Naruto God-level System

Chapter 686: Boy visiting

This kind of foolish flame suppressed the wolf skin in front of him! He couldn't see through the fire level, just as Ye Liang couldn't see through his strength.

Demons have a natural ability to prevent detection of humans. Similarly, if demons have not practiced special perception techniques, they cannot perceive human power.

Just like the Nightmare Wolf Lord in front of you!

Before he escaped the seal, he was a strong monster who looked down on humans. Had it not been for the wasted strength of the seal, he would have trampled Ye Liang under his feet long ago.

But the Nightmare Wolf Lord, who was disdainful of learning human perception ability, is now being bluffed by Ye Liang's fake flames. This is the consequence of not studying well.

"What to do! Although Lao Tzu is the owner of the wolf, his power has disappeared. If it is careless and hit by the three real fires of this guy, I am afraid that my layer of wolf skin will be buried with the humans here!" He was panicked. You can't panic!

Do not!

I can't die!

In a few days, the eldest brother will come here. I just need to take away the improved genes of the werewolves here, and when the time comes, my eldest brother will not embarrass me when he sees the genes that I have brought.

As for this difficult kid, haha, just let the big brother deal with it, anyway, I definitely can't lose my life here. "After weighing the pros and cons, he suddenly became the real body of the nightmare wolf master.

This is a short but thin muscular wolf face.

The wolf face is his true face, and the muscular man is a human from here. According to the guards who guarded him, this man should be the five princes of the Western Kingdom, but unfortunately he was not born well. Although he was still a spiritual boy, he lost his life forever.

The technique used by the Wolf King to change his body is called the Triple Change of Nightmare. It is the first ancient secret technique mastered by the brainless werewolf after undergoing baptism.

All immortals in the upper realm, even if their strength is not good, understand these things more or less. The wolf owner thinks that his strength is weak, and it may be difficult to escape from Ye Liang's hands. This reveals the triple change of this nightmare.

But Ye Liang was unmoved!

He ignored the supernatural powers of the wolf master. After all, he was originally a fake immortal, and Ye Liang knew nothing about the magical powers of this immortal.

Seeing the change of the wolf owner, he curled his lips in disdain.

"Huh! The mere change technique, I have learned it decades ago!" He mistakenly regarded this change of the wolf master as a small technique like the transformation technique!

The wolf master panicked!

He thought that his opponent was completely unafraid of himself, and only then began to retreat. But Ye Liang had already scared his opponent. He walked forward steadily.

The two are like this, you step by step and I step by step. Like the long dance of the old lady's tango, they provoked cha-cha dance from the dense rockery.

"No! This guy is too horrible!"

The wolf master finally couldn't hold it!

He was afraid that he would really be here, and hurriedly launched the demon disintegration method!

This is the way to explode all the self-cultivation bases, splash through the blood, and let the basic cells escape. Upon seeing this scene, Ye Liang couldn't figure out the situation at all.

He really couldn't think of how the Nightmare Wolf Lord, who was still dancing with him in the first few seconds, suddenly blew himself up? Even if it is a beast, it will not commit suicide for some reason?

Investigate its fundamentals.

Ye Liang can only be a mental illness of his opponent, or depression and other mental illnesses. This is so that I can calm my heart a little bit.

Ye Liang sat on the ground.

"Damn it! What did I go through!"

The sun is so bright and the rockery is so magnificent. In this vast little courtyard, there was only a humble woman crying in the corner.

She was covered with layers of thick skin, until the thick skin suddenly loosened, she fell to the ground exhausted.

The Nightmare Wolf Lord has become extinct.

Although his cells escaped, this method of dissipating power is tantamount to killing oneself and committing suicide! The prohibition imposed during his lifetime will naturally disappear. Including the thin-skinned ghost that has been refined by it.

At this time, it turned into flying ash, and the soul dissipated forever in this vast world.

Joan looked at the sky with a wry smile. Although the battle was victorious, none of her brothers came back alive, and the entire Western Empire had lost the prince!

Time goes by.

It has been half a month since the demise of the Nightmare Wolf Master. In the past half month, the time to talk to the mysterious boy has also been shortened by half.

this day.

While Ye Liang was still in the palace, protecting the queen, the mysterious boy suddenly appeared above the side hall. He shook his figure and looked very blurred. Looking at the earth at this time, unimaginable anger appeared in his eyes!

"Who is it that dares to kill my former general!" The boy didn't blink, like a rabbit with exploded hair, with endless killing intent bursting out of the pores of his body.

But he changed his mind and thought: "There shouldn't be such a powerful person in this world. Could it be the two holy spirits of the lower realms?" He wrinkled his pretty nose.

At this time, a girl also appeared in the void. She bluffed with one hand on her hips, and pointed at the boy very contemptuously: "Hahaha! Old stupid hat, I would say that you are not the first man in the world, you stupid still don’t believe what I said. That man slapped his face.

When I return to the saints, see how I tell the people of your evil deeds! "

"Shut up, Sui Han! You're talking to me, be careful I twist your head off!"

"You come to twist! Old days. Don't think I'm afraid of you. Even if the sky is falling when I am cold, and the days are too bad, I still have to tell the people about your big words!" I won't move.

The boy stared at her.

His eyes showed the kind of eyes that could kill at any time. But the girl in front of her didn't stop her mouth because of this, but shook her eyes, and rolled her eyes up with contemptuously with her slightly movable eyes!

It seems to be talking like this.

You can prevent me from shutting up, but you can't prevent me from despising your heart!


The girl was blown to pieces!

The boy's eyes flickered like snake eyes. UU read, but in the next second, the girl who was blown up was reorganized in this space.

She stuck her waist in, and continued to grin and laugh.

"In the old days, this girl was immortal. What do you think you can do with this girl by shaking your small eyes? Besides, your tricks were stolen from the Goodness Shrine with my grandfather on my back.

If it weren't for me, how could you have such strength! "

The boy did not answer after hearing what the girl said. He looked at the direction of the palace with heavy eyes. It was where the Dark Gene was originally planted, but now there is a faint celestial force surrounding it.

"It seems that this newborn cell has also been removed. I'm still looking for reinforcements to deal with. Otherwise, I'm afraid I will be selected for the next major event." The boy suddenly moved his hand to the front.

A space was torn apart by him. ?

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