Chapter 923 Are you really willing to let me go?

"Let's go."

Chen pulled Kuroba Qiankage up and walked out of the cafe.

After being pulled out, Kuroba Qiankage was still confused and asked Chen:"Where are you dragging me to?"

"Come with me to a place you are familiar with."

Chen took Kuroba Qiankage and then came to a hotel. After seeing this hotel, Kuroba Qiankage's expression changed.

Of course she knew where this place was, and the impression was very deep. She was here, and This guy and that one

"Do you want to search for memories again? Chen suddenly asked Kuroyu Qianying with a wicked smile.

"Let me go, I want to go."Black Feather Qianying snorted coldly and said to Chen

"Really, don't you want to experience it again?"Chen stretched out his hand and put his arm around the waist of Kuroyu Qianying.

Kuroyu Qianying's body stiffened for a moment, then softened, allowing Chen to hold him in his arms and enter the hotel.

In such a daze, he followed Chen to the hotel. In room 14, Kuroba Chikage didn't even expect that he didn't struggle.

The night passed by in a blink of an eye, but this night was the night after a thrilling battle. In the early morning of the next day, Kuroba Chikage opened his eyes.

Feeling His body was sore and weak, and then he looked at Chen next to him, and said in a complicated manner:"I didn't expect that I would betray Pirates."

If the first time, it was because he was drunk and he could still find an excuse for himself, then there is no excuse this time.

Although Kuroba Thieves is dead and has been dead for eight years, Kuroba Chikage's heart That sense of betrayal still lingers in my heart.

"Am I a bad woman?"


A pair of warm arms pulled her into an extremely warm embrace. In this embrace, Kuroba Qiankage felt an unprecedented sense of security. Thinking about it like this, she couldn't help but feel a little ridiculous. This guy is such a scumbag. He actually She feels safe in a scumbag, she is really a stupid woman

"Let me go."Kuroba Chikage said coldly.

Kuroba Chikage has decided that she cannot fall into hell like this. She must draw a clear line with Ri Xiangchen, otherwise she will not know how to face Kuroba Kaito

"So cold and heartless? Yesterday she was as charming as water, but now she is as cold as an iceberg! It is said that men are ruthless, but women are not the same."

Chen didn't let go of Kuroyu Qianying, and was still hugging her.

These words made Kuroyu Qianying blush, and she felt extremely embarrassed.

"You go to hell."Kuroyu Qianying raised her elbow and hit Chen's throat.

Chen did not dodge. There was a click, and Chen's hand holding her back suddenly lost its strength. Kuroyu Qianying's heart suddenly suddenly turned around.

Then she quickly turned around, towards

"What’s wrong with you? Are you OK?"Kuroyu Qianying pushed towards Chen and found that Chen didn't move at all.

Then Kuroyu Qianying's trembling hands went to his nose. After feeling that Chen was not breathing, Kuroyu Qianying suddenly collapsed.

"how so? could this happen?"Tears flowed from Kuroba Qiankage's eyes.

She didn't expect that Chen would actually die, and she was the one who killed him.

Kuroba Qiankage lay on Chen's"corpse" in pain, feeling very confused in her heart.

"Bastard, you have taken possession of my body and are not responsible for me. How can you die? Are you kidding me?"

However, Chen didn't move. Kuroyu Qianying sat up with dull eyes, not caring at all about her delicate body exposed to the air.

"Ri Xiangchen, although I seemed to hate you at first, now I realize that I seem to have fallen in love with you, a man with whom I only had a one-night stand."

"If there is an afterlife, I hope we can meet each other, and I will do my best to compensate you by then."

Kuroba Qiankage took out a sharp knife among the clothes scattered nearby, and put the knife against his neck.

One life is worth one life, and Kuroba Qiankage planned to commit suicide.

When the blade was about to touch Kuroba When Yu Qianying touched her beautiful neck, one hand suddenly held a sharp knife.

"I never thought you would commit suicide because of me! If I fall in love with a man who I have a one-night stand with, should I be happy, or should I call you stupid?"

Chen's voice reached the ears of Kuroyu Qianying, and Kuroyu Qianying's expression was stunned.

Turning to look at Chen, Kuroyu Qianying asked in disbelief:"You, you are not dead?"

"how? Do you expect me to die?"

Black Feather Qianying shook his head, with a touch of joy in his eyes. Then Black Feather Qianying came back to his senses. He seemed to have been deceived, and even said the words that were hidden in his heart and did not dare to think. The expression on his face The joy disappeared and was replaced by coldness. This man is really a bastard.

Kuroba Chikage snorted coldly. At this time, she remembered that she was still holding a self-defense dagger in her hand, and the blade was still held by Chen.

Kuroba Chikage Quickly looking at Chen's hand, she knew very well how sharp the dagger she was going to use for self-defense was.

"Is your hand okay?"Black Feather Qianying asked Chen quickly

"Yo, are you caring about me?"A smile suddenly appeared on Chen's face.

Seeing that there was no blood on Chen's hands and there was a smile on Chen's face, she knew that Chen was fine.

Kuroba Qianying felt a little strange. This knife of hers , but it is not a prop, but a really sharp knife, made of alloy, which can even leave marks on the steel plate.

197chen let go of the knife, and then suddenly placed his hands on the two balls.

Kuroba Qiankage snorted.

"Let me go. I won’t hold you accountable for what happened before. I have a husband. Let’s stop here."

"Are you talking about the dead Kuroba Toichi?"

"you know?"Black Feather Qianying was stunned for a moment, and didn't even care about the hands that were moving around her body.

"Nonsense, do you think I don’t know you at all? After all, you are my woman."Chen said to Black Feather Qianying.

In fact, if Black Feather Qianying didn't come to find Chen, Chen would also go to Black Feather Qianying again. Last time, he had already left a Flying Thunder God mark on Black Feather Qianying's body.

Chen. It's not like he's really a ruthless person. On the contrary, he's very domineering. Since Kuroba Chikage has had a relationship with him, she is naturally his woman.

"You said who is your woman."Kuroba Qianying's face was cold.

"Of course it's you. Do you think you can escape?"

"put your hands away"

"Haha, are you really willing to let me go?"Chen lay next to Kuroyu Qianying's ear and asked softly to Kuroyu Qianying.

Heoyu Qianying was silent in response, and did not answer Chen's words, nor did she try to break free from Kai Chen's arms.

Even in her heart, she was still Enjoy, Kuroba Chikage feels that she has really fallen completely._To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel

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