"Cough cough cough..."

After the dust settled, Yun looked at Tokuma, who was still coughing, and asked, "Is there any problem?"

Tokuma stood up and nodded: "No problem, but the other party seems to regard us as ordinary ninja."

Having said that, Tokuma looked at the caravan not far away: "Did the teacher kill the other two too?"

Yun shook his head slightly: "No, the other two enemies were killed by Hua Hequan and the others themselves, but I didn't take action."

Said, ignoring Tokuma who was stunned, and returned to the caravan directly.

And the caravan, which was still in chaos just now, has been calmed down by the old man He Yan.

The moment he saw Yun, he said without waiting for Yun to question: "I really don't know why there are ninjas following us, we are just ordinary traveling merchants!"

"The difficulty of this mission has increased, old man, I am willing to increase the reward for the mission, and write to Hokage-sama to increase the level of this mission."

Yun looked at the old man, the saying that sometimes a person becomes a smart man is quite right.

Before he said anything, the old man explained the accident completely.

Willing to increase the task level to make up for the reward is enough to prove that he really didn't know about the accident.

But it's just an ordinary traveling businessman, hehe...

In fact, the old man knew very well that the Grayl Stone must be targeted. But what he didn't know was that the three ninjas just acted secretly, and maybe there was no future trouble after that.

If only ordinary Konoha ninjas were present at the moment, maybe he would return to Konoha to reissue the mission.

But now that he knew Yun's name, the old man naturally wouldn't look far away.

"You want us to continue this mission?"

Yun scratched his head and said, "Although I don't have any objections, this is the first time for my students to go out of the village. You need their consent."

Hearing this, the old man immediately looked at Izumi and Flower at the side, and then stared at Tokuma who had just come back. The burning eyes made the three of them tremble.


The previous Earth Dun just pierced Yun's clone, but the carriage was not damaged, which shows the fine control of the opponent's chakra.

Now Cloud was lying on the roof of the carriage again, and the caravan set off again.


Hearing the sound, Yun closed his eyes and looked down at Tokuma: "Are you worried?"

Tokuma shook his head slightly: "With the teacher here, both Izumi and the others know that life will not be in danger."

"It's just... Am I too weak?"

There were three enemies who attacked the caravan before. After the battlefield was divided, Quan and Hua quickly ended the battle.

And here I am...


Yun turned over and sat up, yawned, rubbed his eyes and said, "Is it because of the previous battle? But your opponent is the team leader, who is much stronger than the other two."

As he spoke, Yun looked at the two people resting behind the caravan, and after thinking for a while, he said, "The power of the spring is not the same as that of you, or it is somewhat incomparable."

"The opening of white eyes requires hard training, and the opening of the Uchiha clan's Sharingan requires pain. Sometimes, Uchiha who can't bear the pain will become a neuropathy."

"The price is different, and the power you get is naturally different. Shuanggouyu's Sharingan, how Quan obtained this power, and the scene in the illusion, she must have told you all, right?"

Seeing Tokuma nodding, Yun continued: "The way of illusion will no longer be effective for further development of Quan's Sharingan in the future. After experiencing it once, and Sharingan itself has the ability of illusion, if you come again in the future , it won't work."

"And your white eyes, with the soft fist that can cut off the chakra meridians, and the white eyes with a 360-degree viewing angle, as long as the reaction is achieved, it is not impossible to be invincible in the field of gossip."

After the words fell, Tokuma was stunned, and then asked directly: "Is there a way for the teacher to train me?"

Yun smiled: "Do you know why I didn't take action when I found the enemy before? Apart from the test, I want to see what you are lacking in actual combat."

"Tokuma, the white eye is the foundation of soft fist. You who can't master Bagua Kongzhang, what you need is reaction, a reaction that anticipates the enemy's opportunity. Everything that can be seen within the line of sight can be targeted in advance."

Predict the enemy's opportunity?

But Bai Yan can't predict it, what is needed is his own reaction speed.

Tokuma looked up at Yun: "After returning to the village this time, can the teacher give me a special training?"

Yun nodded: "Don't worry, the three of you have arrangements."


The rest of the journey went smoothly, and it seemed to be consistent with the information obtained by the illusion. The three people before seemed to be really testing in private.

Combined with the fact that in the original book in memory, the traveling caravan did not have any problems until Naruto was fourteen years old, it may be because he escaped this time.

Three days later, hiding the identity of the Konoha ninja and escorting the caravan to its destination, Yun returned with the three Tokuma.

The task is settled with the reward of a B-level task, and the change of the task level was also notified to Konoha by his summons.


At this time, Konoha Village.

After the root was destroyed by Yun Yizuo Kong's avatar vest, the remaining part was taken over by Zhuanzi Xiaochun and Mitomon Yan after Danzo's death.

The two of them, like the third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen, plus a dead Danzo, are people who have inherited the will of the second Hokage Senshou Kaima.

Their fear of Uchiha has never weakened.

And as the Uchiha clan got rid of the big pit of the security force in the past few years, there are more and more allies behind them.

This situation is something that the three of them absolutely do not want to see.

"Hum, is everything you reported true?!"

Mitomonyan looked at Genbu, who was wearing a mask in front of him, and the hand holding the document in his hand was already green.

The remaining root called Hum replied in a low voice: "When Danzo-sama was still there, the root had documented records of the Kaleidoscope Sharingan of the Uchiha clan and the cells of the first Hokage."

"After the Uchiha family's Kaleidoscope Sharingan is opened, frequent use will eventually lead to blindness. This is proved in the records of Uchiha Itachi."

"As for Uchiha Yun, according to the number of times he uses it, his eyes should already be blurred."

Turning Sleeping Xiaochun frowned tightly, and asked: "But now Uchiha Yun's eyes, judging from his daily performance, there is no decrease in vision. Could it be..."

Mitomon nodded: "If what is described in this document is true, then Uchiha Yun must have done experiments on the first generation of cells."

Turning to the bed, Xiaochun pondered: "The experiment of the first generation of cells, this is something that Hokage issued an order to prohibit the experiment and seal it up many years ago! Uchiha... dare to set foot in the power of the first generation!!"

As she spoke, she looked at Hum: "Where is this experimental subject called Xin now?"

Hum lowered his head and replied respectfully: "After the roots were destroyed by Uzumaki, Orochimaru disappeared when he defected. And a long time ago, Xin was one of the experimental subjects who voluntarily became Orochimaru."


defected to Konoha, one of the Sannin, and a disciple of Hiruzen.

The two who knew Sarutobi's temperament looked at each other, and they both saw affirmation in each other's eyes.

Even if he is Ri Zhan's disciple, he misses his old love, but believes that with such a physique, he must not be left outside.

Only the power in your own hands is the best power to protect Konoha!

"Go down."

Mitomon's voice sounded.

Hum, who was bowed and waiting, was stunned for a while, and looked up slightly as if he was a little puzzled.

Being the root means being loyal to Danzo. The reason why the two in front of us can master the remaining roots is largely because the roots trust that they will lead the remaining roots and continue Danzo's will.

"You two lords, all the rest of the people at the root are willing to serve you two lords!"

Mitomonyan looked at Hum, cold and sharp, exactly the same as the previous Danzo.

"The old man said... let you go down!"

Under the deterrence of the superior, Hum took half a step back slightly, then bowed and left.


"Should I tell Ri Zhan about this? Yan."

Turning to sleep, Xiaochun looked at the document in her hand, and at this moment she was also a little panicked.

Uchiha family, kaleidoscope Sharingan.

Such a pair of eyes, such power is not enough, dare to dabble in the power of the first generation.

And if it is really obtained by that little ghost named Uchiha Yun, and the power of Uchiha Madara and the first generation of Hokage Senjujuta merge into one, who else in this world can stop him?

In the entire Konoha, there are only a few people who have seen the power of the first generation and Uchiha Madara.

The power called God is unimaginable to those who have never seen it.

Wrapped in blue chakra armor with nine tails under control, it is a wooden giant as tall as a mountain.

With a casual blow, it was an attack like a tailed beast jade.

If such power is controlled by the evil Uchiha clan, Konoha will be destroyed by it at any time.

That man named Uchiha Madara...

Turning to bed, Xiaochun thought about a long time ago, when she had just entered the ninja school hosted by the second generation.

At this time, Mitomon Yan interrupted her thoughts: "No, don't tell Hirazan about this for now."

Turning to bed Xiaochun looked at him: "But if there is no support from Ri Zhan, we..."


Mito Menyan sneered: "Do you think Hirizan really still has the right now? How many people have begun to distrust Anbu, who is directly under the Third Hokage?"

"And with Hirizhan's indecisive character, Uchiha, who is now hiding his true colors, may give him an attitude that can be taken lightly."

"You should know... the Sharingan and first-generation cells of the Uchiha clan, the power of Sharingan and Mutun are all in one person, how dangerous this situation will be. Especially this person is Uchiha!"

Turning to bed Xiaochun's brows were furrowed, she understood the meaning of these words.

You must know that even the most powerful nine-tailed beast among the nine-tailed beasts was just a pet in the hands of the first generation.

Under the wooden escape, Nine Tails had no power to resist.

And in this case, the tailed beast in Kushina's body is just taken by the opponent at will.

"Yan, what is your plan?"

Mitomonyan looked at the Uchiha clan's clan outside the window, and then shifted his gaze to the lonely old Hatake wood house in the village.

"We are not inexperienced in dealing with the strong in strength."

Speaking of this, Mitomon Yan took out the document in his hand: "The delicate nature of politics lies in the balance between the parties. If one of the parties exceeds too much because of power, the balance will be broken."

"It's only been a few decades since Muye built the village. Every family still has old people who will remember the horrors of the Warring States Period."

"That's why no one dares to let Uchiha have another person with the power of Uchiha Madara. Even Hinata, who has received favors, is the same."

Having said that, Zhuanzhu Xiaochun obviously understood what his old friend meant.

Indeed, the delicate nature of politics is all about balance.

With the power of Uchiha Madara as a deterrent, no family can tolerate the birth of such a transcendent power.

And as long as Uchiha is out of the group, it will be much easier to deal with.

"Will he resist?"

Zhuanzhu Xiaochun asked the most critical question.

And Mitomon Yan shook his head affirmatively: "Uchiha Shisui and Uchiha Itachi will stop him. If we talk about Uchiha back then, he might break the jar and smash the fish to death."

"But today's Uchiha, since the end of the war with Yun Yin, there is even a voice about the next Hokage. Hehe..."

"How dare a Uchiha who stole the power of the first generation of Hokage through human experiments dare to take the position of Hokage?!"

"In the current Uchiha's good form, neither Uchiha Shisui nor Uchiha Itachi will agree to a coup."

"These two people are not idiots. With Konoha's current deterrent power, once the Uchiha coup d'etat, whether it is Yun Yin or the other three major ninja villages, they will definitely take the opportunity to dispatch."

"They are also afraid that Konoha will have an extra Uchiha Madara. In that case, they will be suppressed again for decades."

The voice fell, and there was no sound in the reception room.

And after a long time, Xiaochun looked at his old friend and said, "In this way, as long as that kid has indeed done experiments on the first generation of cells, then..."


Mitomon Yan interrupted her: "Conjecture is always just speculation. Judging by Uchiha Yun's vision, the other party's experiment may have already been completed. The laboratory...needs us to help him do it."

"The rejection of the first-generation cells is not so easy to eliminate. You only need to check his body and cooperate with the laboratory to achieve the goal."

As soon as this remark came out, Zhuanzhu Xiaochun was stunned.

"Shall we help him make a laboratory?"

Mito Menyan nodded: "With his prestige in the village now as that of Bai Fang back then, without witnessing evidence, it is very difficult to make him confess."

"Is that so?"

There was some struggle in Xiaochun's gaze, but the three words Uchiha were enough to overwhelm everything.

Afterwards, there was no sound in the reception room.


On the streets of Konoha.

There was the sound of smashing and smashing in the barbecue shop, and then the noise of a drunkard appeared.

After a while, a three-person team of the security force ran over, the leader of the Uchiha team, and two ninjas from small families behind him.

"A series of light arrays!"

A simple enchantment ninjutsu was activated under the knot seal, and the drunkard's smashing figure was instantly frozen.

Subsequently, the leader of the Uchiha clan stepped forward and began to inquire about the specific situation.

While the drunkard was also in a state of drunkenness, he arrogantly admitted what he had done, and asked what he could do with him.

This kind of arrogant attitude, if it was Uchiha a few years ago, it can directly teach him to be a man now.

But now, Uchiha, the leader of the team, ignored his dirty provocation, but took out the record and announced on the spot the regulations and punishment methods violated by the other party.

All the melon eaters present were satisfied, and then the record was split into two, and one copy was posted at the door of the barbecue restaurant.

In the end, the drunk was taken into custody, and he was going to take him back to the security force to sober up first.

After the group left, the people who eat melons began to talk.

"I've heard that the current garrison is different from before. I didn't expect it to be true."

"Uchiha Yun is the hero of the village, how can Uchiha discredit him?"

"Speaking of which, there are now various families in the security force, but today the team leader happens to be from the Uchiha family."

"Master Zhishui manages well."

"The drunk just now was very lucky. If he had been beaten before, he would have been beaten by now. Take him back after the beating, haha!"

"If you want me to say that it should be like this, that guy just now, is it not due to clean up?"


Amidst the discussion, Zhuanzhu Xiaochun stood in place and looked there.

Is the Uchiha now... different?

The dazed old woman came back to her senses, frowning tightly, she remembered what her teacher said about Uchiha.

Evil eyes, evil Uchiha.

With such a pair of eyes, the eyes can only be opened only after seeing the death of important people.

In this case, how many normal people will Uchiha have?

And the Uchiha like the mirror back then is gone...

Regardless of the size of the clan, consider the problem from the perspective of the village. It's just that there are too few Uchihas like this...

After sorting out his thoughts, Xiaochun turned around and left here.

In any case, Uchiha needs to press down.


The border of the Land of Fire.

Because of the small size of the Country of Grass, Yun took Quan and the others back to the Country of Fire on the first night.

At this moment, Yun also began to discuss with the three of them about their follow-up special training plan.

"Tokuma, your white eyes can see a range of 360 degrees. This ability is the biggest advantage when facing the enemy."

"And what you lack now is the anticipation of the enemy. In addition to the reaction speed, what you also need to practice is the next step of each action of the opponent."

These words made Tokuma stunned, and then asked: "How to predict the opponent's next move, this ability..."

Yun shook his head slightly, got up and took out a kunai, the wrist in slow motion began to exert force, and then flung it out violently.

"call out!"

Kunai hit the tree pole not far away.


Yun looked at Tokuma who was puzzled, and then explained: "Although with my strength, I can throw Kunai out with just a wrist movement, but when I do this movement, my subconscious body will have a forward force."

As he said that, Yun took out Kunai again, and demonstrated again.

This time, Tokuma clearly saw the difference.

"Shoulders! Even if the teacher is sure that the strength of the wrist is enough, but the shoulders moved."

Tokuma understood, but then frowned and said, "But such a small movement, if you distinguish each front, it's too scary."

Yun shook his head slightly: "Maitkai, that guy is currently researching a new way of fighting because of my Sharingan."

"Because he only knows physical skills, his resistance to illusion is very low without opening the Eight Gates Dunjia. Therefore, he discovered that he can clearly understand the opponent's upper body movements just by relying on the enemy's lower body movements."

"That way he can hit me without looking me in the eye."

After the voice fell, the three people on the opposite side were all stunned.

How can it be? ! !

Is this kind of battle really possible?

You must know that guy doesn't have Tokuma's white eyes, and he doesn't have such a wide perspective at all.

A moment later, Tokuma saw Yun's gaze, and then he clenched his fists: "I understand, this is the direction of my next practice."

Yun nodded and said: "It's not just taijutsu, you also need to understand the knot seal of ninjutsu. For this, I will ask Kakashi to help you. He copied thousands of ninjutsu, but he didn't Know if his chakra is enough."


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