Naruto God-level System

Chapter 810: Naga

Ye Liang, who understood the identity of the other party, immediately became confident.

Although they are both intelligent races, the monster race is an insect evolution. Looking at the bodies of these crabs, it is obvious that the degree of evolution is not high, and of course the IQ is not high.

"So that's the case, I said this crab is so naive, and the feelings are a mentally retarded race." Ye Liang didn't explain, and carefully placed Lucy on the coconut tree. He looked at the large snake on the sea and jumped straight over.

To reason with the mentally handicapped, of course, is to play the piano against the cow, and he intends to show his strength directly.


This sea snake was as weak as Ye Liang thought. In terms of intensity, it is at most the third level of the Holy Spirit, which is similar to Lucy.

But he didn't have the slightest skill, Ye Liang just fell on his head and slapped him down.


The splashing sea almost flooded the seashore.

That big crab of the monster clan was dumbfounded immediately! It never expected that the two-legged monkey he looked down upon could actually kill the sea snake in front of him with one blow, which made him surprised.

"Huh, what's this, I can do it too." Its swaying pliers said stiffly.

Ye Liang shook his head.

"Nevertheless, I have saved your subordinates. Then my companion, you should be cured." If you talk to a fool, naturally and straightforwardly, he doesn't bother to say anything.

When the big crab heard Ye Liang's words, he looked around hesitantly, and then curled his lips: "In the depths of the seabed, there is a lost ancient capital.

The poisonous fish in your friend was bred by the keeper of the ancient capital. If you want to treat your companions, you can go to this ancient capital to take a look. "

After the old crab finished speaking, he took his subordinates and dived into the water. Ye Liang calmed down a bit, he packed Lucy into the portable space, and dived into the seabed.

Deep in the ocean.

Somewhere in an ancient building complex, a group of very slippery humanoid creatures swimming under the water. These people are like humans, with green mucus all over their skin, but their lower body is a fish tail, six hands, each holding a sharp weapon, and their faces are all women.

It is almost exactly the same as the legendary Naga!

"Captain, the sea snake that went out hunting today is inexplicably missing one, I am afraid it was resisted by the monsters. These guys have become more and more active recently, and the troops actually dived into the deep sea, and we must solve them when we look back!" A female Naga said angrily.

In front of her, a super sea monster holding a huge anchor opened his eyes from the bottom of the water. Its body is covered with water plants, except for the deliberately exposed eyes, it has completely assimilated with the land in front of it.

Even their companions are hard to distinguish, what this creature looks like.

"It doesn't matter. In a few days, the queen of the demon zerg will perform an egg laying ceremony. Our undercover has been lurking for thousands of years before finally waiting for this opportunity.

Don't act rashly!

Strive for a blow to completely crush the entire monster tribe! "The Sea-Monster's voice sounded from the bottom of the water. The reporting Naga just finished speaking, immediately arched his hands and moved away from here.

About three hours passed.

Ye Liang finally swam here from the surface of the sea. He had no specific address, so he could only go to the deep sea first. At this time, he didn't even look for it carefully, but found a group of very magnificent ancient buildings at the bottom of the ocean.

"No wonder that big crab didn't elaborate. The land of the lost ancient capital of feelings is so big! From the visual line of sight, there are at least two or three first-tier cities!"

Ye Liang didn't talk nonsense, at least where he saw it, almost all of it was covered by these buildings, and the territory was very vast. Buge Novel Network

Just as he was about to enter the ancient underwater capital, Naga guards with only weapons slowly swam over from a distance. When Ye Liangchu saw it, he immediately hid in one of the buildings.

"The chief said, these days, the situation is special, we must ensure the stability of the situation! Let me take a good look, if anyone dares to invade our Naga at this time, regardless of the species, everything will be killed!" Someone on patrol The team leader shouted.

Ye Liang was hiding under the decaying building, just as he was about to feel relieved, he suddenly realized that there seemed to be someone. Looking back, I saw a Naga woman who was less than 1.5 meters tall staring at her in the corner with fear.

"Who are you! Why did you break into my room!" the Naga woman asked. She was very scared, her body was shaking, but when Ye Liang turned her head to look at her, she still spit out the words in her mouth abruptly.

There was a thump in my heart.

Ye Liang suddenly felt bad! Before he could explain, he heard the pattering sounds outside.

"Open the door! Is there something going on here! Outside is the guard patrol, you can report the matter to us!" The guards who had left returned back and forth and came to the woman's door very quickly.

There was no movement in the house.

"Listen to me, I only came here to get the antidote to save a companion. UU reading I am not a villain. Don't worry, when I get the antidote, I will leave quietly. "Ye Liang's voice appeared in the Naga woman's ears.

There was some knocking noise outside!

Hearing Ye Liang's explanation, the woman's mood calmed down a bit. She stood up from the corner vigilantly and looked at Ye Liang tentatively: "Are you true?"

Ye Liang took Lucy out. He glanced at the woman and immediately put it back into the portable space. At this moment, the door was finally knocked down by the guards!

Those Naga guards with a fierce attitude, as soon as they came in, immediately divided their troops and poured into the rest of the room, and the captain also came to the Naga woman very quickly.

"I am the patrol **** squad, the deputy captain of the seventh squad. Civilian, why did you call just now?" he called with a serious tone.

The woman was immediately frightened by the captain.

She drew back quickly and returned to the small corner of the house: "Sorry, I heard movement outside, thinking it was a spy of another race, but I didn't know it was adults patrolling outside. Please don't blame it for causing a misunderstanding. Little girl."

The captain frowned when he heard the woman's words. He carefully watched everything in the room, until the guards all returned from other rooms, and then left here in peace.

When we left, she looked at the woman's face displeasedly: "Don't be so panicked next time, we Naga are noble and graceful creatures, how can we be flustered because of a little movement.

Next time, I will catch you without error. "

The Naga woman shook her head again and again: "The little woman knew it was wrong." She bent down slightly, apologizing to the inspection team in front of her. When they all left, he walked back to the corner in fear.

Buckle the handle.

A brick in a stone wall was pulled off by him. ?

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