Naruto: Intelligence from Uchiha

Chapter 125 Nagato, who suppressed the fire


Yun Yin's Jonin gave the order, and the teammates on the side said angrily: "How can we let them leave so easily?! We..."

Before he could finish speaking, the Jonin who led the team suddenly turned his head, and the Sharingan in his eyes seemed to be about to come out.

The huge sense of oppression caused him to collapse directly to the ground.

He was a familiar companion just now, but now he has turned into an enemy.

"Now do you know why you retreated?"

Before the other party who was limp on the ground could speak, Uzumaki Sora in the illusion continued to say: "Such a high-level person should not be worth your efforts, right? Now Yun Yin, if he loses the two perfect human powers of Hachio and Nio, then Yun Yin There is no reason to continue to exist.”

The voice fell, and the illusion dissipated.

As for the front of Yun Yin's chasing troops, the two people from just now had disappeared.

Nin Lin, who led the team, frowned tightly, looking solemnly at the dark forest ahead.

The words just now not only appeared in the illusion of the practitioner, he also heard Kong's indifferent voice.

"Captain, we..."

"I remember that person. It's Uzumaki Sora. There is information about him in the black market. He has the space-time ninjutsu of Konoha's fourth Hokage, and the Mutun of the first Hokage. Now... Sharingan has also appeared on this person body."

The words shocked everyone, and then he continued: "If we continue to chase, we will all sacrifice, and it will be meaningless. Send the information back to the village, and everything will be decided by the high-level."


The country of soup, hot spring soup pool.

Lying comfortably in the whirlpool in the pool, he turned his head and looked at Loquat Shizang who was still tense.

"There's no need to be so nervous, right? Relax, we're in a hot spring hotel."

Loquat Juzang breathed out: "It's just a living habit that has been maintained all year round. Kirigakure has always had a ninja team that hunts down and kills rebellious ninja. For Kirigakure, who is good at assassination, if he relaxes a little, he will die for no reason."

Uzumaki was indifferent when he heard the words, and Kirigakure was different from Konoha in that he did have a special unit for chasing and killing traitors.

But I am just a clone, and some people know the information about being able to be resurrected, so I didn't develop such a habit.

"Speaking of... Sora, which village are you a rebel from? Uzumaki, wouldn't it be Konoha?"

Uzumaki smiled and asked, "Is Uzumaki necessarily Konoha? When the country of Uzumaki was destroyed, not many Uzumaki clan were taken back by Konoha. There were quite a few exiles."

Loquat Shizang nodded: "Which village do you belong to?"

Whirlpool turned to look at him: "Have you already thought about it? I want to know my origin, but I have to pay your allegiance."

The voice fell, and the scene was silent for a long time.

After a while, Loquat Juzang sneered: "Sharingan, Mudun, time-space ninjutsu, so many powers gathered in one body, I can't guess your identity."

"Information dealer? Where did you get so much information? Whether it's Scorpion's history, Kakuzu's history, Orochimaru's past, or my past, you seem to be very clear about it."

"You didn't kill Yunyin's group of people today, I even thought you would be Yunyin's traitor."

Whirlpool sneered: "It doesn't make any sense if the group of guys who obey orders can't be killed. If they continue to chase, it will only take a few breaths."

After the voice fell, Uzumaki Kong did not answer his remaining questions.

After a long time, Loquat Shizang asked, "Then... what is your ultimate goal?"

Whirlpool looked at him: "World peace. Believe it or not, my goal is indeed something new."

"This world is not as simple as it seems to you. Because of a little accident, the trajectory of this world has gone deformed."

"However, you and I are both the beneficiaries of this accident. I want to correct this deformed world, and I have some preliminary plans at present."

"Do you want to know?"

Loquat Shizang nodded slightly: "If I want to be loyal to you, at least I must know where our purpose is."

Whirlpool smiled: "Have you agreed?"

Loquat Shizang didn't reply, but on his shoulder, a flying Thunder God mark flashed past.

This is the spell of Flying Thunder God that has been printed long ago. Even Rabbi Eight-Tails Jinzhu Riki has never been able to get rid of this spell.

As for the six-path level similar to Obito in memory, not everyone can achieve the six-path level.

In silence, the two leisurely enjoyed the free time after the end of the mission. Uzumaki Sora, like his body, Uchiha Yun, is in a state of enjoying life.

Although the days outside are not as stable as the main body in Konoha, the different cuisines outside are another kind of enjoyment.

for example……

Konoha's bathhouse is not as comfortable as the Tangchi hot spring here. Although it is not possible to enjoy it like this every day, it is a kind of compensation.


A week later, in the Land of Rain.

Payne Tiandao looked at the scroll in his hand, and looked suspiciously at the two people who had just returned: "With your strength, it shouldn't take so long, right?"

Loquat Shizang turned his head away in embarrassment, but Uzumaki replied directly: "After the mission was completed, I played in Tango Country for a while. After all, I have to combine work and rest. I think Shizang seems to be under a lot of pressure, just pulled together."

Work and rest? !

Nagato, who controls Tiandao, has a black line on his forehead. If he didn't know the power of the person in front of him, he would have thought that this guy would be gone if it was his first mission.

It turned out to be the reason for combining work and rest?

At this time, Nagato couldn't help but think of Obito's words.

He really regrets it now.

At this time, Whirlpool held his fingers and said: "An organization must at least let its members relax physically and mentally before they can work seriously, right? Look at our organization, the leader is in the dark all day long and can't see the light of day."

"The mad scientist stares at his teammate's body and licks his lips every day, and the financial manager thinks about how much his teammate's head is worth every day, and kills one from time to time."

"Not to mention that scorpion, who stays inside his own puppet all day long, and even himself is a puppet. Only Shi Zang and I are normal. If this continues, we will become mentally ill."

Tiandao remained indifferent without any expression, while Nagato in the tower twitched his eyes.


Seems to make sense...

Kakuzu no longer knows who his teammate is, and Orochimaru will lick his lips when he sees himself and Uzumaki Sora.

Such a not easy to lead.

"Leader, I think you should pay more attention to the physical and mental health of our organization members. If there is nothing else, I will leave first."

After Uzumaki finished speaking, Shizang behind him also nodded and left.

This scene made Nagato in the tower very angry.


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