Naruto: Intelligence from Uchiha

Chapter 209 Thirty-three people, all wiped out (1/2)

Chapter 209 Thirty-three people, all wiped out (12)

In the second round of the Zhongnin Exam, the purpose of the assessment is the teamwork between the teams, as well as the views of each ninja on actions in the team.

But because the purpose of the four major ninja villages participating in this joint chunin exam is not to show national power, the ninja they brought are all just to make up for it.

In this case, there is also an action against the tenth class.

At this moment, after a day, the three of Tokuma also obviously realized that something was wrong.

I met seven teams, but all the seven teams have scrolls of the sky, which is outrageous.

At this time, Quan said: "After the first test, there are twenty-four teams that passed the second test."

"Twenty-four teams, the package of heaven and earth scrolls is twelve groups. If the other party can know that our scrolls are Tianzi, then it is obvious...they have joined forces!"

"And in the first hour, they combined to defeat the other two Konoha teams and got their scrolls."

After the words fell, Tokuma and Hua looked at each other.


In addition to my own team, the other 23 teams except Konoha's two, the 21 teams can only come up with the only missing scroll if they all unite and trust each other. Which one is it.



Tokuma said, "Actually, we only need to collect twelve earth scrolls to know that our scroll is the word for heaven."

Quan nodded: "That is to say, if the other two Konoha's teams are Sky Scrolls like ours, then maybe nothing happened to them."

Hua at the side looked at the two of them: "The four villages would unite against us. Is it really possible for this to happen? Can they trust each other and take out their own scrolls?"

The voice fell, and several people were speechless for a while.

In the distance, Uchiha Yun, who was watching the cave silently, smiled.

This second Chunin exam, although the starting reason is different, but the process is just like my own plan.

When a tyrannical enemy appears, the first thing everyone thinks of is to unite, because if they do not unite, they will perish.

The teams from the four villages built the initial trust because of the mission, and when the previous seven teams acted alone and were eliminated one after another, the strength of the tenth squad will make them understand that they can only be eliminated alone.

Then the next... is the real union.


As the morning light fell, just after dawn the next day, Izumi, who took turns keeping watch at night, woke up Tokuma and Ka.

"somebody is coming."

Reminded in a low voice, Tokuma Yoka, who had just opened his eyes, looked around cautiously at the fastest speed, and even Rimaru, who was beside him, sniffed his nose.

Roll your eyes, open!

Tokuma rolled his eyes and looked around, then frowned and said, "Three teams, nine people, don't be careless."

As soon as the voice fell, more than ten shurikens followed immediately.

Earth escape, ant hell!

In an instant, the ground in the cave softened and began to spin.

But when he just started ninjutsu, the three Tokuma found the foothold of the stone.

For more than a year, Kakashi's name of copying ninja is not fake, and the popular ninjutsu that each village is good at has been handed over to the tenth class to be familiar with.

Among them, there are naturally the seals and characteristics of Tudun.

"Wind escape, sickle itachi!"

In an instant, countless wind blades swept across the cave in a huge strong wind.

Back to the days!

The blue circle shattered all the wind blades, and Tokuma stopped and said, "It seems that our guess is not wrong. Sand Yin's Wind Dun and Yan Yin's Earth Dun, they have reached a preliminary trust."

Immediately Quan said: "We must leave here now, if we stay any longer, it will be terrible!"

After the voice fell, the three of them rushed out of the cave suddenly.

Back to the days!

As soon as the seal appeared in Baiyan's 360-degree angle of view, Tokuma, who was in the lead, used the defense formed by Huitian to disperse the flames.

The earth escapes, and the rock collapses.


The cave behind him had collapsed at this moment, and a figure stood on top of the ruins with a regretful expression on his face.

It was also at this time that the opponent's offensive continued uninterrupted.


A long knife fell, and Tokuma, who had already seen the opponent's movements clearly, dodged easily, and with a backhand, he directly blocked the opponent's chakra meridian.

And Izumi behind Tokuma, at this moment, also used illusion to knock down one, and under the insight of Sharingan, he suddenly looked behind Hua: "Hua!"

Hua frowned slightly, blocked the oncoming short blade with Kunai, and fled back.


After landing, the power of high-speed rotation reversed and rushed forward in an instant.


Hana casually threw the stunned Yunyin ninja on the ground: "Before being the medical ninja of the team, I am also from the Inuzuka clan, bastard!"

It has only been ten seconds since the enemy was discovered by the spring in the cave, but three of the nine members of the three teams have already been knocked down.

Although they are all just ninjutsu, there are not many ninjutsu in each club, and the power is just that, but this also reflects the achievements of the tenth class's practice for more than a year.

"Zhitu, your team's mission is over."

On the collapsed cave, a voice sounded, and Yan Yinxia, ​​who originally used Yansu Beng, frowned slightly upon hearing this.

But behind him, two Wuyin teams came out and said: "When the plan fails, the task of your team is to take the scroll and go to the tower to complete the second exam. This is the established strategy!"

Zhitu nodded indifferently: "Sorry, they reacted too quickly."

Kirigakure's ninja smiled: "It is only in this situation that Kirigakure will get Iwagakure's apology... Although I am a little emotional, let's go!"


After taking a last look at Class Ten, Zhitu disappeared instantly.

Because of his strength, as the main force in the third test duel, he only had one chance to attack, and if he failed, he could only go to the waiting teammates and leave.

It's not just him, in each ninja village, in addition to this team of Yanyin, there is also Wuye team of Kirigakure.

These two teams, because of the existence of Zhitu and Wuye, were recognized as the forces that must survive until the third test.

Except for these two teams, the rest can be eliminated in this second test.

For a while, in Tokuma's 360-degree white-eyed perspective, the number of surrounding enemies appeared more and more.

"Sixteen, nineteen, twenty-four, thirty-two, thirty-three!"

In the end, the number of encircled people reached thirty-three.

Quan sighed helplessly: "Is this because my brother is our teacher, so he became the target of public criticism?"

Hana at the side shook her head slightly: "Perhaps the more important thing here is you, the teacher's younger sister. You belong to the same Uchiha clan, and you are twins. That's why they are so afraid..."

Tokuma at the front said in a deep voice: "Although the opponents are not strong, don't be careless if there are many people."

At this moment, Xia Yin from the opposite side said indifferently: "You really deserve to be that person's disciple... Isn't it strong? This is really the biggest mockery."

As soon as the words fell, the thirty-three people surrounding them threw out their shurikens at the same time and went straight to the three Tokuma.

Under the attack without a dead angle, Tokuma did not use Huitian again, but from the perspective of supercilious eyes, when everyone just raised their hands, they immediately rushed forward to avoid it.

As for Izumi on the second floor, under the dynamic vision of Sharingan, he knocked down six shurikens with his shuriken, and then retreated to shoot them down with Kunai.

Under the special non-reflective steel wire, Quan quickly formed a seal: Fire escape, the art of fire dragon.

The flames spread and swept away along the wire, and just as Shinobi Shinobi who dodged away landed on the ground, a huge dog's head appeared behind him, biting it off and throwing it flying.

The green Chakra scalpel was also blooming at this moment, blood fell, and one person fell to the ground.


Kunai collided with the short blade, and Kirigakure's shinin just wanted to taunt Uchiha Yun's sister in front of him, but the next moment, his back felt cold.

Quan pulled out the piercing kunai: "The technique of shadow clone combined with the interfering illusion, why do you think that the one in front of you is my real body?"

Kirigakure's Shinobi looked back with difficulty: "After sharing the chakra, you can still perform such a fire escape, you..."


He didn't finish what he said later, he was kicked down by the encirclement Shiizumi and then disappeared in the same place instantly, and the shuriken that followed also fell into the empty space.


Two hours later, all thirty-three people in the Four Great Ninja Villages were wiped out.

At this moment, the three members of the tenth class also stood together panting heavily.

Inuzuka Hana was about to heal her teammate, but Tokuma waved her hand and said, "It's just a skin injury, it's not worth wasting your chakra. The opponent still has two teams, and they may still be waiting for us at the finish line."

Quan on the side nodded: "Looking at the current situation, apart from us, Konoha's other two teams should have been jointly eliminated by them. In this case, there are only six opponents left in this forest. .”

Tokuma looked around at the enemies lying on the ground: "Let's search, although maybe they won't bring them with them."

Hua, who had the lowest consumption, nodded, and began to search carefully for the scroll.

However, the result was not unexpected. In addition to joining forces, the other party also hid the Scroll of Earth.

"Let's find a hidden place to rest first, recover from injuries and chakra. In the next day or so, we must find the scrolls they hid."

Hua said and carried Quan on his back: "The wound on your calf was scratched by your own steel wire, and the bleeding has stopped. But in the future, it's best to use less moves like that."

Quan stuck out the tip of his tongue: "The eyes can see but the reaction can't keep up. These guys are chasing too closely, there is no way."

After the words fell, the three of them left here immediately.

After a while.

Yun and Huangtu and others appeared here. The medical team that followed was also quickly dispatched to stop the bleeding of the seriously injured and unconscious Genin who had lost too much blood and carried out emergency rescue.

Looking at all the injured young ninjas, Yun smiled and said to Huangtu beside him: "The younger generation who have not experienced ninja wars seem to be much more accepting of alliances."

Huangtu was indifferent, and then said: "Your Excellency's younger sister, if you only look at strength at present, even a Jonin can already take the role."

Seeing that the other party didn't answer the question, Yun shook his head helplessly: "Junin needs more than just strength. Of course, if the strength reaches a certain level, it can be an exception. But obviously she is not good enough."

As Yun said, he turned his head and looked to the other side. The guys with slightly less injuries had already woken up.

A few people were lying on the stretcher, one by one was resenting the enemy who was only in the tenth squad, and the atmosphere seemed to be like friends in the same village.

It seems that what I have always thought is correct, war sometimes brings not only hatred, but also the feelings of comrades-in-arms.

But this feeling will soon be wiped out on the issues of their respective positions.

If you want not to be obliterated, then you must put your positions together.

At this moment, Huang Tu looked at Yun from the corner of his eye.

After getting along for a few days, Huang Tu has become increasingly confused about each other.

Why do people who have experienced a war still have such naive thoughts?

At this time, there seemed to be a disagreement among the few ninjas who were chatting.

"It's really Iwagakure who came up with such a despicable plan."

"Bastard! What do you mean by that?"

"Hehe... Isn't it? At that time, he sneaked up on us from behind and dragged down the three generations of Raikage-sama to death. We, Yun Yin, will never forget this hatred!"

"Heh! I won't forget? If I remember correctly, Konoha killed your fourth generation of Raikage, but now you call each other as allies, so don't you feel ashamed?"

"Bastard! What are you talking about!"

"Sneaked into Konoha to steal Hinata's supercilious eyes, but lost the war in the end, you are a fool!"

"This kind of statement is nothing but Konoha's one-sided words!"

"My teacher said that Yun Yin has been stealing the secret arts and blood inheritance from various ninja villages these years. Your thoughts cannot stand scrutiny at all."

"Want to fight you bastard!"


At this time, Shinobi from the side of Sayin dissuaded him: "We were all comrades in arms just now, if we fight like this, Konoha will see a joke."

As soon as the words fell, the two who had been arguing just now looked back at him at the same time.

"The groveling Sain has no right to speak!"

"Sakin, who has been defeated all the time, has no right to speak!"

Coincidentally, the two targeted Sand Yin's Genin at the same time.

Ever since, they quarreled until there was another guy in the ready-to-do team.

As for Kirigakure's Ninja, considering that Master Ao in his village seems to have a supercilious eye, it's best not to speak at this time.


Yun not far away looked at this scene and smiled. the question of the difference in the final positions.

And Qing on the other side, at this moment, pressed a hand on the blindfold. Will Konoha ask Konoha to take back the white eye inside?

At that time, how will Kirigakure choose?

Seeing the arguing Genin being taught a lesson by the team leaders of their respective villages, Ao hesitated.

After all, there is already a big gap in the power of Kirigakure now. Especially in the generation after me, the number of ninjas is too small, let alone geniuses.


Try to adjust as much as possible today, every day is still 9,000 words and 10,000 words, thank you!

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