Chapter 868: Spend money to eliminate disasters!

"To actually use something as dangerous as a gun."Chen held the card fired by the magic card pistol in his hand.

Kidd's heart tightened. He was able to hold this card. What kind of monster is it?

The strength of this gun can be adjusted. Now he has adjusted it to the maximum strength. , even steel plates can be inserted in.

When Kidd fought out angrily before, he felt a little regretful, because if he accidentally became a murderer, it was good to become a thief. He did not do anything heinous, stealing. Everything that comes will be returned, so the police will not use any special means to treat him.

But if he becomes a murderer, what awaits him is the various guns of the police. No matter how strong he is, he will be weak against bullets.

It might be a little difficult to catch him, but it would be too easy to kill him

"If you are caught using a weapon to injure someone, I will prosecute you and you should be able to get a life sentence."Fei Yingli adjusted her glasses and said.

Kidd's face darkened, he glared at Chen and the others angrily, and then wanted to run away.

Because he was not his opponent, running away was the best option, as he could catch his card with his bare hands. The ability made Kidd very uneasy.

He grabbed the cart behind him and pushed it towards Chen, and then Kidd ran away.

"It's not that easy to just think about running away without having a good chat."Chen kicked the cart.

The cart seemed to be equipped with a propeller and hit Kidd instantly. Kidd fell to the ground like a dog eating shit.

"it hurts."Kid couldn't help but screamed in pain, his legs were about to be broken by the cart.

"Chen, are you ready to arrest him? Fei Yingli asked Chen

"With this plan, if he is caught, I believe the Metropolitan Police Department should give him some rewards. Chen said with a smile.

"Actually, I really want to know what Kaitou Kidd looks like."Yuanzi's face showed curiosity.

"Listening to his voice just now, he shouldn't be an uncle. It sounds like his voice is similar to that of a high school student. Could it be that Kaitou Kidd is a high school student?"Xiaolan's face showed confusion.

"Xiaolan, don't forget, Kaitou Kidd is proficient in voice changing. Fei Yingli said to Xiaolan

"Yes, it's possible that it's an old man pretending to be young." Sonoko said venomously.

Kidd pushed away the car that was pressing on him and climbed up. This should be one of the biggest crises since his debut. He must find a way to leave. If he is caught and sent to prison, all that will happen It's all over. Kidd doesn't want to go to prison and spend the rest of his life.

Besides, if he is caught, everything will be exposed. Then Aoko will know about his Kaitou Kidd.

Because Kaitou Kidd She often teases her father. Nakamori Aoko hates Kaitou Kidd. If she were to know, she would definitely hate herself to death.

"Now that there are three beauties here, I don't want to be too violent. You should just be obedient and let them go."Chen said to Kidd.

Fei Yingli, Xiaolan and Yuanzi's faces were slightly red, and a hint of surprise flashed in their eyes. Of course they were happy to be praised as beauties.

Especially Yuanzi, holding Chen's arm with both hands, asked:"Chen Do you really think I'm a beauty? Chen glanced at Yuanzi, and then said with an apologetic look:"I'm so sorry, Yuanzi, when I talked about beauty, I actually added you.""

"What? You hateful guy."Yuanzi is angry.

In fact, Yuanzi is also a beauty, but she is whistling, which ruins her image. Now that Yuanzi is wearing a dress, she is really beautiful when she is quiet. However, she is not the kind of character who likes to be quiet at all.

Kidd meets Chen Without looking at him, he immediately retreated quietly, trying to take the opportunity to slip away.

"Mr. Kidd, where do you want to go?"Chen raised his head and locked his sharp gaze on Kidd.

After being locked with his gaze, Kidd felt like a lamb caught in a trap, unable to escape at all.

"What do you want?"

Knowing that he can't escape, he can only negotiate conditions. Judging from his appearance, he doesn't seem to want to send himself to jail, otherwise the police will have come by now. But he doesn't dare to delay time. There are police everywhere on this ship now. On patrol, if he is discovered, he will definitely be arrested.

Although he has many methods, there is no guarantee that he can escape from the hands of the police even if he is arrested.

"What should I do? Use money to eliminate disasters. Spending money can buy peace, don’t you think?"Chen had a smile on his face.

Kidd looked at this smile. It was obvious that his smile looked very sunny, but he felt it was very hateful.

"Chen, isn’t this a bit bad?"Xiaolan said

"There's nothing wrong with him. He's a bad guy. This is how you should deal with bad guys. After being blackmailed once, let's see if he still dares to come out and steal. This stupid thief."

"Asshole, I'm not a thief."


"Poof~! Ahem~"

Kidd clutched his abdomen in pain, looking at Chen who was expressionless and retracting his fist, a trace of hatred flashed in his eyes.

"Who did you just call a bastard? Kidd didn't dare to speak. After being silent for a long time, he asked Chen:"How much do you want?"

Chen touched his chin and said,"Take out all your property.""


"It seems that money is more important to you, but I don’t know if you will think money is more important after entering prison."

Chen took out his cell phone and pretended to notify the police.

Kidd took a deep breath.

"OK, I promise you"

"Happy, then go back and raise money."Chen waved his hand and asked him to leave.

Although Kidd was surprised that Chen let him leave so easily, the way out is now in front of him. If he doesn't run away now, why are he waiting.

Kidd left, and Chen didn't stop him at all. Let him leave like this

"Why let him go?"Fei Yingli looked at Chen strangely.

"If you let him go, you can get a lot of money! I don’t know how much Kaitou Kidd costs."

"But if you let him go like this, what will happen if he defaults?"Xiaolan was a little speechless.

Although Xiaolan was naturally stupid, she was not a fool. She could naturally guess that the other party might refuse to pay!

"It doesn't matter, I'm not afraid of him defaulting on his debt, I just don't know if he has the guts to default on his debt. If he really defaults on his debt, don't blame me for being rude. Chen said with a slight smile.

"Come on, let's go back"

"Oops, I forgot to take a look at Kaitou Kid's true face. If I could take a photo and post it online, it would probably be very popular."Sonoko said with a slap on the head.

Although Kaitou Kidd is a thief, he is a very popular thief. Because of his popular appearance, many people admire Kaitou Kidd.

But now if the film of Kaitou Kidd is really made If the photo is posted on the Internet, it will probably not be popular, and the chance of collapse will be greater, because the current Kaitou Kidd has lost his appearance.

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