Chapter 946 Hattori Heizo

"Don't worry, Conan, we will definitely seek justice for you."

Officer Megure assured Conan who was lying on the hospital bed. Even if Hattori Heiji's identity was unusual, he would never let him go easily. After all, Conan had helped him a lot. Even if Conan had not helped him, He will also deal with it impartially.

Officer Megure is a good policeman with a strong sense of justice.

Conan was stunned for a moment after hearing this, and then quickly said:"Officer Megure, this time has nothing to do with Hattori, Officer Megure, please let him go." Bar."

Originally, this time has nothing to do with Hattori Heiji. It

's all the bastards of the Black Organization. Conan hates the Black Organization, not Hattori Heiji.

On the contrary, he and Hattori Heiji are very close friends, but he can't Let Heiji Hattori go to jail!

Officer Megure's face suddenly darkened. Conan actually asked him to let Heiji Hattori go. Could it be that he was threatened by something? The only thing Officer Megure could think of was this. He must have been threatened. What kind of threat would Conan speak for Hattori Heiji?

I didn’t expect that such an upright man as Hattori Heizo would have such a disgusting son.

"Conan, you are so kind, how can you say nice things to people who hurt you! Chen said with a secret smile.

"Yes, Brother Hinata is right. Conan, you can't have mercy on this kind of person. Did he threaten you?"

"Officer Megure, this really has nothing to do with Hattori Heiji. In fact, someone drugged us."

Conan gritted his teeth and said.

But did Conan think that if he said this, Officer Megure would believe it?

Because of his preconceived notions, Officer Megure has now concluded that it was Hattori Heiji who did the bad thing.

The reason why Conan said this , in fact, it was because he was threatened that he made up an imaginary person to exonerate him.

Dong Dong Dong~!

There was a knock on the door, and Xiaolan immediately walked over and opened the door.

There were a man and two women standing outside the door. She is very tall and tall, and exudes an aura of calmness and authority. One of the two women is a beautiful and elegant lady, and the other is a young and beautiful girl.

"Head of Hattori Heizo Headquarters?"

Officer Megure was stunned for a moment when he saw Hattori Heizo.

Yes, these three people are Hattori Heizo's father Hattori Heizo, Hattori Heiji's mother Hattori Shizuka, and Hattori Heiji's childhood sweetheart Toyama Kazuha

"No wonder Hattori Heiji is so dark, it turns out that Hattori Heizo is not fair either." Chen glanced at Hattori Heizo and said

"Chen, please keep your voice down, it will not be good if you are overheard."

Xiaolan poked Chen with her hand and reminded him.

Officer Megure saw Hattori Heizo walking in, and after reacting, he saluted him.

The official level is enough to crush someone, let alone Hattori Heizo's The official position is so much higher than that of Officer Memu.

"and leaves."

Xiaolan waved her hands towards Toyama and Ye, and Toyama and Ye walked towards Xiaolan, with a touch of embarrassment and anger on their faces.

Toyama and Ye were embarrassed in front of Xiaolan, and at the same time, they were also very angry towards Hattori Heiji..

When they just got the news, Toyama and Ye himself didn't know how long they were stunned.

He didn't expect that his childhood sweetheart Hattori Heiji would be such a person. It was really disgusting.

No wonder he was lukewarm to him before. Yes, Toyama and Ye felt even more disgusted instantly. In fact, Toyama and Ye had misunderstood. Of course, no one was going to resolve this misunderstanding now. To be honest, if

Hattori Shizuka hadn't called her over, Toyama and Ye would have I'm sorry to refuse, she won't come at all

"And Miss Ye, we meet again."Chen smiled slightly at Yuan Shan and Ye.

Looking at Chen Junyi's face, Yuan Shan and Ye nodded slightly, with a slight blush on their cheeks.

For some reason, every time she saw Chen, she felt shocked and blushed, maybe It's probably because the man in front of me is too handsome.

Just like men like to look at beautiful women, and women also like to look at tall and handsome men. In fact, the psychology is the same.

Not to mention Toyama Kazuba, even Hattori Shizuki When Hua saw Chen for the first time, she was a little surprised. She couldn't help but glance at Chen a few more times.

Even now, she subconsciously glanced at Chen. She might have thought that Chen couldn't feel it.

"Officer Megure, I'm here to see Conan-kun."Hattori Heizo said to Officer Megure.

Then Hattori Heizo walked towards Conan. After Officer Megure saw this scene, he frowned slightly.

Although he knew that Hattori Heizo was an upright person, that was just a hearsay. Who knew about him? Will he threaten Conan for his son?

Officer Megure shook his fist and made up his mind.

If Hattori Heizo really wants to threaten Conan, then even if he no longer belongs to the police force, Officer Megure will definitely turn his back..Officer

Megure is not a person who cannot tolerate sand at all. He has been around for more than half his life and has seen a lot of darkness, so naturally he has become more diplomatic.

But this time Hattori Heiji went too far, and so did Officer Megure. I couldn't stand it anymore.

Hattori Heizo walked towards Conan and bowed to Conan

"For what Inuko did, I, Hattori Heizo, apologize to you on his behalf."

"Hattori Headquarters, you don’t need to apologize. In fact, we are all victims of this matter. Conan said quickly.

Hattori Heizo personally bowed and apologized to him. Conan felt flattered!

Hearing Conan say that they were all victims, Hattori Heizo's eyes flashed, and then asked:"I don't know, Conan, do you know anything?" What?"

Conan was silent, not knowing whether to tell the story about the black organization.

After thinking about it, Conan was ready to tell some things that needed to be said, and conceal what he couldn't.

But before Conan could speak, Officer Megure immediately said:"Headmaster Hattori, although you are the commander, we are still responsible for investigating the matters here."

Because Hattori Heizo looked more fierce, in the eyes of Officer Megure, he seemed to be threatening Conan, so Officer Megure couldn't help but speak out.

"Officer Megure, I understand your concerns. If it is really Hattori Heiji's fault, I will personally punish him severely."

"Officer Megure, I know my son well, he would not do such a thing." Hattori Jinghua said without any doubt.

Toyama and Ye opened their mouths but didn't say anything. Although she didn't believe it in her heart, it had happened.

Even if it was really for other reasons, Toyama and Ye couldn't accept it. They wanted to I feel sick just thinking about it

"I came here just to see Conan. Regardless of whether it was Hattori Heiji's fault or not, I want to apologize to you."

Hattori Heizo said and bowed to Conan again.

"Officer Megure, don’t worry, I, Hattori Heizo, will investigate everything and will never protect Hattori Heiji just because he is my son." Hattori Heizo said seriously to Officer Megure.

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