Chapter 990: Yingli, what is your relationship with Chen?

"Yukiko, what are you looking at me for?"Fei Yingli was stared at by Yukiko. Finally she couldn't bear it anymore and asked.

"Ahaha, it’s nothing, I just think you’ve become more beautiful after not seeing you for a long time. Yukiko laughed, her eyes evading, which made Fei Yingli very suspicious. This was not something Yukiko could say.

"Yukiko, I think something is wrong with you."Fei Yingli kept staring at Yukiko with suspicious eyes.

"Something's wrong? What could be wrong with me? Yukiko laughed awkwardly and shook her head.

"If you don't want to say it, forget it."Fei Yingli withdrew her gaze. In fact, Fei Yingli also knew that if Youxizi didn't want to tell, she wouldn't be able to ask anything.

"Chen, since you said this matter will be left to you, then my life and fortune will all be placed in your hands. Fei Yingli said softly to Chen

"Don't worry, I promise you will be fine. Chen said with a faint smile.

Fei Yingli smiled slightly. For some reason, Fei Yingli believed Chen's words. Soon the police came here, and the person who came was Miwako.

"I didn’t expect it to be you, Miwako, what a coincidence." Chen looked at Miwako and said

"Chen, I didn’t expect you to be here too."Miwako glanced at Fei Yingli and knew that Fei Yingli was actually Xiaolan's mother.

So Miwako's expression was a little strange, and at the same time she glanced at Chen with a slightly contemptuous look.

Fei Yingli was very strange, why Miwako The look in his eyes was so similar to the look Yukiko looked at him just now.

However, he was not familiar with Kazumi and Zi, and Fei Yingli was too embarrassed to ask.

"Lawyer Fei, when did you receive this threatening courier?"Miwako asked Fei Yingli

"Just this morning, as soon as I received it and opened it, I called the police. Fei Yingli said to Miwako.

In other words, she just received this express delivery not long ago.

"Miwako, you don’t have to worry about this, I’ll take care of it." Chen said to Miwako

"Well, since you said so, Chen, I won’t worry about it anymore. I don’t want to bother about this matter anyway."Miwako nodded and said.

Since Chen said it would be solved, it must be solved. Compared with Fei Yingli, Miwako is the one who knows Chen's ability.

With Chen's ability, it would be too easy to solve this matter.

However, Although Chen said that he would solve this matter, Miwako did not leave. Let's just be lazy here.

After we go back, there are a lot of things to deal with, so why not just be lazy here a little bit? Officer Megure doesn't know anyway.

"By the way, Miwako, didn’t you make a meritorious service last time? Why didn't you get promoted? Chen suddenly remembered and asked Miwako

"Well, the appointment hasn't been announced yet. It will probably be announced soon, but it doesn't matter. I don't particularly care anyway."Miwako shrugged and said.

Miwako doesn't particularly care about whether she can be promoted. It doesn't matter if she can be promoted or not. Anyway, it hasn't changed much for Miwako. The current Miwako will be better soon. It’s already different from before.

"Chen, why don’t you continue to ask me if I have offended anyone?"

Fei Yingli asked Chen curiously.

Chen said he would help her solve the problem this time, but he didn't ask who she had offended. How on earth was Chen going to solve the problem this time?

Fei Yingli was very concerned about this. curious

"Well, you will know when the time comes."Chen took a pass. If Chen wants to find that person, he doesn't need to ask so many questions.

"In fact, as long as you investigate the sender of this express delivery, you can basically find some clues."Miwako said.

Chen shook his head slightly. Since the other party dared to use express delivery, he must not be afraid to follow this line to check, so that person may not have sent it in person.

"Yingli, just like you said, you have offended many people, so even you may not know how many enemies you have, so there is no point in asking you."

"Yes, even I am a little confused. Fei Yingli shook her head.

As the most outstanding lawyer and the queen of the legal profession who has never failed, she has offended a large number of people.

"So what are you going to do? Fei Yingli asked Chen

"Yingli, just work with peace of mind. Don't worry about this. I will solve it. Yingli, don't worry."

Chen patted Yingli's shoulder and said.

Listening to Chen's words, Fei Yingli felt very at ease. If Miwako and Yukiko were not here, Fei Yingli would even lean in. At this time, Fei Yingli suddenly felt that it seemed like this female police officer and Yukiko This good bestie is a bit of an eyesore.

"Yingli, I have something that I want to talk to you about alone."Yukiko grabbed Fei Yingli's hand and pulled Fei Yingli away.

Really, Yukiko couldn't help the doubts in her heart, so some things had to be asked.

Only by asking, could Yukiko's heart calm down?

"Is there a question you can't ask here?"

Although Fei Yingli said so, she still stood up, followed Yukiko to the side, and looked at Yukiko curiously.

Before, she felt that Yukiko was abnormal, but now Feiyingli wants to know what is in Yukiko's gourd. What kind of medicine were they selling?

When they arrived at Fei Yingli's bedroom, Yukiko closed the door, and then asked Fei Yingli:"What is the relationship between you and Chen, Yingli? I feel like your relationship is not simple."

Yukiko stared at Fei Yingli with suspicious eyes, eager to know

"Uh, why are you asking this question?"Fei Yingli's eyes were a little dodged.

Yukiko's eyes were focused. Sure enough, there was something wrong. Otherwise, Fei Yingli would never have been so panicked.

And Fei Yingli, after panicking, suddenly calmed down. She There's nothing wrong with Hechen's kindness. Why are you so panicked?

Fei Yingli didn't know what was going on. Anyway, after being asked this question by Yukiko, she suddenly panicked.

"You are overthinking it. Chen and I have nothing to do with each other."Fei Yingli rolled her eyes at Yukiko, and then said to Yukiko.

However, at this time, Yukiko no longer believed in Fei Yingli. Now Yukiko thinks that there is definitely a problem between Fei Yingli and Chen. It is even possible that they are the same as her. She is the woman of this guy Chen.

Thinking of this, Yukiko was not only a little jealous, but also looked at Fei Yingli with a resentful look.

"Yukiko, I noticed something was wrong with you today. Have you changed that much?"

Fei Yingli asked strangely. Even if they hadn't seen each other for more than ten years, they wouldn't have changed that much.

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