Naruto: Intelligence from Uchiha

Chapter 229: The Ninth Transaction

October 10th, Konoha.

Under the night, Uchiha Yun released the seal on his wrist and took out a series of media.

Among them are Kakashi, Hinata's blood, a scroll that seals the Tailed Beast Chakra, and even Obito's arm.

This time... Who will I choose?

The power of the fusion of the eyes and the blood vessels in the body is being conceived. In fact, even the spot is not attractive now.

Kakashi's Kaleidoscope?

Yun thought for a while...

Judging from the current situation, Minato probably didn't tell Kakashi about Obito's identity.

Well, this point can be used as bait for fishing...

But with Kakashi's character, the importance of Obito is compared with the threat of Uzumaki now, I am afraid that this bait may not be able to play a big role.

It's shameful to waste...

Yun finally set his sights on Hinata's blood.

In the theatrical version in memory, the princess called Baiyan shows how pure Hinata Baiyan is.

With Otsutsuki's bloodline and Baiyan, he can get Tenseiyan.

Yun's eyes narrowed slightly...

The existence of Tenseikan has in fact always been doubted.

Eighty Gods Sky Strike, Golden Wheel Reincarnation Explosion, Silver Wheel Reincarnation Explosion...

Coupled with Tenseigan's Chakra mode, it seems a bit too strong.

In my memory, if it weren't for the fetal movement state of gestation, the theatrical version of the tiankeng mode, whether there will be a happy ending in which justice finally defeats evil is still two things to say.

Reality is different from the second dimension in memory. If Tenseigan really exists, there are too many things involved.

As the younger brother of Otsutsuki Yui, Hamura, there is no so-called Tenseigan in the TV version.

Kaguya, who is able to cast Yajugami Skystrike, has a pair of white eyes that don't look like Tenseigan, and there are very few settings about Tenseigan in the setting book.

It seems that it is used by the theater version to fill in the three pupil pits...


After exhaling, Yun put aside the thoughts in his mind.

No matter what, the blood of Otsutsuki Yumura and Otsuki Yuki gradually merged, and finally Kaguya's power can be obtained.

This is exactly the path I am walking now.

And with the native magic of this world, it is not impossible to surpass Otsuki.


【Information exchange started successfully】

[Rule copy function started successfully]

【Media Trigger】

【Lockable target: Hinata Hinata】

Target: Hinata Hinata

[Locked C-rank ninja: Hinata Hinata]

[Changed exchange space time flow rate]

[Do you want to turn on the shadow mode? 】


In an instant, time in the real world seemed to stand still, and the surrounding scenes in the room began to change.


In the snowy Konoha Park.

At this moment, Xiao Hinata, who was wearing a scarf, was curling up together, and three or four little boys beside her were booing.

One of the little fat guys made a snowball and threw it at Xiao Hinata.


The snowball hit Hinata's head, and snowflakes splashed everywhere.

"Monster with white eyes! Monster!"

"Terrifying woman! Disappear!"

"It's really scary to have eyes like that!"


Amidst the laughter, it seemed that he had assumed some kind of role, and snowballs were thrown over.

Falling on Xiao Hinata's head, the shattered snow fell from the collar, causing her body to curl up and tremble uncontrollably.

Not far away, Xiao Hinata who just appeared here looked at this scene and covered her mouth in surprise.

Yun, who appeared in the form of Whirlpool, glanced at Hinata beside him, and then said, "Isn't this a familiar scene? At this time, you should have just been denied by your father Hizuru, right?"

Hinata looked around and asked inappropriately: "Where is this place? Who are you? Is this an illusion? For my white eyes?"

Based on a well-founded analysis, it seems that Hinata, who has been in the ninja school for three years, has also changed a little because of her own existence.

Yun smiled, stretched out his hand and nodded his head: "Think about it, this space should have told you the necessary information. In fact, you are also lucky to be able to come here."

Suddenly, a stream of information appeared in Hinata's mind out of thin air.

Trading space, intelligence, bargaining chips...

In a daze, Hinata looked at Yun again: "Information? But I haven't even graduated from ninja school... I... I don't know what information I need."

"And... and I don't know if I have chips. Could it be... Could it be a mistake here?"

Hinata's eyes were full of lack of confidence in herself.

Perhaps Nizuzu had his own plan from the beginning, but his attitude had a great influence on Hinata.

Yun shook his head slightly: "People who don't have a chip will not be selected by this space. Similarly, people who don't have what they want in their hearts will not be selected."

Speaking of this, Yun looked at Hinata: "As the eldest daughter of the Patriarch of the Hyuga Clan, you have shouldered the pressure of the Hyuga Clan since you were a child. But...for some reason, you don't want to inherit such pressure."

"Hanabi, your sister. You want her to inherit the clan, don't you?"

Hinata was taken aback for a moment, and in his memory, the scene of Ningji's brother's father curling up on the ground and crying in pain reappeared.


At this time, a little boy with blond hair rushed out from the park.

Three times, five divisions and two divisions drove away the guys who bullied Xiao Hinata.

Yun watched this scene and smiled: "That boy just now, Naruto, he also came here."

After the words fell, Hinata raised her head in an instant.

Naruto-kun...has he been here too?

So... from here, Naruto-kun knew that I would be his wife in the future?

Thinking of what Naruto said to her at school at that time, a blush quickly appeared on her face.

Hinata looked up at Yun and asked, "Do you know about the future?"

With respectful words, Yun couldn't help but want to reach out and rub her hair for Hinata in such a state.

But as soon as he stretched out his hand, Hinata hid it.

With an embarrassed smile, Yun replied: "Last year, Naruto asked a question about the future, and I gave him the answer."

"But the future is not static. I gave him the answer, which itself will be a variable. You should be able to understand the meaning here."

Hinata nodded slightly.

After knowing the future, it is understandable that the original future will be changed and affected.

"Naruto asked his future wife, and how to become strong... The future of this world is not peaceful."

Yun said with a smile: " should be thinking about how to help Naruto right now?"

Hinata was stunned for a moment, then nodded: "Learn to resist, learn not to give up. These are things Naruto-kun taught me, so if possible, I also want to help Naruto-kun in the future!"


Hinata lowered her head slightly: "But I... all along, my father has been full of disappointment in me. Compared to brother Ning Ci, whether it is white eyes or soft fist, I haven't practiced well..."

Yun shook his head: "You seem to have underestimated your strength, supercilious princess."

The white-eyed princess?

Such a title made Hinata confused.


Because she is the eldest daughter of the head of the Hyuga clan, that's why she is called a princess, right?

At this time, Yun continued to speak: "Only when the purity of Baiyan reaches a certain level, can you still be called the princess of Baiyan. This title is not because of your status in the Hyuga clan."


Hearing this word for the first time, Hinata asked suspiciously: "Are you... familiar with the Hyuga Clan?"

Yun replied: "It's not just Hinata, I know too much information in this world. Uchiha, Hinata, Uzumaki, these are Konoha's families, and there are many blood successor families in other villages, I also know Their secret..."

The voice fell, and the two fell silent for a while.

And in the park in the scene, Naruto has finished comforting Xiao Hinata at this moment, and the two are about to leave here.

In the next second, the surrounding scenes changed again.

This time it was in a dark cave, and Kushina was lying on the stone platform in the middle at the moment.

Candles are all around.

Naruto was also lying on the side.

"Is it really good to seal the Nine Tails in Naruto's body?"

"It's okay, Kyuubi and Naruto have been getting along well for more than a year. And..."

"The ninja world is about to face disaster. With such power, with such power, maybe Naruto can really wipe out the hatred of Kyuubi..."

"But...he's still so young..."

"Trust Naruto... At this time, we should also give our trust to the next generation."


In Hinata's line of sight, the familiar figure suddenly burst into force.

That is Lord Yun!

Immediately, dark chakras filled with hatred filled the entire cave, scarlet chakras filled the air, and then formed a fox-like monster.


The roar sounded, and the cave seemed extremely terrifying for a while.

At this time, Yun who is now beside Hinata said: "In order to deal with future disasters in the ninja world, the Fourth Naruto Namikaze Minato and Uchiha Yun made the decision to seal the power of Kyuubi in Naruto's body."

Hinata asked in a daze: "Just that Master Kyuubi? But..."

Yun shook his head: "The Kyuubi-sama you are talking about should be the little Nine-Tails that Uchiha Yun has purified his hatred, and that is just a part of the one in front of him..."

"Naruto has his own destiny, and if he can purify the hatred of Nine-Tails, Jinchuriki will be able to obtain the true power of the Tailed Beast with the same mind. This is also the way I give Naruto about how strong he will be in the future."

The voice fell, and in the scene at this moment, the power of Nine Tails has been sealed into Naruto's body one by one.

Hinata watched all this intently.

It turns out that Naruto-kun is behind the scenes, is he still making such efforts?

How difficult is it to purify such a terrifying and dark force? Naruto-kun did not hesitate...

The disaster of the ninja world in the future...

Hinata turned her head and looked at Yun: "So... what should I do? How can I help Naruto-kun?"

This question made Yun smile, and then stretched out three fingers: "Three chips, three chips, I can answer your question, and this is all the chips on you."

Hinata did not hesitate, nodded and replied: "Yes, thank you."

The next moment, a contract appeared in Yun's hands.

And when Hinata signed the contract, it disappeared into space.

Immediately, Yun said, "As a white-eyed princess, with pure white eyes, you will naturally be able to help Naruto with power."

"Baiyan, one of the three major pupil techniques in the ninja world, in fact, its ability has never been just detection and soft fist. The true ancestor of the Hyuga clan is from the same line as Uchiha and Senju."

"When the chakra of the Otsutsuki family is combined with the pure white eyes, the ultimate power of white eyes can be obtained. This power is not much weaker than the current Uchiha cloud."

Hinata was slightly stunned, and then asked: "Chakra of the Otsutsuki clan? I've never heard of such a weird surname, how should I get it?"

how to get it

It was originally something to fool little girls, but Otsutsuki's Chakra is not easy to get.

With a chuckle, Yun opened his mouth and replied: "Otsuki Hagoromo, who has been watching this world all the time, can bestow Otsuki's power. On the moon, there are also the remaining descendants of Otsuki Yumura."

above the moon?

How can it be?

Hinata's eyes widened, and she wondered, "How can there be people on the moon? And I... can't go up..."

Yun shook his head slightly: "I've already told you the method, and whether you can do it is also up to you. The ultimate power of Baiyan is indeed powerful, but the way to obtain it is not easy."

After a moment of silence, Hinata still bowed slightly to Yun: "Anyway, thank you for letting me know."

This kind of behavior made Yun Weiwei a little embarrassed. In fact, even I don't know if there is such a theatrical version of Tenseigan.

It's more or less embarrassing to use it to fool a favorite character from a previous life, and now she's still a little girl.

Thinking of this cloud, he sighed, and said casually: " about you marry Naruto earlier. The blood of Baiyan, Hinata and Uzumaki, plus the Asura Chakra in Naruto's body, it is impossible to peep The old man will give you the power of the Six Paths, and in this case, if you give birth to a child, it may not necessarily be stronger than Otsutsuki."

? ? ! !

The moment the words fell, Hinata's face turned red.

Even with her head down, her ears are still red.


have a baby?

And Naruto-kun?

A series of three questions appeared in Hinata's mind. If it weren't for the problem of trading space, she would probably faint right now.


Cloud spoke softly.

And the next moment, Hinata, who had regained her senses, hurriedly bowed to Yun: "Thank you for your help, goodbye."

Immediately, Hinata's figure disappeared into this space.

It was the first time that he left without obtaining some information.

He smiled lightly, then Yun scratched his head again...

If things continue like this, if Naruto and Hinata get married early and have children early...

The fruit that was planted might not be that cheating blogger, right?

Speaking of which, the plot has already collapsed, and it doesn't matter whether it is called a blogger or not, let alone a blogger with a probability of one in a few hundred million?

Thinking of this, Yun slightly raised his head to look at the moon in the scene.

The existence of the Grayl Stone proves the existence of the theatrical version in the memory, so the descendant of Hamura on the Moon, the Otsutsuki Tonero, may also exist.

In this case……

That guy should be watching the entire ninja world now, right?

With the addition of that old man Otsutsuki Yuyi, I feel that the nesting dolls in this world are too fucking serious.


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