at the enemy, the feeling just now was definitely not wrong.

When the opponent's shoulder moved, he had already predicted his next move.

But Chidori pierced through his chest in front of him, so he ignored it.

But now it seems that the opponent is also confident based on his special ability!

If it wasn't Dazhu's Tudun just now, his chest might have been pierced by Kunai!

"You can't run away, and coming back to die is also a choice. Your life is over here..."

Obito's voice fell, and the next moment he rushed straight over.

Kunai waved, Dazhu was just about to resist.



Blood spattered out.

As if foreknowledging, Kunai, who was approaching and changing direction, directly stabbed the opponent's abdomen.

The next moment, Obito withdrew and retreated.

A pair of eyes with special pupils looked into the depths of the forest.

With the ability of foresight just now, if Kunai stabs the chest of this Konoha Chunin, then he will also be hit instantly.

"Come out, the breath just now has exposed you."

In the forest, Uchiha Yun walked out slowly.

What does breath exposure mean?

Obviously it's just the ability to speak fate.

However, to deal with two Chunin, it is really a luxury to use the ability of blur and foresight together.

"Master Yun."*2

Dazhu clutched his abdomen, and he and Youxi bowed slightly.

On the other side, Quan looked at the other side blankly, as if he didn't notice the arrival of Yun.

Yun stretched out his hand to support Quan and put him on the ground beside him. The illusion he had planted was activated, and he played along with the reality. He didn't know if it would work.

After finishing all this, Yun looked at Yan Yin on the opposite side and said, "You... are not Yan Yin!"

Obito smiled and replied: "It's really not, we are just to complete the purpose of the village, which village is not important."

Yun shook his head slightly: "Do you want to lead my guess to the other great ninja villages? But the virtualization ability you just had has already betrayed you."

Obito frowned slightly, but immediately undid the ninjutsu.

Under the whirlpool mask, Obito said in a deep voice: "It seems that you are very clear about my ability. The plan... seems to have failed."

Black and white must rise slowly from the tree trunk.

Heijue said in a hoarse voice: "Is it the psychic technique just now? There is nothing in the smoke, because the psychic ninja went back the moment the psychic was successful, right?"

"After the reverse psychic, you will be able to know that there is a problem with your sister, and you will appear here with the help of the Flying Thunder God spell that you have set up earlier."

Yun nodded: "The analysis is good, but guess why I appeared from the forest just now instead of Quan's side?"

These words made Obito and Heijue stunned.

The next moment, Uchiha Yun in front of the two of them suddenly turned into smoke.

Shadow clone? !


In an instant, Uchiha Yun's figure appeared beside Izumi.

"If it's just a shadow clone, it's really not enough to face you. But after trembling for a while, I caught up."

Yun said and looked at the two people in front of him: "Threatening the lives of my relatives, do you think I will be determined to keep you because of this?"


As soon as the words fell, Yun's figure instantly appeared in front of Obito.

A short blade appeared and slashed down with force.

However, this blow was like being cut in the air, without any force.

But Yun didn't have any accidents, and the eternal kaleidoscope Sharingans instantly appeared in his eye sockets.

Under the huge pupil power, Obito lowered his head for a moment, not even daring to look at Uchiha Yun.

This kind of pupil power has already far surpassed his own kaleidoscope Sharingan.

If it is illusion ability...

Obito remembered the time when he was captured, Uchiha Shisui's ability, even he was recruited.

However, the next moment, Yun's figure disappeared again.


As soon as the knife fell, Black and White Jue was sent flying.

Seeing this, Obito frowned slightly, and the next moment a black flame rose from the bottom of his feet.


The black fire fell, burning the tree trunk to ashes.

Obito landed on the ground, looked at the black flames covering him, but walked out of it unhurriedly.

"You can't kill me, even if you are called the strongest ninja world, you still can't kill me."

The next moment, Yun who didn't answer looked at Obito again, and the black flame rose again.

Wherever Obito goes, Black Fire will appear there.

This kind of operation also instantly alerted Obito.

Uchiha Yun must know the time limit of his ability!


The blur time ended, and the iron chain blocked Yun's short blade.

But with Yun's strength, this one blow made him fly backwards.


With a roar, a crimson voice rushed out from Yun's body, and he pinned Black and White to the ground.


Amidst the buzzing sound, the tailed beast jade quickly took shape in Xiao Jiuwei's mouth.


Kneeling for a monthly pass, it will double. Hahaha

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