Chapter 865: Kidd’s appearance is revealed!

"Hello, it's me, I'm Police Officer Nakamori. All the people on guard at the Aipido Hotel are paying attention. Kidd is on the roof. Everyone immediately surrounds him."

Kid imitated Nakamori Ginzo's voice and continued.

Conan was shocked to see that he could change his voice without using a voice changer. This voice-changing ability is so amazing!

Conan was a little envious. If he If you have this ability, you don't need to use the voice changer.

Chen and Mingmei looked at Kidd calmly, watching him show off his voice changing ability with the radio

"What exactly does this guy want to do?"Conan looked at Kidd in confusion.

By directly exposing his position in this way, does Kidd want to surrender?

This idea was just thrown away by Conan for a moment. Judging from Kidd's appearance, it was not possible at all. It didn't look like he was about to surrender.

Soon the helicopter flew over and the light shone on Kidd. Kidd was not afraid at all, but was very calm.

"Don't move, Kidd."Ginzo Nakamori angrily pushed open the door to the top floor and pointed his pistol at Kidd.

Because Kidd had imitated his voice before, Ginzo Nakamori was very angry and felt that Kaitou Kidd was deliberately teasing him.

"It turns out to be Officer Zhongmori, hello!"Kaitou Kidd was still thinking about Nakamori Ginzo saying hello.

Nakamori Ginzo was not happy, and now he is giving him a haha. Is this disrespectful to him?

"Kidd, your warning letter has been unlocked. Now you have no way to escape, and you can't steal the Dark Star."Ginzo Nakamori said confidently.

Now the police have surrounded Kaito Kidd. No matter it is in the sky or below, there are police forces everywhere. Even if you can fly, you can't escape.

"Ah, I never thought about stealing the Dark Star today. Didn’t I make it very clear in the notice letter? April 1st is April Fool’s Day. This is just a joke."

"Hum, no matter what the joke is, you can hardly fly even if you have wings today."

Kaitan Kidd smiled, and then a hang glider appeared behind him, and the flash bomb in his hand fell to the ground.

"No, he's running away, catch him quickly."Ginzo Nakamori shouted immediately.

However, the bright light had already caused everyone to cover their eyes, and Kaito Kidd took the opportunity to leave.

"Let him leave?"Mingmei asked Chen

"How can we let him go so easily? Give him something!" Chen smiled softly, and a kunai appeared in his hand, and was thrown out by Chen.

The kunai made a sound of breaking through the air, and directly pierced the glider wing of Kaito Kidd, who had flown far away. The Kaiten Thief who was controlling the glider Kidd suddenly felt that he could no longer control the glider.

Then he fell downwards like a bird, and then landed face first, leaving quite a few bruises on his face.

"Will he fall to his death?"

"If he falls to death, it means his fate is bad."Chen took Mingmei and left here.

Kidd shouldn't die so easily. Of course, if he really dies, it doesn't matter.

After Kidd left, a note fell down.

April 19, The Sallybeth will set sail from Yokohama Port, and I want to order the genuine Dark Star Pearl on board - Kaitou Kidd!

"Let's go too!"Chen said to Mingmei.

After Chen and Mingmei left, Conan, who was reading the note, remembered Chen and Mingmei. The

Conan before seemed to have forgotten their existence.

"Officer, did you see a man and a woman leaving here?"Conan asked, pulling on the clothes of the person next to him.

"No? You and Kaito Kidd are the only two here. By the way, little brother, why are you here?"The police officer asked strangely.

Conan looked at him in shock. He didn't even see the two people. Conan felt cold.

"You are responsible for sending this child back."Ginzo Nakamori looked at Conan and said.

Although I don't know why this kid Conan is here, but since I saw him, I must send him back.

"Also inform Mr. Suzuki Shiro that Kaitou Kidd has not given up on Dark Star."

"Ah, you are back, have you met the famous Kaitou Kidd?" Sato Miwako asked.

Although Sato Miwako is a police officer, she belongs to Section 1, so she did not participate in it this time.

Akemi nodded lightly, and she did see Kaitou Kidd, but this Kaitou Kidd was different from her mind They were different.

I thought he was a middle-aged uncle, but I didn’t expect that he was just a young man, and he also liked to show off.

Obviously, he could escape before the police came, but he had to wait for the police to come and face the police in front of him. ran away

"It's so late, why aren't you sleeping yet? Is it because you can't sleep without me?"Chen held Miwako in his arms.

Mingmei blushed slightly when she saw this scene, and immediately ran to her room.

Chen held Miwako and returned to the room. Miwako just struggled shyly, and even after a slight struggle, she didn't With so much strength.

In a small alley, Kaitou Kid walked out of it. At this time, he was particularly embarrassed. His dress and white cloak were stained with dust. His hat was also missing, his hair was messy, and he was dripping with blood. It's dripping from the face and walking crookedly

"Mr. Terai, come and pick me up."Kid dialed the phone and asked Terai Kinosuke to come over.

Terai Kinosuke was his assistant, and also the assistant of the previous Kaitou Kidd and Kuroba Toichi.

"Master, are you injured?"Terai Kinosuke heard something was wrong with Kaitou Kid's voice and asked immediately.

Kaitou Kid's eyes were filled with cold air. He suffered a big loss today. He didn't even finish pretending, so he left in a hurry..

But it was still like this. Feeling the burning pain on his face, the anger in Kidd's heart became deeper and deeper. He didn't know if his appearance would be ruined because of this. It's pitiful for his face that he can rely on for a living. If his appearance was ruined because of this, That was too unacceptable, and he couldn't accept it himself.

Soon Terai Huangnosuke came over, and when he saw Kidd's face covered with blood, he was shocked.

"Master, how could you end up like this?"

"Let’s go back first."Kid got in the car and wiped the blood from his face.

It's good that he could save his life. Fortunately, he also has some skills. Otherwise, if he fell from such a high place, even if he didn't fall straight down, he would have died..

Back home, I checked the injury. Scars are inevitable. There is no way to heal such a deep scar.

Kidd’s face was gloomy. Because of the scar, he looked particularly ferocious. He could be sure that the reason why he was He fell from the sky because of that man and that woman.

Otherwise, nothing happened to him every time, so why did it happen this time? Moreover, Kidd also discovered the hole on the hang glider, which was opened by a sharp weapon.

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