Chapter 929 Heading to Suzuki Building

After Chen and the others returned home, Chen told Miwako Sato about the encounter with the stalker.

Miwako Sato gave Chen a big look and actually killed someone

"Don't look at me like this, he was the one who made the first move, and I was acting in self-defense."Chen shrugged and said he was innocent.

"This is not legitimate defense, at least it is excessive defense."Sato Miwako said angrily.

What's more, Sato Miwako also knew that Chen definitely killed the other party on purpose. This was actually intentional homicide.

"Forget it, leave it to me."Miwako Sato didn't know what to say, so she just waved her hand.

Miwako Sato felt that she seemed to be getting worse and worse. If it were in the past, the just Miwako Sato would definitely arrest Chen.

But now, Miwako Sato I'm trying to think of a way to get rid of Chen's suspicion.

"Okay, then Miwako, you can handle it. I will reward you in the evening."Chen lowered his head and said in Miwako's ear.

Sato Miwako's face turned red. Of course Sato Miwako knew what the so-called reward Chen mentioned was. It seems that in the evening, she has to drag Belmod with her. Although she wants to She wants to be alone with Chen, but she can't handle it alone.

"What are you whispering about? Yukiko shouted in confusion.

"nothing."Chen shook his head. It's better not to let Yukiko know about this kind of thing.

Yukiko pouted depressedly, feeling that they were doing everything behind her back, as if she was an outsider.

No, she was an outsider to begin with.

Yukiko was at this moment Come to think of it, she was originally an outsider

"Hurry up and eat, Mingmei, what delicious food did you cook? I can already smell the fragrance here. Chen asked Mingmei

"You wait."Mingmei walked into the kitchen and brought out the prepared food. It was actually Chinese food.

"This is my new Chinese cuisine. How about you try it?"Mingmei said with a smile.

Chen's eyes suddenly lit up, and then he tasted it immediately. Although Mingmei made it for the first time, it tasted very good.

"Very good. Mingmei, your cooking is delicious. She is definitely a good wife and mother."Chen praised Mingmei.

Mingmei's cheeks were slightly rosy, and she felt happy in her heart, as if she had eaten honey.

Xiao Ai glanced at her sister Mingmei, feeling a little complicated in her heart. According to Xiao Ai's own guess, My sister Mingmei probably fell in love with Chen.

Time passed slowly, and in the blink of an eye it was the weekend. Chen had been going to school frequently these days, which surprised the teachers and students at the school, thinking that Chen had changed his gender.

Chen The matter of killing Eyoshi Sakai is in the past. Miwako was responsible for this case and was suppressed by Miwako.

"Chen, are you here?"Yuanzi held the mobile phone and turned to

"Sonoko, don't rush us, we are on our way now and we will probably arrive at the Suzuki Building in a short time." Chen replied

"How long will it take? Are you lying to me and not leaving home yet?"Yuanzi asked suspiciously.

I have to tell Yuanzi the truth. Now Chen's inside is not gone.

"Ahem, I'll be there soon. Please wait a moment, Yuanzi."After Chen finished speaking, he hung up the phone directly.

"He must still be at home and not come, I knew it as soon as I guessed."

After Chen hung up the phone, Yuanzi knew that he must have guessed correctly, and Chen was definitely still at home.

"Come on, you still need to dress up? The garden has already begun to rush."Chen said to Koizumi Hongzi.

If Koizumi Hongzi hadn't wanted to dress up, Chen would have gone to the Suzuki Building by now.

"Why are you in a hurry? Are you in a hurry to see Yuanzi?"Koizumi Hongzi glanced at Chen and asked.

After Koizumi Hongzi finished speaking, Xiao Ai looked at Chen, which made Chen feel a little scared.

"I want to go with you."Xiao Ai said suddenly.

Originally Xiao Ai was unwilling to go out. With Xiao Ai's character, she preferred to stay at home. But what if Chen goes out and does something with another woman?

Well, my sister But those who like this guy must keep an eye on him and never let him bring women to his home again.

Xiao Ai found a reason to convince herself. As for whether the real reason is this, it is only Xiao Ai. I know it myself

"You have no objection?"Xiao Ai asked Chen

"Since you want to go, that’s okay, I’ll just take you with me."Chen nodded and agreed.

After Koizumi Hongzi dressed up, Chen and the others got in the car and went to the Suzuki Building.

"Hongzi, I felt like you were deliberately stalling for time."Chen looked at Koizumi Hongzi and said

"Have it?"

"I feel like you've been dressing up for a long time, but you're still the same as before."Chen looked at Koizumi Hongzi.

".~You concentrate on driving."Xiao Ai patted the car seat and said

"Oh, Xiao Ai is so domineering, I was so scared that I didn’t dare to speak."Chen said jokingly.

After arriving at the Suzuki Building, Yuanzi and Xiaolan were waiting here. Conan was also here. Xiaolan must have brought him here.

"It’s finally here, so slow."Yuanzi complained to Chen after Chen parked the car.

"Well, there's a traffic jam on the road."Chen found a reason for himself

"Yeah? At this time, it is not the peak period for commuting to and from get off work, so why is there a traffic jam?"Yuanzi looked at Chen suspiciously.

"Okay, didn’t Mrs. Suzuki invite me? Let’s stop chatting and go in first."

"My mother is in a meeting now, so you can follow me around for a while."Yuanzi said

"Is it really okay to visit the Suzuki Building? Won't it disturb other people's work?"Xiaolan asked worriedly.

Although Xiaolan also wanted to visit this famous building, Xiaolan didn't want to disturb other people's work and cause trouble to others.

"No, don’t worry, there aren’t many people working right now, don’t forget it’s the weekend."

The Suzuki Foundation is also off duty on weekends, and only some people who work overtime stay here, so it's okay to just take a stroll. What's more, as the second lady of the Suzuki Foundation, even if Sonoko is really just taking people around, it will affect others. Work, who dares to say anything?

"Come on, come with me. I'll also take a look at our group building."Yuanzi walked in the front.

"Yuanzi, have you never been here yourself?"Chen asked Yuanzi.

Yuanzi stuck out her tongue in embarrassment. She had never been here before. Thinking about it, she had never even seen her own company. It was really a failure.

However, Yuanzi had a good understanding of this aspect. Not enthusiastic, even if it is from her own family, she will not care._To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel

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