Naruto God-level System

Chapter 835: Xintianjun

   can't see through, it means inferior to the opponent. This was the consensus of the subconscious of the powerful creatures. After Monster Slaughter couldn't see Ye Liang's strength, his mood dropped to the extreme.

He made a sneak attack because of this kind of thing.

Ye Liang's body appeared in the distance. He smiled a little, and an illusory palm grabbed towards the monster Slaughter: "Since you have seen me, can you release Uncle Xintian, both of whom are monsters. If it hurts the harmony between each other, it will be great Oh no."

"Haha, demon?" Tu Yao disdainfully blocked Ye Liang's palm. With a slight movement, two sharp swords slashed towards Ye Liang: "He is not a demon, he is just a lodge The eternal ghost in the body of a zombie man is nothing more than an eternal ghost.

As soon as Ye Liang and Tu Yao met, they soon became panting.

Sage triple!

This is the current strength of the monster Slaughter. Ye Liang knew that the fighting power of the monster was far better than that of the same rank, but he never expected that this sickle monster, which was seven times smaller than himself, had such a strong fighting power.

Every time he wanted to forcefully oppress, the latter would exchange his injuries with the desperate ones. Several times he was forced to retreat: "What happened to Uncle Xintian? I came to arrest him this time. I'm going to trouble you. If you are acquainted, let him go to me obediently.

Otherwise, don't blame me for being impolite. "

"You're welcome, what can you do?" Tu Yao looked at Ye Liang contemptuously again. It was too late to say, then soon, a flame directly hit the body of the monster.

It was a ray of black fire, and no matter how hard he resisted, he could not extinguish the movement of the flame.

"This is a warning. If you don't want to be burned by flames all your life, I advise you to answer me honestly."


This inextinguishable flame is using the body of the Slaughter Demon as the burning nourishment.

"You guy!"

Monster Slaughter looked at Ye Liang displeased. He clenched his fists and stared at Ye Liang bitterly: "In my cave! That old guy was blocked by the demon lord. I saw him hateful, so I shut him down. In my cave. I want to come now, but only for hundreds of years."

"Take me quickly!" Ye Liang said hurriedly.

Tu Yao had no choice but to lead Ye Liang to the cave.

Not long after, he took Ye Liang to the front door of his house. This is a cave covered by vines. The whole cave is pitch black, but just like the outside world, the rocks here are also shimmering dimly.

Ye Liang's reincarnation eye can still easily see inside.

"Lead the way ahead!"

Ye Liang followed the Slaughter Demon. This was the opponent's residence. In order to prevent the hidden organs, he must walk behind the opposite side.

After sneaking into a distance of hundreds of meters, he finally saw a person looking for it here.


Do not!

Maybe change to Gray Hart Sophia!

This guy is exactly the same as the portrait given by Lucy. At first, Ye Liang was a little skeptical, but now he is more convinced!

"Little guy, you finally found it. I thought I was going to be stuck here forever." Gray said. Ye Liang was taken aback, and then he arched his hands in surprise: "Senior, please tell the truth, are you Gray?"

Although he looked like the elder Gray, he behaved like an old man.

"Humph! He is a ghost, how could it be the person you were looking for." The Monster Slaughter on the side suddenly shouted. Gray heard what he said and shook his head helplessly: "I am indeed the Gray you said, but neither is it."

He looked at Ye Liang in front of him: "At the beginning I entered here with my companions to kill the demon, but I was trapped here for too long, so long that my flesh had long been corrupted. Later, I unconsciously entered the body of a young man. He. Just like you, he came in by mistake, but when he came in, his soul suffered a lot.

When I was in his body, he was already dead! I just used his body to come back to life. If you really want to tell, this young man is probably the Gray you are looking for. "

"Divine consciousness damaged?"

Ye Liang was shocked.

He should have guessed the situation a long time ago. If Xintianjun is really Gray, and how sophisticated his words are, it is obviously a fake with Gray's skin.

"Thank you, senior, for your confusion." He arched his hand slightly and sighed.

"Is this Gray your friend?" Xintianjun asked. Ye Liang shook his head: "The companion below is looking for him. She is Gray's sister. I am afraid that after this incident, she will be completely sad."

When Xintianjun saw Ye Liang’s face, his face immediately became contemplative. After a while, he opened his eyes as if he had made up his mind: "Ye Xiaozi, if I can bring Gray Sophia back to life, you Would you like to see it."


Ye Liang was taken aback.

Even if his divine consciousness was damaged, he couldn't repair it. It really surprised him that this old nameless ghost could do such a thing.

"Gray is only the divine consciousness dying, but his soul merges with the old man's soul. As long as the old man gives up his memory and uses his own divine knowledge to restore Gray’s divine consciousness, then Gray, who has the old man’s divine knowledge, will naturally be able to live again. Come here. It's just that the old man's existence will be wiped out."

"Senior, what are you?" Ye Liang looked at Xintianjun in a puzzled manner. According to him, this approach was to exchange his life for his life, to exchange his life for Gray's soul-changing rebirth!

In his opinion, this is a very unbelievable thing.

Xintianjun sighed: "The old man has lived for hundreds of thousands of years, and he should be a **** person. It's just that I have a wish that I have not yet. If you can fulfill this wish for me, junior, you can be regarded as an end to my obsession "He looked at Ye Liang: "Of course, even if you can't do this, the old man will be willing to help, but it will be a little bit empty in my heart, and there will be more obsession."

"Senior, please speak!"

Ye Liang looked at the Lord Xintian respectfully, no matter how he chose, it was a matter of risking his life. Although he wanted to strike, this kind of life-saving air still moved him.

Ye Liang will naturally help Xintianjun fulfill his last wish.

"The old man vaguely remembers that when he came here, he was looking for something, but he was too old to forget.

There will be a few days of dormancy after the old man sacrifices himself. I just hope that you are in front of my rebirth, enough to bring things through me, and it can be regarded as let me understand the original heart. "

Ye Liang nodded.

This is the last wish of the old man, and he will naturally be satisfied. After loading Xintianjun who was making sacrifices into the portable space, Ye Liang strode out.


While exploring the terrain, Tu Yao was kept by Ye Liang. ??


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