Chapter 996 How rich is the Suzuki family?

"Hattori Heiji, you came with us, right?"

Sonoko looked at Hattori Heiji very rudely and asked.

"Nonsense, I just came here to eat, but I didn’t expect to meet you." Hattori Heiji said in embarrassment.

With Hattori Heiji's face-saving character, he would definitely not admit that he came here with Chen and the others.

"So I just said, this is just a coincidence, do you want to go back together? Chen smiled faintly and looked at Hattori Heiji and asked.

"Chen, I don’t want to go back with him. Yuanzi shook his head and said

"Hum, no need." Hattori Heiji snorted coldly, and then left alone.

Chen looked at Hattori Heiji who left angrily and smiled. He knew that this would be the result. Even if Chen really invited him, he would leave alone for the sake of face.

""197"Let's go, we can go to school. If you are late, we will be late." Xiaolan looked at the time and said anxiously.

As a good student, Xiaolan obviously didn't want to be late, so they returned to school

"Tomorrow is the weekend, Chen, don’t forget, let’s go to Xiaolan’s house first."

When school was over, Yuanzi reminded Chen

"Don't worry, I won't forget it."Chen waved to Yuanzi, and then returned home with Hongzi.

Early the next morning, Chen got up, and after eating some snacks, he took Xiao Ai to Xiao Lan's house.

As for why he took Xiao Ai with him, this Of course it was Xiao Ai who took the initiative. To be honest, Xiao Ai rarely took the initiative to go out. Since

Xiao Ai wanted to take the initiative to go out to play this time, of course Chen had to take Xiao Ai with him. Xiao Ai could do research at home. I'm so tired. It would be nice to take Xiao Ai out to play and relax properly.

When we arrived at Xiaolan's house, Yuanzi hadn't arrived yet, so He Ye was still temporarily living in Xiaolan's house.

Originally, He Ye wanted to I wanted to rent a house, but under Xiaolan's persuasion, I still stayed at Xiaolan's house.

In addition, Conan no longer lives in Xiaolan's house. Since the last time, Conan has been living in Dr. Ali's house. At home.

There is also Hattori Heiji, who also lives in Dr. Agasa’s home. I don’t know how he persuaded his parents to stay here.

Hattori Heizo is really relieved. During the attack on the tropical paradise, Hattori Heiji But after suffering a gunshot wound, he still dares to let Hattori Heiji stay here.

"Xiao Ai is here too, come in quickly."Xiao Lan's eyes lit up when she saw Xiao Ai, and then she asked Chen and Xiao Ai to come in.

"Where is your dad?"

After Chen came in, he didn't find Mouri Kogoro, so he asked Xiaolan

"Dad has a job and is busy now."Xiaolan said to Chen, since he was cheated last time, Mouri Kogoro, who owed a huge sum of money, has worked hard now.

"Came so early"

"We just finished breakfast. By the way, no breakfast?"He Ye was washing the dishes in the kitchen.

Because he lived in Xiaolan's place, He Ye was a little embarrassed, so he took the initiative to take on the responsibility of washing the dishes.

"I didn’t expect you could also wash dishes."Chen looked at He Ye.

He Ye was immediately angry. No matter how stupid she was, there was no way she could not wash the dishes. Do you really think of her as a fool? He Ye glared at Chen in shame and annoyance. Zhuchen

"I'm just kidding you, don't be angry."Chen said to Heye and stared for a while. Yuanzi finally arrived at Xiaolan's house.

"It seems that I am the slowest."Yuanzi couldn't help but said

"You must have slept in."Chen said looking at Yuanzi, and Yuanzi stuck out his tongue. Chen's guess was indeed correct. Yuanzi did sleep in.

"I usually get up too early for school, but now I have a break, so I don’t think about it so early. Yuanzi said rather embarrassed.

Then Chen and the others followed Yuanzi and came to the foot of a mountain, but Chen had never heard of this mountain at all.

"What kind of mountain is this? Chen asked Yuanzi. He checked the map and found no markings.

"I don’t know what kind of mountain this is."Yuanzi shook his head.

"You brought us here to the garden. Although the scenery here is beautiful, you can tell at a glance that it is a place where few people come. You won't encounter wild beasts, right?"

He Ye is a little worried. If you encounter a beast in the wild, it will be very dangerous.

"Don't worry about this, Heye. There are absolutely no wild beasts here, because my home is at the foot of this mountain. There is a villa. Although I rarely come here, the large wild beasts here have been cleared away......"

Yuanzi patted his heart and said.

Now everyone was speechless, including Chen. How rich is the Suzuki family? There are villas everywhere.

"You Suzuki family are so rich, you have the spare money to build a villa in this kind of mountain."Chen couldn't help but say.

You must know that the cost of building a villa in such a place will increase several times.

"whee."Sonoko smiled. To be honest, she didn't know how much money the Suzuki Consortium had.

As for the Suzuki Consortium, although the Suzuki family does not have 100% control, most of the shares are in the hands of the Suzuki family.

"But that’s okay, at least there’s no need to camp." Chen said while looking at the villa not far away.

"Also, although I want to go out and play, I don't like camping in the wild. I always feel unsafe."He Ye said

"Yes, you are so beautiful, so beware of perverts."Chen nodded and said.

He Ye looked at Chen in surprise, feeling sweet in his heart. He really didn't expect that Chen would praise her for her beauty.

It's rare to be praised by Chen. I remember the time before, Chen always likes to quarrel with her, which makes He Ye very angry.

"It's to be on guard against perverts, and there seems to be a pervert here."Xiao Ai raised her head and glanced at Chen

"Um? Where is the pervert?"Chen pretended to be confused and looked at Xiao Ai fiercely. He actually called him a pervert. It seemed that he wanted to give Xiao Ai some color. 2.6

"You know it yourself."Xiao Ai turned her head.

Yuanzi and the others covered their mouths and looked at Chen who couldn't help but laugh out loud, which made Chen's face darken. For the sake of being a group of girls, they didn't bother with them..

Chen and the others moved into the Yuanzi family's villa. It was well-equipped with everything, and it was also very clean. You could tell that someone had cleaned it at a glance.

"It seems that some of the things I brought were all in vain."Xiaolan said looking at her backpack.

Xiaolan originally brought camping things, but it seems that she doesn't need them now. There is everything in this villa, and there is no need for those things at all.

"Yuanzi, you didn't say anything before. If you had, I wouldn't have brought these things with me. They're still so heavy."Xiaolan said to Yuanzi.

Yuanzi stuck out his tongue, a little embarrassed._To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel

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