Chapter 910 The Seduction of the Female Teacher

"Xiao Ai, you should study hard when you go to school. I will pick you up later."Chen patted Xiao Ai's head and said.

It was Chen who sent Xiao Ai to school today.

"Long-winded."Xiao Ai opened Chen's hand and gave him a dissatisfied look.

Xiao Ai didn't like people touching her head, because it made her feel like a child. Did Chen treat her as a child?

"Yeah~! Xiao Ai, Brother Chen sent you here."After Bumi saw Xiao Ai, her eyes lit up, and then she ran towards Chen

"Haibara-classmate, who are you?"

A somewhat charming voice came, and a woman with a good appearance and a little revealing dress came over. She seemed to be Xiao Ai's teacher.

After Xiao Ai saw this woman, she frowned. This woman was the teacher in her class. But Xiao Ai knows that this woman's reputation is not very good.

What are you doing here now? Is she here for this guy?

Xiao Ai raised her head and glanced at Chen, with displeasure in her eyes.

"He is nothing like me."Xiao Ai pushed Chen and told Chen to leave quickly.

Chen also glanced at the female teacher. This woman was winking at Chen, as if she was making secret glances, but Chen was not interested at all.

"Xiao Ai, I will leave first and pick you up later."Chen waved to Xiao Ai, then turned and left.

Chen drove away in the car, but the female teacher felt dissatisfied. Seeing such a handsome boy, she actually let him go.

If I could spend a night with this handsome boy, Then it's worth dying.

But it doesn't matter. Since we know that Haiyuan Ai is related to that handsome guy, there is definitely a chance. Now we need to establish a good relationship with Haiyuan Ai first.

"Haibara-san, was that your brother just now?"

"Mr. Fujimoto, why are you asking so many questions?"Xiao Ai's voice was cold.

This female teacher's name is Fujimoto Xianghui. I heard that she had seduced parents of students and had unclear relationships with some male teachers in the school.

Xiao Ai was a little disgusted with Fujimoto Xianghui, especially It was this woman who seemed to have set her sights on that guy.

Fujimoto Xianghui was scolded coldly by Xiao Ai, and her face was a little ugly. She was a teacher, and she was scolded by a student, so of course she felt unhappy.

"I just think there is something wrong with Haiyuan's homework, and your parents need to take a look."Fujimoto Xianghui said lightly.

These words are very harmful to ordinary students. For example, Ayumi next to her looked at Xiao Ai with worried eyes.

How could Xiao Ai be afraid of such a threat? She was not a bird at all. Hui, directly pulled Bumi into the school gate.

"Xiao Ai, will everything be okay? Mr. Fujimoto seemed very angry."Bumi looked at Xiao Ai worriedly.

"fine."Xiao Ai shook his head gently.

Fujimoto Xianghui didn't deliberately cause trouble, because she still had her mind made up. What if she was disgusted because of making trouble for Xiao Ai.

At noon, Xiao Ai was eating in school. What she ate was the bento prepared by Mingmei.

In the evening, Chen came to school again to take Xiao Ai back.

When Chen just arrived at school, he saw the girl he saw in the morning standing with Xiao Ai.

"Hello, my name is Fujimoto Xianghui, and I am Xiao Ai’s teacher."Fujimoto Xianghui showed a smile and stretched out her hand towards Chen.

Before Chen made a move, Xiao Ai snorted coldly.

"Teacher Fujimoto, now that my brother is here, you don’t have to worry about my safety. Let’s go."

Xiao Ai held Chen's hand without even looking at Fujimoto Xianghui.

This woman followed her shamelessly after school, saying that it was not safe for her to stand alone at the school gate.

What was going on in her heart? Xiao Ai's idea was clear in his heart. Xiao Jiujiu couldn't hide it from Xiao Ai at all.

"Wait a moment."Fujimoto Xianghui shouted.

After finally waiting for Chen to come over, how could she let go of this opportunity easily? Chen is the most handsome man she has ever seen.

"I want to visit Xiao Ai’s home (becg). Is that possible?"Fujimoto Xianghui deliberately gave Chen a wink.

In order to seduce Chen, she deliberately dressed up today. Even the clothes she wore were more revealing than when they met in the morning, and she was even naked.

But Fujimoto Xianghui didn't care at all. Instead, she deliberately exposed herself in front of Chen, obviously wanting to seduce Chen.

However, Chen was not interested in her at all. Not to mention that she was dressed like a street girl, and even her appearance was just that. It can be regarded as average.

It's just that I can see it through the magic makeup. After taking off the makeup, I still don't know what it looks like.

"Sorry, it's a little inconvenient right now."Chen refused without hesitation.

Chen's refusal was not beyond Xiao Ai's expectation. In Xiao Ai's view, although Chen is a big pervert, he is not to the point of eating everything.

He will never look down on this woman. superior

"Well, okay then."Fujimoto Xianghui didn't want to be shameless.

Chen drove away in the car. Xiao Ai sat in the passenger seat and snorted coldly.

"Some people are very charming. Are you very happy in your heart? Why don't you take them on a home visit? What else might happen?"

"Xiao Ai, who are some of the people in your mouth? Chen asked with a chuckle.

"By the way, were you jealous just now?"

"I, why am I jealous?"

Xiao Ai will not admit that she is jealous, but she was really unhappy just now, and she even thought about destroying that woman.

After returning home, Xiao Ai told the story of the previous incident to add fuel to the jealousy. , Belmode and others immediately looked towards Chen

"Hey, hey, why are you looking at me like this? Let me tell you, I will not fall in love with that kind of woman. Chen said after taking a sip of juice.

"Oh, if that's the case, does it mean that if you really like it, would you bring her back?"Miwako looked at Chen with dangerous eyes and asked.

"Well, that's not necessarily true. Her appearance doesn't meet the standard. If it was someone as beautiful as you, maybe I would have brought her back by now. Chen said, leaning back on the sofa.

"You guys are so shameless to say such things."Koizumi Hongzi glanced at Chen with disdain.

Chen spread his hands and didn't feel at all that he was shameless.

"I really want to beat you up."Xiao Ai said through gritted teeth.

If it were her beautiful female teacher Xiaolin Chengzi, Chen would have been taken home.

But Xiaolin Chengzi's character is different from that Fujimoto Xianghui. She doesn't know how to do it. Such a shameless thing would happen, let alone deliberately seduce.

"I'm telling you, that woman is dirty, you'd better stay away from that woman."Xiao Ai said to Chen.

In fact, even if Xiao Ai didn't talk to Chen, Chen wouldn't be interested in that kind of woman._

Fei Lu reminds you: three things about reading - collection, recommendation

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