Chapter 937: Vehicle falling off a cliff (Part 1)

"Phew, it’s not bad here."

Chen looked at the mountains ahead and said with a smile. There were dense jungles all around and the air was very fresh.

Compared with the air in the city, the air here is completely different.

"Brother Chen, hurry up little Ai."

Ayumei, who was running in front, turned around and shouted.

Yes, Ayumi is also here. It should be said that Ayumi invited them to climb this mountain called Dragon God Mountain.

In addition to Ayumi, there are also Gentai, Mitsuhiko, Dr. Agasa and Conan, plus Hattori Heiji who didn't leave.

Hattori Heiji has been in Tokyo for several days. Kazuha who came with him has already gone back to school, but Hattori Heiji has Stay here.

In the past few days, Chen also discovered that he was approaching his home intentionally or unintentionally, sneaking around as if he was doing something.

But Chen ignored him. Of course, if he really annoyed Chen , Chen will definitely kill him.

There is a mountain road here, known as the Ninety-Nine Bends. Cars can drive up it, but the two little devils Gentai and Mitsuhiko insist on walking up the mountain.

Zizhi~! Touch, Boom~!

Hearing the noise coming from behind, Chen turned his head and looked behind him.

Suddenly, a car hit the guardrail at the fastest speed, and then fell downwards, hitting the road below.

Suddenly What happened made people feel a little unprepared

"Oh haha, someone is probably going to die." Chen looked like he was watching the fun.

Hattori Heiji next to him glanced at Chen, and then said:"Why are you watching the fun? Hurry up and call the police."

"I'm watching the excitement and I'm not breaking the law. Wouldn't you call the police yourself?" Chen glanced at Hattori Heiji and said


Hattori Heiji felt that this guy was cold-blooded. He saw someone driving a car and falling off a cliff, but he didn't even show any signs of movement.

Hattori Heiji now believes that Hinata is definitely a dangerous guy

"If your driving skills are not good, don't drive up the mountain. Look, it's over now. There are thousands of roads, safety is the first priority. If you drive irregularly, your loved ones will burst into tears."

Chen shook his head and sighed helplessly.

"There is a person on it."Xiao Ai touched Chen with her hand, and then pointed to the top.

There is also a road above, which is a road around the mountain. The man was standing on the guardrail and looking down.

Chen had actually discovered this man. It seems that this car accident is not a simple car accident, maybe it is man-made.

But whether it is man-made or not has nothing to do with Chen.

Hattori Heiji immediately called the police, and notified the ambulance and the police who arrived very quickly , maybe it’s because there are more in Conan World, so the speed of dispatching the police is also fast.

"When you were looking at the scenery, you saw a car crashing into a cliff and rushed here immediately, right?"The policeman asked.

Conan and Hattori Heiji looked at this car seriously. The detective's intuition told them that this did not look like an accident.

"Kudo, look at that car. There are some blood stains on it."Hattori Heiji patted Conan and whispered to Conan

"Have you noticed any suspicious cars or suspicious characters here?"The policeman continued to ask

"We didn't see that."Dr. Ali shook his head.

"If that's the case, then we get it."The two policemen nodded.

"By the way, uncle policeman"

"Um? Little brother, what's the matter with you?"A policeman turned his head and asked Conan

"Can I go up there and see how those police officers are doing?"

"No, no, what’s so good about children?"One of the policemen refused directly.

But the other policeman smiled and said:"I think the inspection above has been done, so it shouldn't matter."

After Conan heard this, he felt happy.

"But little brother, you must not hinder the police uncle's work, you can only observe"

"good."Conan scratched his head, with an innocent smile on his face.

Conan ran upwards, and Hattori Heiji followed.

"Hey, Conan, did you find something? Hattori Heiji asked Conan.

A smile appeared on Conan's lips, and then he said:"I can't tell you this. If you want clues, then look for it yourself.""

Hattori Heiji did not continue to ask. He also has his own pride. He can find it by himself. This can be regarded as another duel between the two of them.

"Unexpectedly, when I went on a trip, I encountered an unexpected incident of falling off a cliff......"Ayumi said

"This was not an accident, it was deliberately knocked down."Chen said to Ayumi

"ah? Was he knocked down on purpose?"Bumi looked at Chen in surprise.

"Did you see the impact marks on the back of the car? At first glance, it seemed that it was not thrown, but knocked out." Chen said.

Conan and Hattori Heiji were a little surprised when they looked at Chen. After they went up to confirm, they were really sure that it was hit intentionally, but Chen knew it before he went up.

"How do you know it was hit on purpose?"Hattori Heiji glanced at Chen and asked.

"Didn't it happen on purpose? This road is not narrow. Anyone who is not an idiot can guess it." Chen glanced at Hattori Heiji and said

"Come on, let's keep playing. Chen said.

Conan and Hattori Heiji did not stay to help solve the case, because this time it was obvious that the police had found other paint fragments.

As long as through comparative investigation, the murderer would definitely be caught. Conan and Hattori Heiji felt that there was no need at all. They help.

After all, if you can't catch him despite such obvious evidence, then you can only say you are too stupid.

"Brother Chen, Guangyan picked up a piece of paper with a secret code written on it. Is it a secret code for treasure hunting?"

Ayumei came to Chen's side and asked Chen in a low voice, and also gave Chen a look at the piece of paper.

"Mitsuhiko picked this up next to the car."Bumi added another sentence of 2.6

"Found it next to the car? That seemed a little more interesting."Chen looked at the code carefully and then wrote it all down.

"Mitsuhiko said he wanted to hunt for treasure and didn't tell Conan. Brother Chen, do you want to come?"Bumi looked at Chen expectantly.

"By the way, there is also Xiao Ai."Ayumei also glanced at Xiao Ai.

Originally, Mitsuhiko wanted to go with Ayumi and Yuanta without telling anyone else, but Ayumi insisted on finding Chen with a code. If he wanted to invite Chen, go with Chen. Looking for the so-called treasure

"I'm not interested."Xiao Ai glanced at it and found that he was not interested at all, making Bumei a little disappointed.

"I'm not interested either. Ayumi, go find Conan. He is probably very interested in passwords and so on. Otherwise, go find Hattori Heiji."

Tatsumi said to Ayumi, Hattori Heiji and Conan's eyes will be bright when they see this code._To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel

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