Naruto: Intelligence from Uchiha

Chapter 226 Stripping the Nine Tails

"The blood successor of the pommel horse clan?"

Inside the Hokage Building, Yun Sui asked suspiciously: "I remember that although the Kurama clan is good at illusion, it seems that no one in this generation has awakened Blood Successor, right?"

Minato on the opposite side nodded: "There have been very few abilities of the Kurama clan, but this generation has a girl who has inherited this power."


For a while, Yun remembered something in his memory. In the original TV version, it seems that there is indeed a girl named Kurama Yakumo who has the ability to turn fiction into reality.

Using a drawing board as a medium, the ability to project false paintings into reality.

Frowning slightly, Yun was a little puzzled.

The power of yin escape, which is based on the spiritual energy in charge of imagination, creates form in nothing.

Based on this setting, it seems that the ability of the Pommel Horse Clan has reached a certain extreme.

At this time, Shikajiu behind Minato said: "For some reason, they don't know the abilities of the Kurama clan, and the girl who inherited the power doesn't seem to be able to control this power very well."

"And among the whole Konoha, if only in terms of illusion, then Uchiha is the top. So..."

Yun Tan spread his hands and replied, "So after the tenth class graduated, did you find me another oil bottle?"

"Cough cough cough..."

Minato, who seemed to be choked, smiled and said: "The Kurama Clan, the one who appeared in the Hyuga Clan with the Uchiha Clan back then was this little girl's uncle, Kurama Unkai."


So sometimes things like favors have to be paid back.

In Yun's memory, he remembered the patriarch of the Kurama clan back then. At that time, Uchiha chose the side of the family in order to be able to reintegrate into Konoha.

There are comings and goings, and things like human feelings are normal.

Minato behind the desk continued to say at this time: "The power to create form from nothing comes from her blood inheritance, but perhaps because of this, her physical weakness has also reached a very serious level."

"Kurama Yakumo, this little girl's spiritual world may have nourished some other things. The fire of the Kurama clan last night was its masterpiece."

At this time, Lu Jiu handed over a document.

Yun Kaikai took a look and said, "Did you accidentally kill your parents because of your ability to go berserk? And after waking up this morning, you forgot everything?"

Minato nodded: "Originally, under such circumstances, he should be put in a heavy-duty prison for strict supervision, but Yunhai's words made me change my mind."

"The only victims are Kurama Yakumo's parents, and his parents certainly don't want their daughter to be imprisoned. At the same time, today's Kurama Yakumo also carries the hope of the Kurama clan's resurgence."

"So what Kurama Yunkai means is that he wants Yunlai to teach Yakumo to control his own power. And if possible, this kid's wish is to become a powerful ninja."

Lu Jiu sighed at the side: "Two years ago, Kurama Yakumo was sent to the ninja school, but because his physical fitness couldn't keep up, he was taken back by his parents, and he gradually gave up his ninja goal. But... "

I didn't say anything later, but Yun already made it very clear.

The Kuruma Clan has not had a new generation of blood successors for many years, and the sudden appearance of Yakumo must also carry the hope of the Clan.

Under this premise, Kurama Yakumo must have grown up with the voices around him to make him a powerful ninja.

Subtly, becoming a ninja will inevitably become a knot in her heart.

And with the ability to create form from nothing, this kind of knot created a monster called Ido in his body.

"Okay, then do I need to go to the Pommel Horse Clan next?" Yun said and put the file back.

But Minato shook his head and replied: "Kurama Yunkai was worried that his ability would hurt innocent people again, so he arranged Kurama Yakumo to the villa in Satomi Hill."

As he spoke, Minato handed over a letter of thanks.

"But you don't need to go. At noon tomorrow, Kurama Yunkai will bring Kurama Yakumo to the Uchiha tribe to visit you."

As a result, Yun smiled and put it away.

So sometimes people have completely different conveniences when dealing with things. Yesterday, the old man Sun Xiang Ri Tian couldn't tell the difference between two, five and eight thousand.

Looking at the pommel horse family, even if they are begging for favors, they have also shown their sincerity in the aspect of begging.

"That's how it is. I'll wait for him at home tomorrow. But it's so formal, so I have to make tea at home."

Yun said and looked at Minato: "Has the division of Nine Tails been negotiated?"

The voice fell, and there was silence in the office for a while.

After a while, Minato looked at Yun and asked, "About dividing Kyuubi into a half body and sealing it in Naruto's body, can Yun tell me why you are in such a hurry?"

"On the stone tablet left by the Sage of the Six Paths, is there any other enemy that even Yun finds troublesome?"

Minato's question stunned Yun.

Is this... just a brainstorm?

God knows I'm only doing it for the change of the protagonist. If it's an enemy, does the whirlpool count?

After thinking for a while, Yun said, "For a long time, regarding the content of the stele under the Nanga Shrine in the Uchiha clan, it is not certain whether it is really left by the Sage of the Six Paths."

Hearing this, Minato's gaze narrowed slightly and he said, "So Yun thinks, who left it behind?"

Yun shook his head slightly: "The time left by the stele is thousands of years old, I can't know. But if the so-called peace of Unlimited Moon Reading was left by the Immortal of the Six Paths, then why didn't he, who is called an Immortal, complete it by himself? Unlimited monthly reading?"

After the words fell, Minato and Lujiu fell into deep thought for a while.

As the ancestor of the legendary ninja, he was even dubbed the name of a fairy.

With that kind of power, tailed beasts would no longer be a problem. So why is the infinite monthly reading, which is considered to be a real peaceful method, not implemented by itself?

The content of the stele...was not left by the Sages of the Six Paths!

So... who would it be? !

At this time, Yun said: "During the joint Chunin exam, the guy wearing the vortex mask with a Sharingan, after it disappeared, another black shadow still talked to me for a while... and revealed the stone tablet. information..."

Lu Jiu on the side said in a deep voice: "In this situation... either they are equal, or the status of Sombra is higher than that of the masked man."

Minato, who closed his eyes, seemed to be thinking about something.

The guy with the Uzumaki mask is Obito, and the black shadow is the same as Uzumaki Sora's appearance when he traded for the first time.

Will it be Obito and Whirlpool?

With Whirlpool Kong's intelligence capabilities, it is not surprising that the records of the stele can be known.

After a while, Minato opened his eyes and looked at Yun and said, "Let's start tonight. The sudden action will also prevent Uzumaki from realizing that Yun's recovery ability has been exhausted."

Lu Jiu, who was stunned, hesitated when he heard the words: "It's a bit too tight, isn't it?"

Minato shook his head slightly: "Uzumaki's intelligence capabilities are unpredictable. In this case, the more impromptu decision may be more unexpected."

"Although Naruto didn't consume it when training the technique of multiple shadow clones, it may be because the other party knows the information. And this time, after Kushina loses the tail beast, he will definitely use Yun's ability."

Speaking of Minato, he looked at the time, then raised his head and said, "Four hours later, at the first moment of darkness, I need a hidden place. Barriers, seals, etc. need to be arranged."

After the order was issued, Lu Jiu nodded and went down to deploy.

Regardless, Hokage's orders need to be carried out.

After Lu Jiu left, Minato looked at Yun and said, "Let's go, let's start now."

? ? ?

Yun froze for a moment, but still nodded.

As expected, Yong Daimei is indeed very cautious when it comes to the issue of Kushina and Naruto.


In the commercial street, Yun, who was walking on the street as a shadow clone, looked at the weapon shop beside him.

At this time, the figure who came out of the inside also looked at Yun, hesitated for a moment, but still walked over.

"Master Yun."

Yun looked at Asma in front of him: "Your beard looks like I have to be called Uncle Ni. It's really embarrassing for you to call me Sir again..."

Asma smiled, then looked at the meatball shop beside her: "Would you like a cup of tea?"

After thinking about it, Yun nodded.

Immediately, the two sat down in the meatball shop, but no one spoke.

After a while, Yun asked: "Compared to the Temple of Fire, are you still used to it?"

Asma nodded: "Although I have served as the guardian of the Twelve Ninja for several years, Konoha is my village."

Asma said with a smile: "Actually, looking at the current village and Uchiha, we can already draw a conclusion."

Yun raised his head slightly: "What conclusion?"

Asma replied: "The old man is wrong in this conclusion."

"The old man who has experienced several ninja wars has always had another emotion for war. In fact... you can say that he is weak."

"The five major ninja villages jointly take the Chunin exam, and the high-level officials of each village gather in Konoha. This kind of situation, when the old man was Hokage, he couldn't even think about it."

After the words fell, Yun smiled and replied: "The relationship between fire and leaves was proposed by three generations at the beginning, but it seems that as his son, you are more able to understand its true meaning."

At this time, a woman walked into the meatball shop.

Asma stood up and waved, and then Kureni Yuhi walked over.

"Master Yun."

Yun looked at the two of them, then smiled strangely: "Is this...together?"

These words made Yuhi Hong's face turn red in an instant, and he waved his hands again and again and said, "No...not yet."

Asma replied calmly: "Temporarily...the relationship has not been confirmed yet."

Yun nodded and stood up: "Okay, then I won't bother you two. Hmm... so as not to spoil me, a fourteen-year-old kid?"

As soon as the words finished, an Anbu suddenly appeared behind Yun: "Master Yun, you are ready."

Yun's shadow clone nodded, then smiled at the two of them and disappeared in place in an instant.

And at the same time...

The interior of the mountain, the main body of the cloud and the main body of the water gate are all here.

"I've checked around here. Except for my Flying Thunder God spell, there are no other spells."

Cloud nodded.

Kushina at the side reached out and rubbed Naruto's hair, frowned slightly and asked, "Is it really good to seal the Nine Tails in Naruto's body...?"

Minato softly comforted: "It's okay, Kyuubi and Naruto have been getting along well for more than a year. And..."

"Although Uzumaki is the enemy, his intelligence transactions have always followed the verification of the contract. The next generation needs this power, and we can only choose to believe it."

Naruto, who was hugged in his arms, broke free from Kushina's arms at this moment, turned around and clenched his fists and said, "Don't worry, I will definitely become friends with Mr. Fox! And... I will get all of you, including Mr. Fox. Everyone's approval, become Hokage, protect everyone!"

Jiu Xinnai smiled helplessly, then looked at Yun and said, "Then please Yun."

Yun nodded: "Don't worry, there will be no problem."

Immediately, Yun and Minato looked at each other.

The next moment, Yun's consciousness came to Jiushina's sealed place again.

In the huge prison bar, the huge Nine-Tails was lying on its stomach at the moment, staring at Yun with a pair of huge eyes.

"Nine Tails, long time no see."

Greeted casually.

But Kyuubi in the jail was furious: "Uchiha family kid! What have you taught my half body to be!!"

The roar made Yun dig his ears: "Don't roar so loudly, it's not that you can't hear it. Since it's your half body, you should be very clear that I didn't teach it anything, it's all self-taught."

Self taught?

Nine-Tails immediately became angry, the majestic Tailed Beast turned into this appearance, and it's still self-taught! ! ?

Kushina, who just appeared on the side, put her hands on her hips at this moment, pointed at Kyuubi and said, "Be nicer to Naruto in the future, don't bully Naruto, did you hear me?"

Kyuubi looked at Kushina, grinned and said, "This... depends on his performance. As a younger brother, it's not impossible to lend him some strength."


Yun patted his forehead with one hand, and under the influence of half of his body, the body of Nine Tails also seemed to be somewhat affected.

Forget it, no matter what, this is just a duplicity fox.

When it is transferred to Naruto's body, Naruto will naturally teach it again.

Thinking of this, the kaleidoscope of eternal scars in Yun's eye sockets emerged for a moment.

And the eyes of Nine Tails also changed accordingly.

"let's start."

When Yun's voice fell, Kushina who was on the side instantly released the seal.

For a while, the seal on the prison bar was broken, and the prison bar disappeared. But the Nine-Tails among them remained silent and did not move.

In reality, Minato is also making a move at this moment.

The chakra of Nine Tails was slowly peeled off, and under the division of yin and yang, part of it entered Naruto's body, while the other part was gathered and sealed.

A long time later, when Kushina was dying, Yun's hand was on her forehead.

Secret volume: complex.

A burst of power suddenly broke out, and the already powerful vitality of the Uzumaki clan was instantly restored, and the unconscious Kushina also opened his eyes.


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