Naruto God-level System

Chapter 802: It's you

After about ten minutes of fisting, he changed one hundred and eighty strokes of the 30-stroke technique in an instant! Ye Liang has evolved many variables.

All the guests around were dumbfounded!

"Fisting is great, extraordinary and holy!"

"There are so many changes, non-major masters can't stand shoulder to shoulder!"

"This kind of talent, I am afraid that even the holy son of the holy race can't compare it!"

Admiration after admiration was shouted from the guests’ mouths, and the eyes of the sky-style girl showed a heart: "Just looking at it will dismantle my boxing skills, and at the same time create a more complete and powerful set. Tricks!

Is this person a certain power that is hidden from the world, or has other hidden feelings? "

"Ye Liang is a good kid, but he has amnesia for no reason, and he has forgotten a lot of common sense. Only then has he entered my tavern to slow down his qualifications. Don't look at him stupidly, but he knows a lot!

Washing, cooking, even if you ask him to help carry the bag, that is also a very good choice. "The boss watched the angel girl's mentality improve, and quickly spoke next to her.

Can't be wrong!

This person is definitely a hidden power!

"No wonder he would work in such a tavern, it turned out to have lost his memory! Is it possible that the story of the princess and the mighty in the book is finally about to happen to me!" The girl's heart has already begun to thump!

The surrounding guests saw that it was progressing well, and they all started selling it nearby.

"This son should only be found in the sky, how many times do people see you!"

"Don't look at the boy's water spirit, it's even more water spirit, you can nourish water after a bite!"

"One day, a girl from the angel race was eaten by the devil just because she missed her best teammate..." One by one, like insurance salesmen, each of them swayed Ye Liang’s praise. I was afraid that this girl would regret not wanting Ye Liang, and such a move would even look at the tavernkeeper!

"It's all good brothers, don't worry, this time it's done, our tavern will not miss everyone." He clenched his fists deeply.

The girl was dizzy, but looking at Ye Liang's face, she finally made up her mind to hold his hand!

"It's you!"


Time passed to a week ago.

Nohara star.

As a planet ruled by angels, there are not too many void creatures, but some cunning demons still occasionally appear.

Demons are not the same as the Void Race.

As the two major scourges of extraterritorial civilization, the Void Race are good at winning by numbers, but their strength is weak. The demons are rare, but cunning and powerful!

Even on this planet ruled by angels, it appears as usual.

Somewhere in the deepest part of the mountain, there happened to be a demon hunting in the jungle here. He has a hideous face, his arms are full of muscles, and even his head is a little terrifying three meters high.

He crawled from somewhere on the ground to behind a tall Populus euphratica, cowering, his pupils staring at the movement outside the tree like blood. Outside there, two soldiers in full gear were advancing cautiously.

They are wearing white armor and holding long swords. But still can't stop the devil's greedy heart.

"Hey, you said that the legend of Kazan appears here, is it true? If Kazan is there, I am afraid that our two lives will be gone."

"Hey, just believe what the lady said! Kazan? I also said that there is the evil **** Bulaxiu here, so don't scare yourself, finish the task quickly and report back to the lady."

"But some villagers said that they have seen the scales of the devil here!" The two soldiers argued and walked slowly into the distance.

"Hi!" The devil followed!

"Unexpectedly, when I arrived on this planet, humans would come to deliver food. It seems lucky." He exclaimed, and then quietly approached behind the soldier.

Just when the sharp claws were about to scratch the soldier's head, the demon suddenly looked towards the sky, and a hot red sphere fell down!

"Meteor? Or other creatures?"

The devil put away his paws, he looked at the landing position as if it was just above his head, and quickly hid away!


The fireball hit the surface.

When the two soldiers heard this movement, they hurried out in shock. The devil didn't leave. He saw the meteor fall and walked to the pit where the meteor fell.

"I'm going to see, where are the people of the same race who dare to come to Lao Tzu's site to go wild!" His eyes slowly turned red. In his eyes, there was an energetic life body slowly struggling in the deep pit.

As soon as he walked over, his brain shook, a powerful murderous aura penetrated his brain at this moment! The devil knelt down, and he slipped for a while, slowly falling into the pit where the fireball fell.

A man stood up from inside.

"I'm going! I met such a huge demon just after crossing! This seems to be a monster of strange power? It seems that I have seen it in the illustrated book given by the Lei Dao people. At the sixth level of the Holy Spirit, this kind of strength has surpassed ordinary immortals."

The man jumped out of the pit, the sun shone on his face, UU reading completely outlined its perfect arc.

Ye Liang!

"Host, stop making trouble. Didn't the Lei Dao people say that you can't use aura here. You still seem to be on a remote planet with great power. Don't do it, be careful to be discovered by others!" The voice of the system was in Ye Liang's. Sounded in my mind.

"I know, but let's find a resting place to stay. Actually asking me to find exercises in the local area, this Lei Taoist is too cheating!

No preparation at all! "Ye Liang complained and walked out.

Behind him, the body of that strange power demon lay there so heavily.

Under the mountains.

Two panicked soldiers have fled below. They looked at the girl guarding the periphery and hurriedly cried: "Miss Lucy, there is really Kazan here! Let's run now!"

In front of her was an angel girl with wings.

"There is really Kazan!" The girl was not surprised and rejoiced: "Great, when I kill Kazan, I will be eligible to apply for space qualification, and then I can go out to find my brother!"

She rushed into the mountain happily, and the two soldiers hurriedly stopped her: "Miss, what are you kidding me! Kazan is a ninth-order demon! You can't even beat a sixth-order monster, how can you trouble Kazan? !"

"No! I am going to kill Kazan today. I am the heir of the Angels, how can I stop here! I want to defeat Kazan and get the qualification to leave.

I want to get my missing brother back! "The girl clenched her fists vigorously.

Seeing that his persuasion was ineffective, the soldier had to bow his hand: "Miss, you are waiting here, waiting for me to summon some idle hunters from nearby taverns, we are attacking Kazan together!" At this time, a soldier chose Leave.

Another soldier stayed.


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