Chapter 966: Angry Hattori Heiji

"How will you be here?"

Although Toyama Kazuha was dissatisfied with Hattori Heiji's rudeness, he still asked Hattori Heiji

"This should be my question to you, why are you here? Didn't you go back to Osaka?" Hattori Heiji asked with an unhappy look on his face.

"Does this have anything to do with you?"

Hattori Heiji's tone was very bad, and Toyama Kazuha's tone was not much better at this time. It was also very bad.

Hattori Heiji couldn't help but frown as he listened, and he felt even more unhappy. , what does it mean have anything to do with you? Doesn’t it matter?

"Conan, why are you still following him?"After Xiaolan saw Conan, she frowned slightly.

Xiaolan had a very bad impression of Hattori Heiji, and she was also very unhappy with Hattori Heiji~.

After all, because of what happened last time, it was impossible for Xiaolan to have any feelings for Hattori Heiji. I have a good feeling, now I don’t want to hit Hattori Heiji, - this is already considered a good thing

"this."Conan hesitated, not knowing how to say it. At the same time, he glared at Chen bitterly.

"Conan, why are you staring at me?"Chen smiled slightly, and then asked Conan

"Conan, you are absolutely not allowed to be so rude, got it?"Xiaolan suddenly said to Conan seriously. Conan looked very unhappy.

Xiaolan was really able to speak for this guy now. She really made him angry to death. She glared at this guy Chen angrily. , and then Conan withdrew his eyes to avoid being taught by Xiaolan again.

"You go back to me now." Hattori Heiji ordered Toyama Kazuha.

Angered by Hattori Heiji's commanding tone, Toyama Kazuha stood up and asked angrily:"Why do you order me?"

Toyama and Ye asked angrily, leaving Hattori Heiji slightly speechless.

"I'm doing this for your own good. It's not safe for you to stay here. Hattori Heiji also glanced at Chen specifically, as if to say that Chen was a bad guy.

Hattori Heiji's eyes were already seen by Xiaolan and Sonoko, and both of them frowned slightly.

Hattori Heiji's words What does it mean? Do you want to say that Tatsu is a bad guy? Suddenly, Xiaolan and Sonoko, who were full of dislike for Hattori Heiji, suddenly had their sense of Hattori Heiji completely reduced to freezing point.

"I said you Hei Tan, don’t you think you are an eyesore here?"Sonoko pointed at Hattori Heiji unceremoniously and said.

When Hattori Heiji was pointed at the nose and said Hei Tan, Hattori Heiji also admitted that he did look a bit dark, but he couldn't be considered Hei Tan.

Sonoko's words were a bit unpleasant, but It's okay to hear it, Sonoko's sense of Hattori Heiji has been reduced to the lowest level, nothing can be said too much.

"Don't you think what you said was a bit rude?"

"It also depends on who you are talking about, not to mention you are polite? Just slap the table. Why are you so awesome? Yuanzi said unhappily.

"Kazuya, how could you know such a guy? He is even worse than Kudo Shinichi."Yuanzi couldn't help but said to Toyama and Ye.

Conan was innocently lying on the gun and couldn't help but bite. He glared at Yuanzi. Why did Yuanzi, a bastard, have nothing to do with him?

Conan really didn't care about the eldest lady Yuanzi. I don't have a good impression at all, because Yuanzi often speaks ill of him in front of Xiaolan.

But Conan also doesn't think about it, is any of what Yuanzi said wrong?

No, what Yuanzi said is actually the truth, Kudo Arata 1. This guy is indeed a bit bad. Yuanzi often feels grievances for Xiaolan, so he said this.

"Sonoko, don’t mention Kudo Shinichi."Xiaolan said.

Now Xiaolan doesn't want to mention Kudo Shinichi. Hearing Xiaolan's words, Conan's eyes couldn't help but darken.

"Let's change places."Toyama Kazuha stood up and said.

Anyway, at this time, Toyama Kazuha didn't want to see Hattori Heiji.

"Wait a moment."

Seeing Toyama and Ye were about to leave, Hattori Heiji immediately shouted to stop him. Hattori Heiji must let Toyama and Ye leave, otherwise, he would feel uneasy.

Who knows if this guy Ri Xiangchen would be interested in Heiye? What are you doing! Kazuya is very dangerous now

"What else do you want?"Toyama Kazuki's expression has turned cold.

He was originally in a good mood today, but now after meeting Hattori Heiji, Toyama Kazuki is in a bad mood.

Faced with Toyama Kazuki's bad tone, Hattori Heiji wanted to get angry, but in the end he chose to suppress his anger rationally.

····Asking for flowers·······

"Uncle Ginshiro Toyama should be very worried about you and said you should go back. Hattori Heiji said while holding back the anger in his heart.

"This has nothing to do with you."Toyama Kazuha glanced at Hattori Heiji, and then said.

One sentence that had nothing to do with him made Hattori Heiji completely unable to suppress his anger. He couldn't help but overturned the table in anger.

"Hey, Hattori, what are you doing?"Conan quickly stretched out his hand and pulled Hattori Heiji.

He actually flipped the table. He might have to go into the Metropolitan Police Department to drink tea!

Look at the girl on the front desk next to him. Now he is about to pick up the phone and call the police.

After all, this is In a cold drink shop, Hattori Heiji's actions just now caused several customers to run away..................

However, the staff at the front desk temporarily suppressed their displeasure and ignored it for the time being.

But now that the table is overturned, that’s no longer possible and must be taken care of.

Just when they were about to call the police, Conan immediately walked over and apologized before asking them to stop.

Kazuha glanced at Hattori Heiji, frowned slightly, and then left directly.

Of course Xiaolan and Sonoko followed and left. Chen turned around and showed a meaningful smile to Hattori Heiji, then took Xiao Ai's hand and followed Xiaolan and the others.

"Damn it, what does that mean?"The angry Hattori Heiji wanted to follow, but was stopped by Conan.

My dear brother, you have overturned other people's tables. Why don't you apologize and compensate quickly? Aren't you afraid that others will actually call the police? Is it?

If the police are really called, then Hattori Heiji will be on the unreasonable side. At that time, it will not just be a matter of paying money and apologizing, but he will probably be detained. After all, the police of the Metropolitan Police Department, because of what happened last time , my impression of Hattori Heiji is quite bad.

"Kudo, why are you pulling me?"

"Please don't make such a loud voice, okay? What if someone hears it?"Conan pulled Hattori Heiji and whispered quickly.

He actually called him Kudo outside and called him so loudly. Is this because he was afraid that others would not know his identity?

Conan also told Hattori Heiji to let Hattori Heiji call him outside. He is Conan, but this guy Hattori Heiji always forgets to lose money._Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection and recommendation

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