Naruto God-level System

Chapter 825: Big melon

Latest URL: very superficial.

On the one hand, Ye Liang wanted to resolve the embarrassment; on the other hand, he was really explaining the reasons for leaving.


The scene became like this!



Mistica, everyone, including Mika, who had been surprised: "Children?!" Several people shivered, and swallowed all the words they spoke.

"This is not true!" Mistica looked at Arak next to him. As his own queen, Arak actually beat the child in his stomach for Ye Liang?

This melon is too big!

"This is really Yo." Arak smiled and looked at Ye Liang in front of her. At the same time, a gust of aura suddenly poured out of her body, and then dissipated again.

"The knot I have waited for many years is finally revealed. Ye Liang, thank you."

Sage Dual Realm!


That's the end of the day's banquet.

The next day.

In the village.

The voices of a group of women sounded: "Senior Ye Liang, don't you really tell us your story with the queen?" The crowd waiting to eat melons followed Ye Liang's chase!


As a group of women!

These gossip women will naturally not let go of this super big melon that has broken the sky! This is much more shocking than the surrogacy of a certain actress who finally gave up her flesh and blood!

This is far more shocking than a certain actress who gave birth to a child secretly, was discovered by a paparazzi, and finally raised with a man, but did not marry!

This is better than so-and-so singer, who has been grabbing headlines every year!

From a little fresh meat to the age of a middle-aged uncle!


In short, all the characters in this village are investigating the shame of Ye Liang and their queen.

Ye Liang saw Mika coming in front, and immediately asked him to help block the crowd. He flashed himself and left here. Soon after, he came to the most noble place in the village.

The room that Arak pinched.

Ye Liang had already agreed with Mika. After resting here for a while, they are about to leave, and Arak also promised to let them leave safely, and the teleportation array is arranged.


Before leaving here.

Ye Liang actually has another very important thing!

He wanted to ask Arak for advice, and finally caught a saint, he wouldn't let this opportunity to get away.

"Boom boom boom!"

Knocked on the door in front of him.

The room that Arak pinched was naturally human. After Ye Liang knocked on the door, Arak's pinched voice immediately remembered inside: "Come in."

Still that cold voice.

Ye Liang pushed the door and entered, and the woman inside was already sitting on the dressing table. She braided her hair, neatly arranged one by one: "Don't you want to go? Why are you back."

Arak squeezed his head and said, "Mistika has prepared a teleporter for you, so you can just go to her and do it."

Ye Liang looked at the sky with both eyes, his expression embarrassed. After all, he is his ‘predecessor’, and now he is begging for help.

"Um, I came to you because I have something to ask you."


Arak stunned for a moment, then laughed: "You are here to ask me how to break through the Saint Realm?"

Ye Liang's face turned red, and when he saw his intentions being exposed, he immediately scratched his head: "It's the problem."

Arak shook his head.

"I know your strength, but my method is not suitable for you. To be honest, just after you left, our Zerg began to riot!

Too many hidden masters suddenly messed up, and even a few sisters also spoiled them. Later, in order to maintain the stability of the Zerg clan, we all together, we simply used secret methods to pour all the laws into one person's body!

This is why I broke into the realm of saints, but this is because our sisters belong to the same race, and the beliefs of thousands of people have made me the little bug queen become a saint.

You are a lonely family with few offspring, so you are not suitable. You can never find hundreds of millions of people and let them put all their faith in your body, right? "

Arak's words immediately frustrated Ye Liang. Human race is not as single as the Zerg race, even if he is a famous hero, it is impossible to gather all the human luck.

Even the dragon aura on the emperor's body is only a force of one side.

"Then there is no other way?" Ye Liang asked again. There are other saints outside the territory. Since Arak has achieved the status of saints, there may be other ways to learn about saints. It is not impossible.

"Then why should I tell you?" Arak teased. She twisted her hair gently, and then looked at Ye Liang face to face.

Ye Liang's heart sighed: "Sure enough, I was too naive!" He was obviously a predecessor, and wanted to get help from the other party. Ye Liang's approach was indeed improper.

Arak looked at Ye Liang's uncomfortable gaze, and smiled slyly: "If you promise me a request, I can answer your doubts."

"Requirement, what requirement?" Ye Liang asked.

Arak shook his head: "Anyway, you promise me first that you will never let you do anything unreasonable." She looked at Ye Liang, with no embarrassment on her face.

Ye Liang thought for a while: "Okay, as long as it doesn't violate human ethics, social axioms, or disrupt social order, I will do it!"

"Then it's OK!" Arak stretched out his hand, and the two hooked up in the secluded cabin.

After a while.

She suddenly became serious.

"You want to break through the saint's method." She tightened her sleeve.


Ye Liang nodded.

Arak pinched: "It's very simple. As long as you can find the true meaning of the saint, you will understand the corresponding disorderly power."

"The true meaning of the saint?"

Ye Liang was taken aback, UU reading www.uukanshu. com, he heard this term for the first time.

Seeing him puzzled, Arak continued: "The so-called true meaning of the saint means that when the last saint was dying, he retained all his faith power through himself.

They are often hidden in the cemetery where a saint died, or in some hidden places where they have fallen. Some powerful saints will also hide extra saints' true meaning.

After all, they also have offspring. Although they can't use it, it is a good use if the offspring need it. "Arak looked at Ye Liang seriously: "If you can find the true meaning of a saint that matches your strength, you will naturally break through the existing realm!" "

Ye Liang is now the Sage Dzogchen, it is indeed a step!

"It turned out to be so." He thought for a while: "So where can I find the true meaning of the saint now?" he asked.

When I first came outside the territory, there were naturally many things that I didn't know.

Arak shook his head: "The saint can't ask for it sincerely. Only the lucky ones can get it!"

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