Naruto God-level System

Chapter 818: Exposed

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They are near the center of the island.

The feeling here is different from that of the outer jungle. Here, there are rock buildings everywhere. Although they are dilapidated, civilization can still be seen vaguely.

"Damn, I didn't expect that the island near the Naga had been destroyed by them. I just hope that there will be no problems with the teleportation device." They scurried inside.

At this moment, Ye Liang suddenly saw a raised dirt bag from a distance. It was like being buried in something, surrounded by tightly attached dirt.

He quickly stopped the team.

"What's the matter? The Naga didn't kill it. If you let him chase it, it won't work." The cockroach man said.

"Don't make a noise, since Brother Ye Liang asked him to stop, it must have his reason." Mika interrupted. He clung to Ye Liang's back and jumped on the trunk together.

"You can't see that high slope?" Ye Liang pointed to the mound over there. The people here looked around and immediately put on an indifferent expression.

"You said that. Our family's important instruments are generally buried in the soil. After all, it is much safer to put them in the soil than to put them outside." Mika explained.

The cockroach man shrugged immediately: "Let me just say, it's all here, how can it be dangerous. Those **** Naga people can't survive on the shore for long." He went straight forward and jumped over many trees.

Ye Liang nodded, just take it so. He moved forward and immediately followed the cockroach man's pace.

The army set off.

Before long, they approached the mound. And around the mound, there were destroyed Zerg totems, and they fell to the ground in all directions, covered with mud and sand.

"These **** naga, I know they won't let it go! Our Zerg's teleportation device was bought from the angel race of the planet being destroyed, I'm afraid it won't be able to teleport anymore." Go to the mound. At this moment, the earth shook suddenly.

When Ye Liang and the others were at a loss, the original mound suddenly exploded from inside!

I saw a rock giant composed entirely of totem stone pillars suddenly stood out from inside. The cockroach was careless, and was knocked aside by him.

The others just turned their heads and received another blow from the arm.

For half a second, the only giants on the ground were Ye Liang and the calm Mika!

"No, this is our rock giant guarding the island! Don't look at his cumbersome appearance, his strength is much stronger than ordinary super life!

How could such a colossus exist on this lonely island? "Just as Mika said, the huge rock giant smashed towards his forehead.

Apparently, his voice stimulated the crazy rock giant, Ye Liang quickly blocked Mika behind him!


Ye Liang flew upside down!

He slammed into Mika and fell out of the air after roughly twenty meters. Mika broke a few ribs, and Ye Liang was indeed lying on the ground peacefully.

Except for a spit of blood!

"The strength of this thing is about to catch up with the fourth level of the saint, do you monsters have such a baby!" Ye Liang wiped the blood from his mouth.

At this time, Mika got up from the ground with difficulty. The two of them were afraid that the giant would attack again, and quickly hid behind a certain big tree: "This thing is used to protect the queen's line. It was originally the patron saint of our Zerg. It seems that it may have been in disrepair for a long time, plus being The attack of the Naga clan has already been in a state of confusion, and can't get off for a short time!" He slid to the ground, panting very hard.

Ye Liang sighed secretly in his heart.

The rock giant saw the two disappear and sat on the ground again. He remained motionless, but did not attack the comatose bugs.

"Inability to attack dead objects is also his characteristic."

Upon seeing this scene, Ye Liang immediately understood: "Is there no special weakness?" Since this thing can be broken by the Naga, it naturally has a special flaw, otherwise the Naga will never keep it intact.

He must be defeated through flaws and tricks.

"It's not without it." Mika said: "The core of this thing is an energy crystal. As long as it is removed from the body, the patron saint without energy will naturally lose its effectiveness.

It's just that this kind of thing is fast, and it's not that simple to break through from within. "

Ye Liang thought about it again when he heard this.

It is true that it is naturally impossible to crack with his current methods, but Ye Liang has not used the technique of using the earth to escape into the opponent's body. It's just that the current strength does not allow it, and it is naturally difficult to use it.

"This thing is the same as the teleportation device. If he is here, he wants the teleportation device to be inside the mound!"

Hearing these words, Ye Liang's eyes lit up: "Damn, then fight it!"

In the distance, I have heard the voice of the Naga clan, and I am procrastinating here at this time. Once I am entangled by those little ones, it is absolutely impossible to get rid of the Naga clan completely!

Ye Liang decided to take the risk!

"You don't have a saint here." He asked suddenly.

"What are you doing?" Mika frowned. Anything that involves a saint is a legendary story. Mika has never seen a saint before being so old.

"Not before, but I don't know anymore. As you know, I have been trapped in the Naga clan for a thousand years."

"Then do it!"

Ye Liang, who got the accurate answer, immediately appeared from behind the tree. He stretched out his palm and blocked the giant's protruding arm lightly. When he shook himself, the figure disappeared in the air.

Mika watched for a long time, but couldn't find Ye Liang's figure!

Next second.

Ye Liang came into the giant's body. UU read, he took the risk and used his own spiritual power, just to get the energy core out. Now that he knew that there was no saint on this planet, how could he be fearful and settle the matter easily.

Just as Ye Liang was good at pulling the giant's core, on the deep seabed, the mad Queen Naga suddenly stood up from the throne.

She opened her eyes and stared at the top of her head motionlessly.

In the sky.

A round of dark mist appeared out of thin air, and then a grimace emerged from the mist: "My humble believer, the villains of the blue world have invaded your planet.

I order you to kill him on the spot!

The sacred breath of our outer domain has been robbed too much, we must not be robbed of the breath, otherwise, our outer domain will probably cease to exist!

My humble believer, I grant you violent power, and set out now! After the matter is settled, I will let you Naga clan join our Chaos Alliance as appropriate! "After the grimace, the fog slowly dispersed from the void.

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