Chapter 919: Fighting

Officer Memu looked at the other party. He seemed very nervous. This person was very suspicious.

"Why are you so nervous?"Officer Megure asked Dejima Jun

"I, of course I am nervous now. Looking at you, it is as if you treat me as a prisoner. Can I not be nervous?" Dejima said with tears in his eyes.

"Officer Megure, look here, another person appears here, and he comes out behind the deceased."Takagi Wataru quickly shouted to Officer Megure.

Upon hearing this, Officer Megure immediately walked over and stared closely at a fat old man who came out from behind the deceased.

"Isn't this man the fat uncle who came over to talk to us before? He had made a lot of comments about the deceased before."After Xiaolan saw it, she recognized it immediately.

Before, this uncle was very dissatisfied with the deceased.

"His name is Emori Toshiji, and he is also a frequent customer here."Dejima Jun said.

Soon Jiang Shou Toshiji was called over.

"Mr. Toshiji Esumori, can you explain what is going on?"Officer Mu Mu asked Jiang Shou Minsi.

Jiang Shou Minsi looked at the scene in the surveillance video and said calmly:"At that time, I was picking up a 100-yuan coin. I originally wanted to go to the corner and automatically Buy a cup of coffee from the vending machine"

"Who knew that when I took out the money, the game coins suddenly fell to the ground. Besides, although I don’t like that person, I still admire his skills in playing games."

"That's really nice to say. The last time you were playing with the racing machine, you were made red-faced by his sarcasm when you stumbled. How dare you say that?"Shisui Gaobao said disdainfully.

"Is what you said true?"Officer Memu asked quickly.

If this is really the case, then Jiang Shou Toshiji would have a criminal motive.

"I'm not going to kill someone just because of some ridicule."Jiang Shou Minsi said lightly.

"At that time, he must have said very loudly, saying that if you don't want to be reincarnated early, it is best not to take your taxi."Takaho Shisui continued.

Toshiji Emori is a taxi driver, and these are very hurtful words for him.

Especially if others hear it, maybe Toshiji Emori holds a grudge because of this.

Officer Megure In an instant, Jiang Shou Toshiji was positioned as the most suspected person.

Jiang Shou Toshiji looked calm and said calmly:"If you put it like this, your suspicion is greater than mine. You also have a motive for killing.""

"After all, that guy is your precious sister's boyfriend after all."Jiang Shou Minsi broke the news

"It was really exciting, I had a feeling that there was going to be a big fight. Chen said with great interest.

"Hinata-san, you are also a suspect, why are you so calm, aren't you afraid?"Teacher Judy came over and said

"Haha, Teacher Judy, you are actually suspicious."Chen said with a chuckle.

Those who appear here are all suspects. To be precise, Xiao Ai and Conan are both considered one of the suspects.

"Kengo Oto and his sister have been inseparable all day long recently, but as the older brother, he is also a frequent visitor to the amusement park, so he naturally has no position to criticize her boyfriend."

"Speaking of motives, does this guy have one too?"Eshou Toshiji looked at the waiter Dejima Jun.

"Aren’t you also hoping that he will disappear as soon as possible?"

"why is that?"Takagi Sheba asked Jiang Shou Minji, he shouldn't talk nonsense, right?

"Half a year ago, this little brother was a well-known video game fan known as Patra of Rice Flower Town. After being defeated by Kengo Oto, he disappeared for half a year."

"Unexpectedly, half a year later, he changed his hairstyle and came to work in this amusement park. I couldn't believe it at first."

Jiang Shou Toshiji's explosive information made Chen even more interested. Now these three people all have criminal motives.

Dong Dong~!

I remembered two knocks on the door, and then a policeman walked in

"Report to Officer Mu Mu that toxins were indeed detected in the body of the deceased. The deceased died of toxins."

"What? So, there is indeed a murderer. By the way, what kind of toxin is it?"Officer Megure asked the policeman.

If you know what the toxin is, this may be a clue, and you may be able to find the murderer based on this clue.

"The toxin is tetrodotoxin. The injection site was on the inside of the right upper arm. A needle penetrated the artery of the deceased."

"Are you talking about pufferfish poison?"Officer Memu was shocked.

"Tetrodotoxin, commonly known as TTX. It can be fatal at 0.5 to 1 milligram. It is a highly toxic poison that can kill people with only 1/500 of potassium cyanate. It is usually found in the body of puffer fish."

"Symptoms of poisoning caused by oral ingestion are relatively slow and can usually be rescued if treated promptly."

".~But on the other hand, if you inject into a blood vessel, the nerves will be paralyzed in a short period of time, leading to death."

Judy explained with very professional knowledge

"Teacher Judy, you know so much, and even though you have said this, your Japanese is not bad at all. Chen said with a faint glance at Judy.

Judy's expression froze, and then she said with a smile:"This is what a friend of mine told me, telling me to be careful about eating pufferfish in Japan. After all, it is also a delicacy.""

Judy's explanation made the others reluctantly convinced.

However, others still had some doubts. Even if they really reminded them to pay attention, they wouldn't remind them in such detail.

"Chen, have you heard a sound, the sound of metal rubbing against the ground?"Xiaolan asked Chen

"Let's go."Chen smiled slightly, then took Xiaolan's hand and walked outside. When

Judy saw Chen holding Xiaolan's hand, a light flashed in her eyes. What is the relationship between the two of them? They looked very close. (Denuo Zhao) Are they boyfriend and girlfriend?

Xiao Ai followed behind, looking at Chen with jealousy, the resentment in her heart has risen to the top.

Officer Mumu and the others came outside and asked these suspicious people not to leave for the time being. Then a carpet-like search began to find the murder weapon.

However, after more than half an hour, the needle-shaped murder weapon was not found.

"Why not? Has the murder weapon been disposed of by the murderer?"Officer Megure looked at Dejima Jun and the others.

Although Officer Megure's ability is not very good, he has now locked in. The murderer should be among Dejima Jun, Emori Toshiji, and Shimizu Takayasu.

But there is no one. Evidence, I don’t know who is the real murderer.

Conan closed his eyes and pondered. He had actually roughly guessed who the murderer was. The exact evidence was almost there, but he still needed more evidence now so that the murderer could not Ironclad evidence for defense._To read the novel without underlining, please download Feilu Novels

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