Chapter 988 Angry Fei Yingli

"Actually, if it's not convenient for you, Yukiko, you can move to my place. It just so happens that I'm a little bored by myself. Fei

Yingli said to Chen

"If this is the case, you should talk to Yukiko." Chen waved his hand towards Fei Yingli and said

"If Yukiko is willing to come to you, then let her come to you."

Although Chen said so, he was sure in his heart that Yukiko would never come to Fei Yingli. After all, the relationship between Chen and Yukiko is no longer normal. If it had been before,

Fei Yingli invited Yukiko, Yukiko might have considered it. But it's impossible now

"Just order whatever you like to eat, no need to be polite to me."

After arriving at a clean restaurant, Fei Yingli handed the menu to Chen

"This is a high-end restaurant, aren't you afraid that I will eat you up? Chen said with a chuckle.

"I think I still have some money, so I won't be overwhelmed by you. I do want to know how you can defeat me."

Fei Yingli said with a smile.

As the undefeated queen in the legal world, it is easy for Fei Yingli to make money. Most people will come to Fei Yingli for help because Fei Yingli's name is there.

From becoming a lawyer Since then, Fei Yingli has not lost a lawsuit.

Of course, Fei Yingli does not accept all commissions. No matter how high the price is, Fei Yingli will not even look at some commissions.

"In fact, no matter how much money you have, I can destroy you, but now I decide to be merciful."

Chen's appetite can scare Fei Yingli to death. No matter how much food, Chen can eat it. Even if the richest man comes, Chen can eat him bankrupt.

Fei Yingli smiled slightly, thinking that Chen was joking.

"Would you like a bottle of wine? Fei Yingli asked Chen

"Uh, do you still like drinking?"Chen looked at Fei Yingli in surprise, not knowing that Fei Yingli liked drinking. Fei Yingli shook her head towards Chen, and then said:"I don't usually like to drink, but sometimes I will drink two drinks."

"Oh well."Of course I haven't seen Chen. In fact, Chen still likes drinking.

At first, Chen thought that Fei Yingli wanted red wine, but when the wine arrived, Chen realized that it was sake.

Although sake is one of the eight major spirits, its alcohol content is not the same. It's not particularly high, but that doesn't mean it's not easy to get drunk.

"What, don’t you like it? Fei Yingli asked Chen

"Well, actually I can drink any kind of wine, I don’t have any preferences or dislikes."Chen poured himself a glass, and then poured a glass for Fei Yingli. It took several hours to finish the meal, and it was almost dark.

"Come on, I'll take you home."Chen said to Fei Yingli.

Because this place is not far from Fei Yingli's home, Fei Yingli didn't drive. She could just walk back and get home soon.

The wind at night was a bit cold, and when the cold wind blew, she was originally a little confused. The sleepy Fei Yingli wakes up

"Feeling a little cold?"Chen took off his coat and put it on Fei Yingli.

Fei Yingli was stunned for a moment, but she did not refuse Chen's action. She smiled slightly and said to Chen:"It seems that Chen, you are quite gentle."

"I'm just gentle with girls."Chen smiled faintly.

"Pfft, I'm not a girl anymore, I'm already old."

"Really, I didn’t see that you were standing together with Xiaolan. I’m afraid everyone would think you are sisters."

Chen's words made Fei Yingli smile, her eyes narrowed when she smiled, and she was obviously very happy.

"You are smooth-tongued. It seems that Chen, you have a lot of hookups with girls."

"Yes."Chen touched his nose, and then whispered.

Soon he returned to Fei Yingli's house. After Chen sent Fei Yingli back, he said to Fei Yingli:"I'm leaving first."

"Leave now? Why don't you come in and sit for a while? At least you should have a cup of tea before leaving."Fei Yingli couldn't help but said

"It's already late. If you stay here for a while, it will get dark. I might stay here with you. Aren't you afraid? Chen said with a chuckle.

"I'm scared. I think it's great to have a handsome guy like you by my side. How could I be scared?"Fei Yingli looked at Chen with a teasing look.

But after saying this, Fei Yingli felt a little regretful in her heart. Her face was red with embarrassment. It was as if she was deliberately teasing Chen.

"No, I'm afraid of being eaten by you."Chen waved his hand to Fei Yingli and then left.

Fei Yingli was stunned, do you dislike me? Fei Yingli was very angry in her heart. Next time she sees him, she must make him look good.

But Chen really has it now. Well, he just received a call from Tomoko Suzuki, so of course he didn't have time to hang out with Fei Yingli here.

"Chen called back just now and said he wouldn't be back tonight, so let's just have dinner."Mingmei said to the girls

"Not coming back? Didn't he go to Xiaolan's house? Is he going to stay at Xiaolan's house tonight? Yukiko asked doubtfully.

"That bastard."Little Ai stood up with a groan, and then returned to his room.

"Oh, it looks like Shirley is angry."Belmod looked at Xiao Ai's leaving figure in a funny way, while Mingmei looked very helpless.

"Shirley, why do you call Xiao Ai Shirley? Yukiko asked Bermod curiously.

This doubt has been pressing in Yukiko's heart for a long time. Yukiko also asked Bermod before, but Bermod didn't say anything.

"I'm afraid I can't answer this question for you, but you should ask Chen. If he tells you, you will know. If he doesn't tell you, there is nothing you can do."Belmod spread his hands and said.

For Yukiko, Xiao Ai's identity is a secret, and Yukiko doesn't know it.

Not only Yukiko doesn't know, but even Kuroba Chikage doesn't know.

"That guy won't tell me. He keeps any secrets from me. Yukiko said with a lot of resentment.

For Chen, Yukiko had a deep resentment. Although she had accepted him, he never told her some secrets. He simply treated her as an outsider, and Yukiko felt very sad.

"In fact, if Chen really wants to tell you, he will tell you naturally. You don't have to think too much about Yukiko, at least he likes you."Belmod said to Yukiko

"Tsk, you don’t need to say good things for him. That guy is so carefree and is still fooling around somewhere. He may have even brought trouble to Xiaolan."

Yukiko gave a slight cut.

But Yukiko really guessed part of it right. Chen was indeed fooling around, but it didn't bring disaster to Xiaolan.

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