Chapter 915 Offline PK

"I don’t want to play anymore, it’s boring."

Seeing that the doll had not been caught for a long time, Yuanzi immediately waved his hand. It is impossible to catch the doll in this claw machine.

"Xiaolan, you are lucky. Do you want to give it a try?"Yuanzi looked at Xiaolan.

Xiaolan is the goddess of luck. There is absolutely no one who is more lucky than Xiaolan.

"This thing doesn't seem to be a matter of luck, it also requires skill."Xiaolan said

"Come on, give it a try and you will know. I want that little bear. Xiaolan, please help me catch it." Yuanzi took Xiaolan's hand and said

"Okay, but I'm not sure I can catch that little bear."Xiaolan took two game coins and threw them in.

Controlling the joystick, in fact, luck is also very important in this game. No, Xiaolan successfully caught a little puppet.

But this little puppet is not a bear, but It's a cute little penguin

"Xiaolan, you are really awesome, Xiao Ai, come and give it a try. Yuanzi looked at Xiao Ai who was standing next to Chen.

Xiao Ai went over and tried, but unfortunately he just grabbed it and fell down.

"Not interesting."Xiao Ai pouted, this claw machine is so disrespectful.

"Ahem, the real master is here, tell me, whatever you want, I can catch it for you."Chen came over and said

"Really? Chen, are you lying to us?"Yuanzi doesn't believe how difficult it is to catch the claw machine here. Yuanzi has just used it a dozen times, but he knows it well.

"Of course not."Chen put in a few coins, and then directly caught the little bear that Yuanzi valued before.

"How about it? Have you learned a lot now? What else do you want?"Chen handed the little bear to Yuanzi.

Yuanzi's eyes widened, and he actually caught it. Yuanzi thought it was a joke before.

"Bravo."Yuanzi couldn't help but said aloud. In Yuanzi's eyes, he is really powerful.

"Can you help the teacher catch one too?"Judy said to Chen.

Chen glanced at Judy, then smiled slightly, and grabbed a puppet again, and then Chen also grabbed a puppet for Xiao Ai.

"Xiao Ai, this cute little pig is given to you. It looks so cute like you. Chen said with a smile.

"snort~!"Xiao Ai snorted coldly, her expression a little bad, as if she was angry.

It wasn't as if he was angry, so he raised his foot and stepped on Chen.

"You guys (becg) might want to play the virtual battle game console here."Judy brought Chen and the others to the virtual game console.

Chen and Xiao Ai had watched it before. Chen was not interested in it, and Xiao Ai was not interested either. Children were also prohibited from playing.

Because of the controlled characters If you are attacked, you will also feel numb, so children are not allowed to play

"This game console?"

"Xiaolan, sit down and give it a try."Judy pushed Xiaolan and asked Xiaolan to give it a try.

After Xiaolan sat down, her hands and feet were immediately tied up.

"this is?"Xiaolan was a little panicked.

"Don't be alarmed, see that person on the screen? Start by waving your right hand."Judy gave Xiaolan instructions.

"Xiaolan rarely plays games. Is it really okay? Yuanzi looked at Xiaolan and said

"Anyway, it’s all about playing. If you don’t know how to play, you can learn. Chen said with a chuckle.

"Xiaolan, the characters inside are about to attack. Yuanzi reminded Xiaolan

"ah?"Xiaolan is still confused now because he doesn't know how to play at all. At this time, the strong man on the screen has already punched him.

The character controlled by Xiaolan was punched, and Xiaolan also felt the pain on his face. Numbness, although not painful, makes her uncomfortable

"what happened? Why is this happening?"Xiaolan asked doubtfully.

"Xiaolan, this is the latest game console. If the character is hit, he will also feel it."Judy explained to Xiaolan

"But, how do I attack?"Xiao Lan asked in confusion.

"This is very simple, just wave your fists and feet, just like a real person fighting."Judy explained to Xiaolan


Knowing the fighting method, Xiaolan's eyes became sharp. She was a karate champion. She punched forward with one fist, then kicked her legs and continued to punch. With one set, she directly knocked out the computer character inside.

"Xiaolan, you are so awesome."Judy looked at Xiaolan in surprise.

"Of course, Xiaolan is the champion of the karate competition."Chen said with a smile.

Xiaolan's fighting ability is definitely ranked among the best in the entire Conan world. Of course, this is a bare-handed fight without weapons.

"Hey, why did another character appear?"Xiaolan couldn't help but be a little surprised when she looked at a character who appeared again.

"This is someone playing online with you."Chen glanced at the person behind Xiaolan. The character on that person's screen was obviously the character controlled by Xiaolan.

"Ah, then should I accept the challenge?"Xiaolan hesitated. Even though she defeated the computer character before, she is still a rookie.

If she meets a master, she may not be able to beat her.

Although Xiaolan is very good at karate, she is just playing a game. Many moves can't be used, and she can't control the distance of her attacks.

"If you are sure to accept the challenge, Xiaolan should not hesitate and accept the challenge directly. Yuanzi shouted with great interest

"Oh well."Xiaolan chose to challenge, but this time Xiaolan lost the battle, and she lost miserably. At this time, the person who chose to fight Xiaolan online stood up and walked towards this side

"Okay, since you lost, quickly give up your position to others. The golden throne you are using now is my position."

The man with dyed yellow hair came over and said

"Damn it, do you think this is your home? Why should we give up our position? Yuanzi said very dissatisfied.

"Rookies like you are not worthy of playing this kind of game. Huang Mao said disdainfully

"Yo, you seem to be very powerful, do you want us to have a PK?"A sneer appeared on the corner of Chen's mouth.

"Humph, it seems you don’t know my name. Okay, if you lose, get out of here."

Just after the guy finished speaking, Chen slapped the guy in the face and knocked the guy to the ground.

The slap made the man a little dizzy, and it took a while to recover. Kengo Oto stood up. He got up and looked at Chen angrily

"Sorry, the PK I mentioned before is offline PK. Chen said lightly.

"Do you want to give it another try?"

Oto Kengo is the tyrant here. How could he swallow this breath and rush directly towards Chen, but he was instantly knocked down by Chen's kick.

The pain made him unable to get up.

"Chen, forget it, we don’t want this position anymore."Xiaolan said quickly, it is wrong to hit someone. If the other party calls the police, it will be troublesome._To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel

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