Chapter 882: Staying in the Castle

"How to find a place to stay in this wilderness, it seems that I can only sleep in the car for one night, or go back now."Conan said.

It's all because of the doctor's carelessness, but it's better to go back. Conan actually wants to go back. If he has time to play, he might as well read the Sherlock Holmes Detective Collection.

"go back? We don't want to go back." Mitsuhiko and Genta protested

"Let's get in the car first and look for a hotel or something nearby."Dr. A Li said awkwardly.

He got in the car to find a place to stay, but Dr. A Li was not familiar with this place, so Dr. A Li who was leading the way suddenly got lost.

"Oops, Chen, I'm so sorry. I seem to be lost."Dr. A Li is even more embarrassed.

"Then walk along this road first. Since there is a road, you should be able to see people. Find someone to ask for directions."Chen said with a shrug.

Dr. Ali drove in front, driving around until it was almost dark, but he didn't meet anyone yet, and it became even more remote.

"Is this a good vacation going to waste like this? Do you want to sleep in the car all night? It would be nice to encounter a castle on the lake."Bumi complained softly.

"How is that possible."Chen replied directly.

"It's not impossible."Xiao Ai looked through the window and happened to see the castle not far away.

The corner of Chen's mouth twitched. He also saw it. Just after he said it was impossible, he came to slap me in the face. He really wanted to blow up this castle. into ashes

"I didn't expect there was an old castle here."

Chen and the others stopped in front of the castle and came down to look at the castle.

"This castle is just like the ones in the West. I don’t know how much money it would cost to build such a castle. The owner must be very rich."

"But why does this kind of castle appear in the wild?"Dr. Ali looked strange.

"I think some domestic upstart bought a foreign castle, dismantled it all, and then shipped it here to reassemble it."Conan said, rolling his dead fish eyes.

"If I had a castle like this, I would definitely trade it for eel rice. I don’t know how much I can trade it for. Yuantai said happily.

The others looked at Yuantai speechlessly. This is just your dream. You can actually exchange eel rice for this castle. This is also a talent.

"Why don't we stay there for the night?" Dr. Ali suggested

"Stay overnight? But is it really that easy to stay overnight? What if the other party doesn't let us stay overnight?"Conan couldn't help but said

"Anyway, it’s okay to give it a try. I’ll go over and ask."Dr. Ali walked forward.

"Yuanta, what are you doing?"

Dr. A Li just wanted to ask about staying overnight, but Genta actually jumped in. He is really a flexible fat man!

But he was usually clumsy and not so flexible, and now he has become so flexible.

"Hey, what are you doing, little brat?"

As soon as Yuantai climbed in, he was picked up by a security guard and asked angrily.

"I said where did you come from? You actually came here, didn’t you know this is a private place?"

"Let me go, let me go quickly"

"Sorry sir, actually we are not bad people."Dr. Ali said quickly.

At this time, the security guard turned his head and looked at Chen and his group outside.

"Who are you?"

"We just happened to pass by here and saw such a magnificent castle, so we came here to take a look. If possible, I wonder if we can go in and visit?"Dr. Ali smiled awkwardly.

"Come back to me, everyone, this is not where you idlers are waiting."The security guard yelled

"Who are these people?"A middle-aged man walked out of it

"Ah, sir"

"There shouldn't be any guests coming to visit today, right?"

"The stupid-looking old man asked me to let them in."The security guard pointed at Dr. Ali behind him and said rudely.

Dr. Ali was so angry that he almost couldn't breathe. He actually called him an old man with a stupid face.

"What a stupid look, no matter what, I am still a scientist. Dr. Ali said angrily.

"the scientist?"

"That's right, I'm Dr. Ali, and now I'm a well-known scientist."Dr. Ali touched his beard.

"So, your mind should be smarter than ordinary people like us."The middle-aged man held his chin, not knowing what idea he had in mind.

"That's it, let's invite a few people in! By the way, do you want to stay here for one night?"

When Dr. Ali heard this, a surprised smile immediately appeared on his face.

"Showing courtesy for nothing is either cheating or stealing."Chen said in a low voice.

Looking at this guy's look, you can tell that he has other purposes, but it's not bad to find a place to stay for one night.

"That's so grateful."Dr. Ali said in surprise.

"But Master, is it really okay for you to not discuss this with the eldest wife?"The security guard said

"Just say that they are my friends, and my mother-in-law is like this. Just say that."

"Really."The security guard looked helplessly at the middle-aged man who had walked away.

"Uncle, can you put me down first?" said Yuantai who was being carried.

After being put down, the security guard opened the door for Chen and others and let them in. A group of people visited the castle

"Wow, and a big horse."Bumi pointed to the stone white horse not far away.

"Really, there's another black one here."Yantai ran to the black horse

"Why does the stone carving only go up to the neck?"Guang Yan said strangely

"These horses are called knights and are the pieces in chess."Xiao Ai said aloud

"Wow, Xiao Ai, you know so much."Bumi couldn't help but said

"It’s not just chess pieces. Look at the grass below. It’s all laid out like a chessboard."Conan came over with his hands in his pockets.

"Does anyone here like chess?"Dr. Ali asked the security guard

"I don’t know, I just followed the instructions given to me by my old master, Mr. Sadaki, and pruned a little bit every day, and finally trimmed it like this, and finally kept it."

"This seems to be the last words left by the eldest master when he died fifteen years ago. Master Zhenzhao has never violated them."

"The old master, the one before that?"

"Oh, he is my wife’s second husband, Mr. Aman, because Mr. Zhenzhao died of illness six years ago, and our wife was also burned to death in the fire four years ago."

"What fire?"Dr. Ali asked strangely.

"Look over there."The security guard pointed to the burnt stone tower not far away.

"There was a charred stone tower there. That stone tower was where the wife lived. That year, the wife came back to this stone tower to celebrate the birthday of the eldest wife. However, she died in a fire, along with more than a dozen of the housekeepers and servants. The only ones who were burned to death and escaped were the eldest wife and me who had just arrived."

Ayumi shuddered, a dozen people were burned to death in that place.

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