Chapter 892 Do you want me to give you tutoring?

"The teacher is new here, wouldn’t the classmates even be willing to help with a little help?"Judy said to Chen

"Please, aren't there a bunch of people here to help you? Why are you obsessed with me? Teacher, do you think I'm too handsome and want to have a teacher-student relationship?"Chen said while leaning on the chair.

As soon as Chen finished speaking, a group of boys in the class looked at him angrily, as if they wanted to kill Chen.

"Why are you staring at me with such terrible eyes? We are also classmates after all. You are looking at me with such unfriendly eyes. It’s so sad."

Sad? They didn't see Chen Mata feeling sad at all. The smile that always hung on his face seemed to have a sense of superiority, which made them very unhappy.

Ri Xiangchen was the public enemy of the boys of Didan High School, and was beaten by all Boys hate this existence. I have no choice but to look so handsome and destined to be rejected.

Fortunately, there is a beautiful young lady who can give Chen a touch of warmth.

Judy glanced at Chen and did not continue to say anything. Anyway, she is now The teacher here had the opportunity to investigate Chen.

So he randomly selected two classmates and asked them to come and help. The two classmates happily went to the office to help.

"Chen, the new teacher Judy seems to care about you very much. She has looked at you several times."Xiaolan turned around and pouted and said to Chen

"This is the trouble with being handsome."Chen shook his hair quite narcissistically.

Xiaolan glanced at Chen with disdain, you seemed very happy! Xiaolan was angry and turned her head to ignore Chen.

Soon the day's class was over. , Chen spent most of his time lying on the table sleeping.

"Chen, it won't take long, but there will be an exam. You can't do this now. How about you, do you want me to help you review your homework?"Yuanzi came to Chen's side and said

"What? Did I hear something right? What did you just say, help me review my homework?"Chen looked at Yuanzi very strangely.

Yuanzi helped her review her homework. This was the funniest joke Chen heard. Her own grades were not very good, but she actually had to help her review her homework.

"What, you look down on me, right?"Yuanzi pouted.

"It's not that I look down upon you, but I look down upon you very much. With your poor grades, how can you help me review my homework?"

As a person who doesn't like to study, Yuanzi's grades will naturally not be much better. In fact, Yuanzi is quite smart, but she is not willing to study at all.

"Why don't you let me review it for you?"Xiaolan said.

Xiaolan is different from Yuanzi. She is a real top student.

Xiaolan is the first in the entire grade. Well, she was the first in the past, and now she is the first. Koizumi Anko

"Forget it, I'm not interested in this."Chen waved his hand quickly.

Chen is not willing to touch such boring things at all.

"What should I do if it’s time for an exam? Want a cheat code? It's very embarrassing to come last in the exam."Koizumi Hongzi said

"Hahaha, it doesn’t matter, I won’t come when that day comes."Chen said with a smile.

Yuanzi, Xiaolan and Hongzi looked at Chen speechlessly. It is probably only Chen who can do this, and the teachers in the school actually didn't care about him. When he came home from school, Koizumi Hongzi looked at Chen Said:"That new teacher Judy, something feels wrong."

"Oh, do you see something wrong? Chen glanced at Koizumi Hongzi and asked

"No, it just feels wrong. She seems to be paying a lot of attention to you, which is a bit abnormal."

"In fact, that woman is from the FBI." Chen said to Koizumi Hongzi

"Are the FBI people here for you?"Koizumi Hongzi looked at Chen and asked

"Maybe there was such a part of the reason, but the most important thing was Belmod. She probably came here for Belmod, but how did she know that Belmod was here."

Chen was very curious, how did Judy confirm that Belmode was in Tokyo? It seems that the FBI's intelligence network is really deep enough, and everyone can understand the situation here.

"Don't worry, she won't have any impact. As long as it doesn't affect us, the rest is fine."Chen shook his head and said.

When I got home, Xiao Ai had already come back. Elementary school had to finish early. Mingmei went to pick up Xiao Ai.

"You are finally back."Xiao Ai stood at the door and looked at Chen

"Oh, it’s really an honor for me to have Xiao Ai greet you at the door."Chen walked over and picked up Xiao Ai directly.

Xiao Ai struggled for a while and pushed Chen with both hands. Seeing that he couldn't get away, Xiao Ai simply stopped struggling.

"Hurry and teach me ninjutsu."Xiao Ai said to Chen

"It turns out that you are waiting for me here just so that I can teach you ninjutsu. How sad."

"Otherwise what do you think, huh."Xiao Ai snorted arrogantly.

"That Chen, can I follow you and learn the so-called ninjutsu? I am also very curious."Yukiko suddenly came over and asked Chen

"you? You are old and have missed the time to study."Chen looked Yukiko up and down, and then said something that made Yukiko very angry.

"Huh, you think I'm willing to learn."Yukiko went to the side to sulk angrily.

Then Chen shrugged, and then taught Xiao Ai, Miwako and Hongzi. At this time, they had extracted a lot of chakra.

Although Koizumi Hongzi learned very well at the beginning Slow, but after refining chakra, the learning speed becomes very fast

"Have you been refining chakra? Don't you learn something else?"Xiao Ai asked Chen

"You have just learned to walk now, so don't think about running away, don't be too greedy, work hard to refine chakra first."Chen knocked Xiao Ai on the head.

"I feel it's almost done."Xiao Ai rubbed his head and looked at Chen dissatisfied.

"It's still far away. Even if you learn ninjutsu now, you can only release a C-level ninjutsu at most."Chen said to Xiao Ai

"Xiao Ai, with your sister protecting you, you don’t have to work so hard."Mingmei said to Xiao Ai.

Mingmei actually knows that Xiao Ai works so hard just to have the power to protect herself and does not want to be held back.

But Mingmei can guarantee that she can protect Xiao Ai and will never let her be harmed.

"No, I don’t want to be protected by you, sister. I want to protect you, sister, in the future."Xiao Ai said with firm eyes.

This is why Xiao Ai works so hard. She wants to protect her sister. When she learned the news of her sister's death, she was heartbroken.

Although her sister was fine, She didn't want to endure this feeling again.

That's why Xiao Ai asked Chen to teach her Ninjutsu to make her stronger so that she could protect her sister in the future. She couldn't always rely on her sister to protect her from wind and rain.

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