Naruto God-level System

Chapter 815: 0 island planet

Several people escaped after a rush.

"Brother Ye Liang, we are called Thousand Thousand Islands, because the entire planet has no land except islands. You have seen it, this is endless, there is nothing but the sea." Mika left. come. He prevented Ye Liang from being confused and started explaining himself.

Ye Liang nodded.

He put Lucy beside the tree, and sat down with peace of mind: "Everyone, I am going to treat my companions now, so I will trouble everyone." He took care of him and took out the precious antidote of the Naga from his arms. .

When the others heard this, they all walked to the beach to protect the Fa.

A little bit of time passed.

Since Lucy took the medicine, her body has been oozing cold sweat. Ye Liang was very worried, but fortunately, Mika had told him that this was a normal phenomenon, so he reacted.

Remove the towel from the space.

Ye Liang hid behind the tree and helped Lucy wipe her body. In this case, if you rashly get wet, you will catch a cold.

"Hey, what is this?" Ye Liang, who was wiping his body, suddenly found that the towel in his hand was pitch black. He suddenly understood: "It turns out that this cold sweat is the toxin hidden in Lucy's body!"

Ye Liang finally understood why he couldn't cure this toxin.

Because this thing has merged with Lucy's capillaries since it entered Lucy's body. They are squeezed together with the blood. If the eyes can't see, they can't be found!

"What a terrible toxin!" Ye Liang was in awe of ancient human thoughts.

Wipe all the venom dry.

Ye Liang had a slight transition of energy. Because the aura cannot be used, he can only use other methods to restore Lucy's strength.

The ‘Aura of Judgment’ is the native technique that Lucy gave to herself. Although it is not comparable to her own cultivation technique, it can still extract some scarce energy from the surrounding environment.

"Host, it's not that I said you. Even if you don't help, this Nizi can recover by herself, and you can help her recover with the judgmental air that you have developed with such hard work.

It will take the year of the monkey to re-train to the level of a saint. "The voice of the system complained in Ye Liang's mind.

Ye Liang ignored it.

no way!

It is definitely not appropriate to leave Lucy alone, after all, the other party is his own partner. Besides, there are too many ignorances outside this domain, and it is definitely unreasonable to make this tour guide unconscious and groping here.

The ghost knows whether the other races are human-faced and beast-hearted!

Gradually, Lucy's eyes moved slightly. She should have recovered some energy, opened her eyes a little, and was about to get up from the ground immediately.

Ye Liang held her down.

"You are not physically strong right now, so just stay here. I still have some coconuts here. You can take them to satisfy your hunger." Ye Liang handed over the coconuts he had picked from the tree.

Lucy caught it, but because of lack of strength, this large coconut almost fell from her hand! Ye Liang helped her punch her again, which allowed her to take the first sip of the tonic safely.

Settling it down, Ye Liang walked to the beach.

"How is it, your little girlfriend?" The cockroach man walked over first. He is a brave fellow, although he is more like a rogue, but after getting acquainted, he is the closest to Ye Liang.

The rest of the people are a bit alienated, but Mika's attitude is a little cold or too sensible. Buge Novel Network

"It's better, but don't talk nonsense, this girl is just my companion, not my girlfriend. She left the planet and came here to look for her biological brother."

"Brother?" The cockroach man was taken aback, and then burst into laughter: "That's not easy to handle. Tell me, this kind of trivial matter with my cockroach clan's contacts, it can't be done casually!"

He patted Ye Liang's shoulder vigorously.

The rest of the comrades scorned: "Don't listen to his nonsense. The little girl looks very young. We guys were trapped in the Naga clan a thousand years ago. If we want to find her brother, we must do it. Not possible." Mika said at this moment. The fastest https://://m.

He made a mockery and continued to practice with squinting.

The strength of these people is greatly damaged, and they must be anxious to make up at this time.

Ye Liang saw the cockroaches go away, so he had to sit down too. He gave all the energy he had just cultivated to Lucy. At this time, he was in a state of poverty and whiteness again!

Ye Liang couldn't use spiritual power.

Chakra does not exist!

Chakra was originally transformed by the spiritual blood of a certain power left on the planet of Naruto. Ye Liang became a fairy, and this energy gradually merged with his spiritual power. It is completely impossible to separate from him. thing.

After his power was sealed, except for simple physical skills and laws, he could no longer use the rest of his power. The pupil technique, which needs energy to be driven, may only have a chance to use it when the sanctions are fully achieved.

"Little brother, why are you so familiar with the practice method?" The cockroach man on the side glanced. He was the most idle of the people present. In his words, he was a cockroach. Strength was not important, but happiness was important. Genius remembers https://www..(com) https://m.

He is boring in idle time, UU reading www.uukanshu. com scanned the secret book in front of Ye Liang.

"Have you seen this thing?"

"Well, I saw it a long time ago. This should be something of the Angel Race. I have seen the Angel Race ship passing by. Their leader seems to be a cultivator."

He flipped through the method, and there were various angel pictures painted on it: "Brother, this kind of thing needs to be approved by an angel in order to practice, otherwise it will explode and die. Are you sure you can learn this?" Cockroach People looked at Ye Liang weirdly.

Angel's approval?

Ye Liang frowned. He suddenly thought of an incident and wiped his head at random.


A wing-like mark appeared from his forehead.

"Hey, didn't you say that the girl was just friends with you. Do you dare to say that this mark was not given to you by her?" The mantis suddenly laughed strangely.

The others looked strange when they saw this scene.

"This thing is the angel's recognition you said. She gave me this book. She is giving me recognition. Isn't that normal?"

"It has nothing to do with this, mainly because this mark represents..."

"Almost done!" Before the cockroach man continued, Mika, who had been practicing, finally spoke: "This is someone's private business. What are you doing so much. Let me say that since the big brother can practice this angel technique , Then practice hard.

In any case, this kind of exercise is much better than the broken exercises of those of us monsters. Mika finished speaking and continued to close his eyes.

The mantis had to walk away.

Ye Liang closed his eyes.

After learning that there were no problems with the book, he continued to practice with it.

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