Chapter 894 High-altitude bouncing incident

"Do you want to give it a try?" Chen asked Xiaolan and Yukiko

"Forget it, I feel a little afraid of heights too."Yukiko shook her head quickly.

"Why don't you go over there, Xiaolan? I think this high-altitude bouncing is quite fun."Yukiko pushed Xiaolan next to her.

Xiaolan immediately shook her head. She was scared too! Although she is not afraid of heights, it does not mean that Xiaolan has the courage to jump!

After a while, Xiaoai walked up again, and Yukiko squatted down He asked Xiao Ai,"How is it? Do you feel anything?"

"I feel nothing. Conan, would you like to try it?"Xiao Ai's eyes suddenly turned to Conan.

Conan quickly waved his hand. Although he has the courage, he will not play such an exciting sport. But isn't the high-altitude bouncing here restricted to children? I really want to make money and want to go crazy. How dare you let children play in such a dangerous facility?

"How about giving way to that one?"

A man wearing a Masked Superman costume walked up.

"Is the Masked Superman also going to play high-altitude bungee jumping?"Xiaolan was a little strange.

"This is a performance, look at the hall where Masked Superman performs in the distance."Chen pointed downwards, probably because he wanted to appear in a more exciting way! So he borrowed the high-altitude bungee facility

"Ready, Mask."The fat staff member gave a thumbs up to Masked Superman, and then watched Masked Superman jump out.

After Masked Superman jumped out, an accident suddenly occurred, and there was a problem with the protective measures. He fell into the river with a plop. inside

"Ah, Masked Superman fell into the river. Chen glanced down.

The fat staff member was a little frightened. After being stunned for a while, he quickly used the walkie-talkie to notify people of rescue.

"Fortunately you didn't go, otherwise it would have been dangerous." Chen said to Yukiko and Xiaolan

"Yes, I feel like I've escaped disaster. In fact, I actually had the idea of ​​giving it a try just now."Xiaolan patted her heart and said

"This should be okay, right?"

"According to my estimation, something must have happened."Chen glanced at Conan. With Conan here, it would be strange if nothing happened.

"Come on, let's go down and have a look."Chen and the others walked down and started to watch like everyone else.

For twenty minutes, they could not find the actor playing Masked Superman in the river.

"It's been so long since I've found the body. It's probably too cold."

"It was too dangerous. Fortunately, I didn't go up, otherwise I would have been doomed."Mouri Kogoro said in fear.

He was originally afraid of heights, but now that he sees someone having an accident while jumping at high altitude, Mouri Kogoro will be even more afraid of heights!

"Have you noticed that the protective measure is broken abnormally and has scorch marks?"Chen said to Xiaolan and the others.

Xiaolan, Yukiko and the others raised their heads and looked at the protective facilities. The rubber bands binding the calves really had burnt marks.

"How did that happen?"Xiaolan was puzzled.

"It was obvious that this was a murder."Conan's lenses flashed, and Conan also discovered this scorching protective measure.

This is definitely not normal, and it is 100% possible that it is an intentional homicide.

"It shouldn't be wrong. I'll inform Officer Megure first."Mouri Kogoro said seriously.

Unexpectedly, when he went out to play, he encountered a murder. Mouri Kogoro took out his mobile phone and started to notify Officer Megure.

Soon Officer Megure rushed over, and the body of Masked Superman Hosono was also found. Found it, already dead

"This rubber band is indeed not broken naturally."Officer Megure took the rubber band and checked it and said

"If it was an intentional homicide, then the murderer of this case might be among the people present."Mouri Kogoro looked at the other people in the Masked Superman performance theater.

"Look at what I'm doing, I'm not a murderer."The fat man in charge of high-altitude jumping said unhappily.

"Humph, you are the biggest suspect, aren't you?"

"This rubber band should have been destroyed by explosives. The only one who can put explosives in it is you."

"Why don't you check the body? It doesn't look like it has been dead for twenty minutes, and it was not drowned. Chen said calmly.

After hearing this, Officer Mumu looked at the body.

They did not check the body because the results were clear and there was no need for investigation.

"Not drowned?"Xiaolan was confused.

"Masked Superman was dead before he fell into the river."Chen said to Xiaolan

"However, if he had died before, who would be the Masked Superman after that? Yukiko asked Chen

"Boy Chen, are you kidding?"Mouri Kogoro said

"This is no joke. Now that the criminal suspects have been targeted at these people in their troupe, everything will be easier to handle."

Chen looked at several people in the troupe. Their expressions were as usual, and there was no change in their emotions at all.

"Since the explosive burned and the rubber band broke, it is impossible that the legs would not be injured. Just look at the deceased's legs to see if there are any burn marks, and you can know whether he was the Masked Superman at that time."

Chen's words suddenly woke up Officer Megure and the others.

Then they immediately checked and found that there were no traces of burns on the legs of the deceased Mr. Hosono.

It could burn off the protective rubber bands, so it was impossible for him not to be injured.

"Then the next step is too simple. Just look at these people. Whoever has burn marks on his legs is the murderer. Chen glanced at a few people and said calmly.

Officer Mu Mu felt that it made sense, and then said:"Everyone, in order to prove your innocence, it should be okay for us to check it?""

Except for Dayue She, who was in charge of the blasting, the rest of the people were calmly waiting for the inspection.

"Mr. Dayueshe, it's your turn now."Officer Takagi looked at Oyue She.

Oyue She took two steps back, then knelt on the ground. Looking at this typical confession gesture, Chen knew that he was the murderer.

"No need to check, I did kill the person."Dayue She admitted it. Now that the evidence has been laid out by Chen, it's useless not to admit it.

"Your criminal methods are really inferior!"Chen looked at him with disdain.

However, although this method was not clever, it was easy to deceive the police.

Oue Sheba looked at Chen with hatred, and then told him his motive for killing Hosino.

It was because of Hosino Said that he was not qualified to play the role of Masked Superman. Otake Wataru felt that his movements were no worse than Hosono, but he could not go on stage to play Masked Superman. He could only stay in the background and be responsible for blasting, which made him feel unhappy.

It is for this reason that Otake Wataru So he killed Hosino. I have to say that this guy was really violent. He killed people for this reason. He seemed to be a ruthless person!

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