Chapter 901 Still ran away.

After arriving at a safe place, Xiaolan looked at Conan with a straight face and asked angrily:"Conan, if you don't stay at home well, why did you come to such a dangerous place?"

"Well, I was out playing, and then I heard a noise, so I went there out of curiosity."Conan racked his brains to come up with a reason before.

As soon as he heard curiosity, Xiaolan was angry and helpless.

Conan is a child, and he is definitely curious about things, but curiosity can cause harm. Damn it.

In such a dangerous place, if you are curious, you are seeking death! Just now a grenade exploded where Conan was staying.

If Xiaolan hadn't gone over to tell him to leave, this god of death would really be dead now.

"Let's teach him a lesson when we get back. Let's get out of here now. It seems the police are here."Chen turned his head and looked to the left.

A series of police cars drove over, and the heavily armed policemen, holding guns, began to evacuate the crowd here.

Although they had evacuated the crowd along the route of the escort vehicle in advance, they could not evacuate them all.

Now Officer Megure's job is not to kill the people of the black organization, but to evacuate the crowd first.

As for dealing with the black organization, the Self-Defense Forces are already here, do they still need to be dispatched? No need at all.

When Chen was about to leave , suddenly saw two people running towards him, it was Gin and Vodka.

At this time, Gin and Vodka also saw Chen, immediately stopped, and then changed directions to escape.

Conan's heart was pounding with fear Jump, thinking that Gin and Vodka are coming!

Although they are running away, these two people are so dangerous. Who knows if they will shoot themselves and others.

But they seem to be scared away. Is it because of Ri Xiangchen?

Conan raised his head and glanced at Ri Xiangchen.

Indeed, these two guys were afraid of seeing Chen, so they changed directions and ran away.

"How come these two guys have become so timid? Could it be that they have received too many blows and their courage has also become timid. Chen said in a low voice.

"Chen, Xiaolan, why are you here?"Miwako Sato ran over and asked

"Sister Miwako, you are here too. What is going on?"Xiaolan asked Miwako.

It's abnormal for such a large-scale battle to happen in such a downtown area! The subsequent impact will definitely not be small.

"In fact, it’s not really a secret. You still remember the sale of the amusement park a few days ago. This time it was precisely because of that incident.……"Miwako told Xiaolan in detail

"Oh, let’s leave first. Sister Miwako, please be safe."Xiaolan said to Miwako.

Chen chuckled. If Gin and Vodka saw Miwako, they would probably run away in fear just like they saw him!

Don't forget, it was Miwako who took action before and caught Gin and Vodka. Live.

So after seeing Miwako, Gin and Vodka would definitely not dare to go there.

"We left first."After Chen said hello to Miwako, he left with Xiaolan and Conan.

"Such a big thing has happened. It will definitely be on the news tomorrow. Those who don't know will definitely think it is a terrorist attack."Xiaolan said

"You're right, it will really be in the news tomorrow, and it will definitely be under the guise of a terrorist attack. Chen nodded and said.

It will definitely be said to be a terrorist attack. It is impossible to block the news about this incident, so if you want to give an explanation, a terrorist attack is the best reason. At this time, the terrorist organization will take the blame. , I guess they also like to take the blame.

After all, what their terrorist organization wants is to cause big things, and they are not afraid of taking the blame. If one day the world is destroyed, if the blame for the destruction of the world is put on their heads, they will probably be happy to accept it.

At night, everything ended completely, and Miwako returned home

"What, did these two guys, Gin and Vodka, run away? Chen asked Miwako

"ran away."Miwako nodded, and actually let both of them run away. This is really a shame, after all, so many people were dispatched.

"That's really rubbish."Chen couldn't help but say.

So many people were actually run away with gin and vodka. They were nothing but trash. They were holding such good firearms, but two prisoners were rescued.

"This incident is really big. I’m afraid the news will be overwhelming tomorrow! Now the news agency is benefiting from this, and they are not afraid that there will be nothing to report."

Indeed, on the next day, all the TV was full of reports about yesterday's incident.

This is the capital of Japan. There was such a large-scale gun battle, and even the Self-Defense Forces were dispatched. It was certainly impossible to hide the past.

Even internationally They are all famous, and many countries are watching the joke! Japan also blamed this incident on a terrorist attack, saying that a very terrorist underground organization caused this incident.

This is actually true. The incident was originally caused by a terrorist underground organization. Isn't the black organization an underground organization?

And it is estimated that the black organization should be the largest terrorist organization in the world!

But at this time, some terrorist organizations in the Middle East immediately They spoke to express their responsibility for this incident.

It was obviously an offending incident, but they still liked to take responsibility for it, for fear that they would not be able to take the blame. There was more than one terrorist organization responsible for this incident!

"It's really funny that these terrorist organizations are rushing to take responsibility for this incident. I heard that several terrorist organizations have conflicts because of this!"

In school, Yuanzi said funnyly

"They probably want to increase their visibility. Although they are a terrorist organization, they still need visibility. Chen said with a smile.

"In fact, yesterday it really involved a very powerful organization. This is the news I got from my mother."Yuanzi said to Chen in a low voice.

"In fact, we were on that street that day, so we knew about it. Chen said to Yuanzi

"Hey, you guys?"Yuanzi is very good at grasping the key points. She feels that the key point is not where Chen is, but the word"we"

"Yes, Xiaolan and I, isn’t this us? Chen said with a shrug.

Yuanzi immediately looked at Xiaolan with a strange look. Xiaolan looked a little embarrassed and asked softly:"Yuanzi, why do you look at me like this?""

"So you and Chen are together? Then I want to know, what did you two do on the street that day? Is it just the two of you?"Yuanzi asked in a very gossipy tone.

"Yuanzi, why are you asking so many questions?"

"Nothing, I'm just curious, did you two go on a date on the street?"Yuanzi stared at Xiaolan with ambiguous eyes.

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