Chapter 908 The Purpose of Gin

"Oops, a bonus just left me."Moori Kogoro looked sad when he left.

The murderer was not discovered by him, and Officer Megure also asked him to leave it alone, telling him that he was dealing with a very vicious person.

"It's ruined. This vacation seems to be ruined. I haven't had enough fun yet. Yuanzi complained.

Because of the murder, although it had nothing to do with the Horror Park, the Horror Park decided to take a day off.

Xiaolan breathed a sigh of relief. In fact, she didn’t want to stay in that place at all. If Yuanzi hadn’t pulled her, she would have I'm afraid he left long ago

"By the way, do you want to play at my house? Go have a party."Yuanzi suddenly said

"What? Throwing a party? Is there any good wine?"Moori Kogoro's ears are very sensitive.

"Of more. Yuanzi spread his hands and said

"Yep, it made me happy in vain."Mouri Kogoro immediately lost interest. 14. A banquet without wine is not a good banquet.

"Chen, Xiaolan, do you want to go together?"Yuanzi asked Chen and Xiaolan.

Xiaolan looked at Chen. If Chen goes to Yuanzi's house, of course Xiaolan will go too.

"Okay, there's nothing wrong with going back now anyway."Chen nodded slightly towards Yuanzi.

"You go ahead, I won’t follow you, you might as well go back and drink."Moori Kogoro said listlessly.

After Moori Kogoro left, only Chen, Xiaolan and Sonoko were left. Oh, by the way, there is also Conan. This guy is working as a light bulb here.

"Conan, why don't you leave with Uncle Maori?"Yuanzi looked at Conan, a little reluctant to take him.

Of course Conan refused to leave unless Xiaolan also left. He had to be wary of what Ri Xiangchen did to Xiaolan. He followed Yuanzi to her home , Yuanzi’s parents are not at home, and her sister is not at home either. There are only housekeepers and nannies at home.

"Yuanzi, your home is really big."Xiaolan said, this is the first time Xiaolan has come to Yuanzi's home.

"Although it is big, it is also very empty. Usually there is no one at home."Sonoko said depressedly.

Although she is the second young lady of the Suzuki Consortium, she is also very lonely at home. Her sister is busy with her studies, and her parents are busy with the consortium's affairs. Sonoko has been lonely since she was a child.

Fortunately, she has a good friend like Xiaolan.

"Miss, are these your friends?"The housekeeper asked Yuanzi

"Well, that's right, you go down and prepare a sumptuous dinner."Yuanzi said to the butler.

The dinner was really rich and he couldn't eat it.

"Yuanzi, you have prepared too many things."Xiao said

"Haha, Xiaolan, you are the first guest in my house, so of course I have to prepare a lot. Yuanzi said with a smile.

"Don't laugh like that, it will affect your image."Chen put a hand on Yuanzi's head and said


"Brother, that woman hasn’t come yet."Watch the vodka watch

"wait."Gin raised his head and glanced at Vodka lightly, and then said

"But brother, Absinthe is too disrespectful to you. Brother, didn’t you say that Absinthe has betrayed the organization? In this case, shouldn't we just kill her?"

Vodka was very angry. Making his eldest brother wait for such a long time was disrespectful to his eldest brother, so Vodka was very angry. Vodka respects his eldest brother very much and does not allow anyone to disrespect his eldest brother.

"I asked you to wait. Didn't you understand what I said?"Gin's eyes showed murderous intent, which made Vodka shut up instantly.

Gin's eyes showed murderous intent, that is, he wanted to kill people, but Vodka knew that Ginji would never play tricks with him.

Regardless of whether he was a companion or not, as long as Ginji If he gets angry, a bullet will definitely pierce his head.

After a long time, Belmod came to this bar, which is also a contact point for the black organization.

After seeing Belmod coming, Gin suddenly held up Fist, a pair of cold eyes stared at her with murderous intent.

Belmod completely ignored Gin's murderous eyes and sat down on his own.

"Gin, what do you want from me? I'm very busy and don't have time to waste with you."Belmod said calmly.

"Did you betray the organization?"Gin stood up and stared at Bermod with sharp eyes.

Faced with Gin's terrifying eyes, Bermod didn't panic at all, his face was calm and calm, and there was even a hint of a trace in his eyes. Share disdain

"If you don't say anything, you just admit it?"Vodka pointed his gun at Belmod.

Gin glanced at Vodka and did not blame Vodka for making his own decision. All those who betrayed the organization will die.

Now Gin has the evidence, which can definitely prove that Belmod is He betrayed the organization, but Gin never expected that Belmod would actually dare to come here.

"Did you come to me just to ask me this boring question?"

Betrayal of the organization was actually described as a boring issue by Belmode. Not to mention vodka, even Gin was filled with anger.

But Gin didn't show it on his face.

"I just betrayed the organization, what can you do?"Belmod looked at Gin and Vodka mockingly.

To be honest, with Belmod's current strength, even if the entire organization uses all its strength to eliminate her, it will definitely not be her opponent.

197 What's more, she also has her own man, Ri Xiangchen. Even if he is the enemy of the world, he is not afraid.

So at this time, Belmode did not give any face to the black organization. As for Gin, a pawn of the black organization, Belmode did not even have to look at him.

"Big brother."Vodka shouted to Gin, meaning to ask Gin what to do.

In fact, if Gin's past character was used and he knew that Belmod was a traitor, he would definitely shoot Belmod to death.

But now Gin I'm a little worried and don't dare to take action at all

"What is your relationship with him? Is it because of him that you betrayed the organization?"Gin took out a photo of Ri Xiangchen.

Last time, he fell into Chen's hands and was caught by the police. After Gin escaped, he secretly began to investigate Chen.

On the bright side, Chen did not hide anything Of course Gin knew the information.

The policewoman who brought him down was related to Ri Xiangchen, Belmode was related to Ri Xiangchen, and even Miyano Akemi, who had become super powerful inexplicably, was also related to Ri Xiangchen. They all lived in Rixiang Chen's house.

It was precisely because of the investigation of Chen that Gin learned that Belmod had betrayed the organization. Now, in addition to asking Belmod to accuse him, he also wanted to extort some Hinata. Chen’s information, this is the purpose of gin._Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection and recommendation

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