Naruto God-level System

Chapter 838: Mysterious ghost repair

Ye Liang could see clearly. At this moment, a black force of death energy was entwining his body, obviously it was no longer a simple ordinary human.

"Ghost repair?"

"Strange, there should be no ghosts in the human world, right?" In the human world hundreds of thousands of years ago, humans used martial arts to enter the Tao, and they looked down upon the immortals in the immortal world. Now among the group of ancient warriors, there is actually one Manipulating the dead spirit Xiu, this made him very puzzled.

"Boy, you saw now there, you are going to shoot me, a late old man." Gui Xiu's voice suddenly sounded.

Ye Liang swept at him, and immediately handed over his hands: "I am also a human being. I didn't expect that the seniors still have the power of recovery after hundreds of thousands of years. I really admire them. I have no plans. Since the seniors are recovering, I will take this place. Just leave it to seniors."

"Want to go?"

Seeing Ye Liang trying to stay away, Gui Xiu quickly stretched out his hand. A touch of black death was instantly wrapped around his wrist, and then, thousands of ghosts appeared, and countless phantom ghosts flashed out of Gui Xiu's hands!

"Senior is too much!" Ye Liang said coldly. He didn't want to find anything, after all, the enemy's strength is unknown. But since this Gui Xiu didn't want to let him go, he wouldn't deliberately bear it!

Everyone is Dzogchen, but I can't run it!

Ye Liang's Shenluo Tianzheng blasted out directly.

When the two powers touched in midair, the ghost image of Ghost Xiu was immediately blocked by Ye Liang. This kind of physical attack cannot be solved by a simple physical attack.

Seeing that his attack was blocked by Ye Liang, Gui Xiu was immediately astonished: "You kid is also the Dzogchen Dzogchen. Well, that's it. Since the opponent is evenly matched, the old man won't bother with you, so let's say goodbye." He turned around and immediately dissipated around.

Ye Liang swept around, and really disappeared when he put it down, then he took a breath.

"It looks like he's really gone." Just when he released the Butcher to heal his injuries, his shoulder immediately felt a chill. Ye Liang turned around with a punch. At this moment, the ghost image of Gui Xiu had already come behind him.

Like a real ghost, this ghost Xiu's body appeared out of thin air. If Ye Liang hadn't had a strong sixth sense, I'm afraid it would have been successfully calculated by him!

The two fought again, and each stepped back.

At this moment, Gui Xiu's palm immediately caught the head of the monster Slaughter that had just been released, and he pulled it directly, pulling the monster Slaughter from the center to his side.

Ye Liang stretched out his hand and wanted to attract the sky from Vientiane, but the speed of ghost repair was faster. He grabbed the monster, and behind him turned a ghost head of the same height. Just one bite, completely swallowed the body of the monster Slaughter!

Gui Xiu's eyes turned green.

As soon as he ate the Demon Slaughter, he seemed to be surrounded by evil spirits. The original ghost energy combined with the evil spirit instantly merged in his body, and these two different powers were actually blended by him.

"Tsk tusk, my strength is finally restored. Boy, aren't you the Dzogchen Dzogchen! Take a good look, what kind of strength I am now!" He smiled on his face, and his figure soared three or four times.

When Ye Liang's pupils moved, they immediately trembled in his eye sockets.

Saint Realm!

"How is this possible, you guy hasn't absorbed the meaning of a saint, how can you be in the realm of a saint!" Ye Liang was shocked! This bone was just a ghost at first, but after absorbing the flesh of the monster, it turned out to be like this.

Even if it is an additive promotion, it cannot be so fast!

Ye Liang didn't know, but Gui Xiu's body had flown over. His speed was extremely fast, just like the original Ten Thousand Heaven Sage, Ye Liang just blinked, and the latter's arm had reached his neck.

Ye Liang's body dissipated.

He shook a bit, and immediately used the void power. After passing through Gui Xiu's body, he sank directly into the surface. No matter how Gui Xiu attacked, he didn't intend to get out of it.

"Boy, are you kidding me." Gui Xiu said lightly. He stretched out his fist and slammed to the surface. I saw that the originally plain surface was actually smashed into a hole more than 100 meters deep by the ghost repair!

Ye Liang's body immediately appeared in the middle of the pothole!

Void ability is invalid!

The ability to escape is invalid!

Ye Liang didn't expect that his two gangster tricks would be cracked by the opponent with great effort, and he didn't even delay half a second.

He vomited blood.

The law of armor is also invalid!

Gui Xiu's body giggled over his head: "This kind of trick played by children, it's okay to fool those little ghosts. It's a bit naive to fool me, a million-year-old old man."

"Millions of years old!?"

Ye Liang looked at this person in surprise. He was startled, and temporarily suppressed the surge of blood: "Senior is already a million years old! Then please senior can spare the boy's life, although there is nothing to do, but After all, it’s a human race. It’s better to go with each other in this dragon ancestor cemetery where monsters are rampant.

"Spare you?" Gui Xiu giggled. He stretched out his hand and immediately seemed to solve Ye Liang, but at this moment, his palm suddenly stopped.

"How can you have the power of Long Yin! How could it be possible that I have been looking for him for so many years, but he has already given birth to children!" Gui Xiu looked at Ye Liang in a daze, picking his fingers, and a faint golden light faded away. Ye Liang's body flew out.

Ye Liang's face was shocked, but his body couldn't move at all. He looked at the golden light in front of him in surprise, a feeling of emptiness born from within.

Xianshu Chakra!

His own fairy technique Chakra was stripped from the body!


Ye Liang couldn't even think about it!

Xianshu Chakra has been fused with his spiritual power for many years. After all, the molecular ancestors between them are no longer able to be separated by ordinary immortals, and even he himself cannot do it.

However, the Ghost Xiu in front of him actually pulled out his power out of thin air without even touching the bottom of his body, which is simply incredible.

Before Ye Liang was overwhelmed, UU Reading Ghost Xiu’s body came to him again: "Quickly, how did you get the power of Rong Yin? I took a closer look. Your cells are not there. The slightest similarity, you are not his offspring! Who are you in the end!" The novel was first published.xs.m.xs.

By now, Ye Liang probably guessed who the Rong Yin was in this ghost Xiu's mouth.

It was the great power who brought Xianshu Chakra to the planet of Naruto!

In the original Naruto Planet, there was no Xianshu Chakra. According to the slug immortal's account, it was a severely wounded monk, and a trace of blood was flowing there.

It is this trace of blood!

After evaporation, dilution, and sublimation, it became the later Xianshu Chakra. With the passage of time, that sub-power became even thinner, and the whole world was lost!

It has transformed the psychic space with one hand! <>showbyjs('Naruto God-level System');<><>;<><>;<>(Naruto God-level System)

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