Chapter 880: He is a perverted lolicon.

Conan took his cell phone and stood at the intersection for a while, then called Kudo Yusaku again.

"Shinichi, I'm very busy now. I have to submit a manuscript. I have to get it out now. Don't interrupt my train of thought." Kudo Yusaku said

"Dad, let me tell you, do you know that Mom is in danger now? Conan said angrily

"Danger? Kudo Yusaku was stunned for a moment, and then said:"What danger can she be in?" Could it be you who caused the trouble?"

Conan was speechless, but Kudo Yusaku's guess was correct. He had indeed caused trouble. He had provoked the black organization. Wasn't he causing trouble?

"Dad, you'd better come back and take mom away."Conan didn't say anything about the black organization.

Kudo Yusaku frowned. He is a smart man. Now listening to Conan's tone, he is 80% sure that Conan is causing trouble.

And it is definitely something that Conan can't solve. things

"Tell me, have you offended any big force?"Kudo Yusaku asked seriously

"No, I didn't offend anyone."Conan said stiffly. He was not going to tell his father Kudo Yusaku. If one more person knew, it would be more dangerous. Moreover, Conan's character is like this. He likes to solve things alone. Otherwise, he would have told Kudo Yusaku a long time ago. Got it

"Forget it if you don’t say so, but first tell me why Yukiko is in danger?"After Kudo Yusaku was silent for a while, he did not continue to ask.

"Well, my mom suddenly moved into the home of a very dangerous guy, and I was worried that she would get hurt."Conan said roughly.

To Conan, Chen is a very dangerous guy, more dangerous than the black organization.

"Okay, don't worry about it for now, I'll take care of it. By the way, give me that person's name and I'll investigate." Kudo Yusaku said

"That person's name is Ri Xiangchen, and he may be involved in a mysterious organization."Conan said to Kudo Yusaku

"A mysterious organization?"A flash of light flashed in Kudo Yusaku's eyes when he heard this, and then he hung up the phone.

Conan hung up the phone and returned home.

"Conan, what have you been doing? Do you know it’s time to eat?"Xiaolan said to Conan who came back.

"Sorry, Sister Xiaolan, I just went to Dr. Ali's house."Conan lied


"Yukiko, Kudo Shinichi called you before, right?" Chen said to Yukiko

"Uh, how do you know? Did you eavesdrop on my phone calls?"Yukiko glared at Chen angrily.

"I didn't eavesdrop, I just had very good ears, so there was nothing I could do about it."Chen spread his hands helplessly.

"I seem to have heard your son say that I am not a good person, tsk tsk, this is deeply irritating to my fragile little heart."

"Tsk, I don’t think you’re a good person either. Yukiko glanced at Chen and said

"No, actually I am a very good person. Chen said lightly.

"Yes, but only a ghost would believe what you said."Belmod said

"No ghost would believe it."Xiao Ai said with a venomous tongue.

"So you would believe it if you weren’t a ghost, right? Xiao Ai."Chen held Xiao Ai in his arms, pinched Xiao Ai's face and said.

Xiao Ai is very shy. Although she is just a loli on the outside, she is seventeen years old on the inside, so she will naturally feel shy.

"Let me go quickly or I'll bite you."Xiao Ai raised her head and said to Chen

"If you want to bite me, then try it and see if you can bite me."Chen poked Xiao Ai's face with a smile, which made Xiao Ai angry but not temperamental.

"Xiao Ai, what is your relationship with him?"Yukiko is very curious. She has been curious for a long time.

"Well, actually I am Xiaoai’s brother-in-law. Chen said with a faint smile.

Mingmei next to her suddenly blushed, glanced at Chen shyly, and then ran away quickly.

"Really?"Yukiko believed it in her heart, and couldn't help but glare at Chen, this playboy. He already has Belmod, but he still wants to pursue Xiaolan. It seems that he is also related to Sato Miwako, a female police officer, and Xiaoai's brother-in-law. , Yukiko even wanted to kill Chen with a hatchet.

"No, he is a perverted lolicon, and I was brought here by force."Xiao Aiqing said with a cold face.

"Perverted lolita control?"Yukiko looked at Chen up and down and felt that it was very possible.

"You guys, are you really a lolicon?"

"Yes what's the matter?"

I admitted it. Yukiko didn't expect Chen to actually admit it.

"In fact, I'm not only a lolita fan, I'm also a housewives fan, so you have to be careful."Chen looked at Yukiko with naked eyes.

Under Chen's gaze, Yukiko felt as if she had no clothes on and was very uncomfortable.

"Take back your eyes, or I'll make you look good."Yukiko made a small fist gesture.

"Come on, with your weak little fists, you can probably scratch my itch, but I think you are too weak to watch."

"Humph, don’t underestimate me. I’ve also practiced boxing and kicking. Most people are no match for me."

"Yeah? That's a shame, I'm not an ordinary person. Chen said with a faint smile.

"It seems that I have to watch out for you at night."Yukiko looked at Chen warily.

"Then you have to guard against it. The key is that you can't guard against it."Xiao Ai said

"I advise you to leave as soon as possible, otherwise all your bones will be eaten."Xiao Ai kindly advised Yukiko.

"Tsk, I don’t believe he has the courage. If he has the ability, let him do it."Yukiko glanced at Chen provocatively.

"Yukiko, it would be too much to say that I don't have the courage. It seems that if I don't teach you a lesson, you don't know the severity. I hope you won't close the door tonight."Chen looked at Yukiko deeply.

"If you don't close the door, don't close it. If you don't come, you'll be a puppy."Yukiko looked at Chen without showing any signs of weakness.

"By the way, if you really do something to me, be careful I will sue you. Then I will apply to be a lawyer in Yingli and let you stay in prison for the rest of your life. Yukiko said proudly

"It's okay. It's okay to stay there for the rest of my life. I also secretly enjoyed myself in prison."Chen shrugged.

"Hey, hey, I'm just kidding, you're not really going to do anything to me, are you?"Yukiko saw that Chen seemed to be serious, and she suddenly felt a little scared and timid.

"Haha, guess what."Chen smiled at Yukiko.

"Don't worry, Yukiko, I guess he has a lustful heart but not a lustful heart."Belmod said to Yukiko.

Yukiko breathed a sigh of relief at Belmod's words. She didn't think Chen would really do anything to him.

"Belmod, don't you know whether I have sexual courage or not?"Chen looked at Belmod deeply.

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