Chapter 886 Leaving the castle!

It's your own fault. If she didn't attack him, Chen wouldn't pay attention to this miserable guy.

"Is she a fake? Could it be that Conan and the others were attracted by this?……"Ayumi immediately covered her mouth. Could it be that Conan has been killed?

Conan was so lucky that he did not die. This woman did not kill Conan directly. Instead, she imprisoned him and starved him to death, and then threw his body into the woods.

But this also gave Conan a chance. After Conan escaped by himself, the woman pretending to be the eldest lady had been arrested by the police.

"Great, Dr. Ari, Conan, it turns out you're okay. It really scared me to death."

Dr. A Li scratched his head in embarrassment. As an adult, he actually worries his children. It's really embarrassing.

"Dr. Ali, is there nothing wrong with your injury?"The noble man asked kindly.

"Hahahaha, don't worry, there's no problem, I feel much better."Dr. A Li said haha.

In fact, his head still hurts. When the woman struck, she didn't show any softness. The stick was not light.

Dr. A Li is just holding back the pain now.

"I never expected that that woman was pretending to be my mother-in-law, and she was the one who killed my wife."Aman said with great hatred.

"It's all because of the treasure."The noble man sighed.

"In fact, I already know the location of the treasure."Conan said

"ah?"When Master Aman and Master Guiren heard this, they looked at Conan in surprise. This kid actually knew the location of the treasure.

"Just above that huge photo, you can see this treasure by rotating the photo. Conan said confidently.

After hearing this, Master Aman walked over curiously. He also wanted to know what the treasure left by the master was. He walked over and rotated the huge photo, and then revealed a hole that allowed people to go up. Master Aman climbed up.

Not long after, he came back with a disappointed look on his face. It turned out that the so-called treasure was actually the scenery outside. Although the scenery was beautiful, it was not what he wanted.

For the sake of the so-called treasure, he transformed himself into With this look, a woman who has wasted her youth, I don’t know what she will think after knowing this.

The so-called treasure is just the scenery outside. After Yuantai and the others got the news, they were also very disappointed. They originally thought it was some kind of gold. Where's the silver jewelry?

"Anyway, I still want to thank you. If it weren't for you, we might never know where the treasure is, and we wouldn't know that my mother-in-law has passed away. No wonder there is something wrong with her."

"Maybe my wife was brutally burned to death because she discovered her identity, alas."Master Aman sighed.

"Yes, if you hadn't discovered her identity, maybe one day she would attack us."The noble man said.

That woman is not a good person. She already has more than a dozen lives in her hands. She has gone completely crazy for the so-called treasure.

"Then we'll say goodbye, and I'd also like to thank Mr. Aman for letting us stay overnight."

"We have to leave so soon, why not finish the meal? I have asked the people below to prepare the meal."Master Aman said

"Yes, you helped us a lot this time. Fortunately, you came here to stay overnight, otherwise we would still be kept in the dark."

"Dr. Agasa, how about we stay and have dinner before leaving. Yuantai said, holding Dr. A Li's hand.

Thinking of so many delicious foods, Yuantai didn't want to leave, but Yuantai's body is getting fatter and fatter. If he continues to overeat like this, he will probably become a pig in the future.

"This, okay then." Dr. A Li nodded lightly and stayed here for a meal before talking.

After all, the owner of the house has been kind enough to persuade me to stay, so I can't help but give him face.

"Looking at it this way, this camping trip can’t be considered a failure, as we encountered such a wonderful thing. Mitsuhiko said with a smile.

"Wonderful? It should be thrilling, Conan and Dr. Ari almost died."Bumi said

"Unfortunately I fainted."Conan felt a little pity. If he hadn't been knocked unconscious, he would have killed the woman who had plastic surgery to look like an old woman with his own hands.

A sumptuous meal, the host was very enthusiastic, and all kinds of precious seafood and meat, Chen Du couldn't bear it. He couldn't help but look sideways.

But it was just a sideways look. He hadn't eaten anything, so these things were nothing.

After eating, Chen and the others were about to leave.

"You are welcome to come here often in the future."Master Aman said to Chen and the others.

"Definitely, I love coming here."Yuan Tai jumped up happily. It's really not easy for him to jump at his weight.

"Like to play here? I think you like to eat here."Mitsuhiko couldn't help complaining about Genta.

"What do you guys say? Watch me punch you."Yantai was very violent and punched Mitsuhiko on the head. The blow made Mitsuhiko confused.

"Let’s see if you still dare to talk nonsense."

Conan scratched his head. Does Genta, this guy, only use violence to solve problems? Mitsuhiko was beaten until he shed tears.

"Don't fight."Dr. Ali quickly said to the two of them.

"Mr. Aman and Mr. Guiren, we will take our leave now. Please do not send us far away."Dr. A Li waved to Mr. Aman behind him.

"Let's go first."Chen took Ayumi and Xiaoai into the car, and then walked at the front. He must not let Dr. Ali lead the way.

Because he couldn't find the way at all, and if he hadn't gotten lost, he wouldn't have come to this castle.

"I really don't understand why this castle has so many secret passages. Chen shook his head and said

"Maybe it's someone's personal hobby, why bother with so much."Xiao Ai said speechlessly.

"Actually, I'm just curious, isn't it possible?"

"Then ask the person who built this castle, but that person is already dead and his bones are probably gone. Chen

Bu spoke to the irritating Xiao Ai, looked at Bumi, and asked Bumi,"Bumei, do you want to go home now?" I'll take you back"

"Brother Chen, can I go to your house to play for a while?"Ayumi asked Chen expectantly.

"All right."Chen carried Xiao Ai and Ayumi back home according to the navigation guidance.

As soon as Chen came back, Belmod and Yukiko, who looked outside when they heard the sound, suddenly felt a little strange on their faces.

"Why did you bring back this little girl named Ayumi? Is this guy really a lolicon? Yukiko whispered.

"You'd better keep your voice down so you don't get heard, otherwise you'll have to bear the consequences."Belmod said to Yukiko

"Why don't you let me hear it?" Chen walked in, looked at Belmode and Yukiko and asked

"Nothing, nothing."Yukiko waved her hands quickly.

Chen gave Yukiko a strange look.

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