Naruto God-level System

Chapter 683: break

at this time.

They came to a viewing point of a rockery.

According to Joan, walking in is the other courtyard where the princes live. But here is extremely deserted, not only can't hear human words, but also can't hear the howling of birds and beasts, as if it was exactly like no man's land.

"Sir, is there a figure under the rockery in front?" Jeanne carefully leaned against Ye Liang.

Ye Liang went straight ahead.

He naturally saw the figure under the rockery. But he didn't feel scared because of this. He had encountered all werewolves before, so how could he be afraid that this was the original species in the experiment.

Just after walking by, Jeanne next to her immediately pulled her clothes corners: "Sir, this man wears clothes like my second brother. You see, his clothes corners are royal clothes, I think they are."

"I saw it, but I don't have time to talk to him now. Let's walk inside and see if there are any living people."


Jeanne glanced at her second brother again, shaking her head, followed Ye Liang to the other courtyard.

This figure has been demonized!

Ye Liang only glanced at it and knew that this person was out of help. His body is completely covered by werewolf genes, and only one arm is worth the virus in the queen's body!

Ye Liang didn't want to waste time on him. Going forward at this time, I just hope that the remaining princes will survive a few.

What's wrong again.

As soon as they arrived at the other courtyard, Jeanne's eyes widened and walked towards the bushes on one side: "Sixth brother! It's you, sixth brother!

What's wrong with you, don't you know the third sister! "

There was a child squatting there.

He was still young, and he was probably seven or eight years old. At this time, his clothes were torn and his body still had a lot of scars. It seems that he has been attacked before!

"Don't go there, that's not your sixth brother! He can no longer be called a human." Ye Liang said solemnly. As soon as he finished speaking, the young boy in the grass raised his head.

A pair of bright red eyes!

It was the same face that made Joan of Arc familiar, but there was a lot of sorrowful hair on the side of the face, and a lot of blood along the corners of the lips. It's just that it's all dried up, and the bright red has turned into light brown.


After seeing Joan of Arc, the young boy rushed over!

His eye pupils have long lost family affection, and now only the unbreakable flesh | desire! That cruel flesh that rubbed his own sister into mud|desire.

"Get out of the way!" Ye Liang said in a deep voice, and he shot a shuriken directly at the leaping child. The latter was directly smashed to pieces by Ye Liang's shuriken before he took two steps under his shooting.

"Do not!"

Jeanne wailed immediately. She hurried over to hold up her young brother's body, but the latter was already dead, and the gap in the broken neck was filled with thick black blood.

"Why are you killing my sixth brother! He is still a child." Joan cried.

Ye Liang shook his head: "I said just now, this person is not saved, he is no longer your sixth brother."

"No! You clearly said that you would try your best to save my family, but why don't you even bother to look at it? Maybe my brother can still save it." Jeanne cast aside her hateful eyes.

Ye Liang knew that this person no longer trusted him.

But he didn't bother to explain that this young boy's blood had been contaminated, so how could he be saved well if he asked him to save it. Moreover, Ye Liang saw from his mouth that the creature that attacked the guards outside should be this so-called sixth brother.

Once the humans who have become the dark races attack their counterparts, it is difficult to pull them out of the virus, because the dark races who have tasted the taste of humans have tended to be demons in nature.

It's really hopeless!

"I'm going to see if there are any other livelihoods. If you stay here is very dangerous, be sure to waste time here." Ye Liang said lightly.

He didn't have much friendship with this Joan, but now that she has a misunderstanding of herself, she doesn't want to be bothered.

But the affairs of the dark tribe are not just for the family of this western palace. Even if Ye Liang doesn't want to manage, he has to think about the overall situation of the world.

He moved a few steps back.

Joan still stared at Ye Liang with those eyes of hatred. At this time, she was sad and angry, and naturally she would not take Ye Liang's words to heart.

"Go! I don't want to stay with the murderer who killed my brother!"

"You!" Seeing that this woman was really helpless, Ye Liang had no choice but to leave. After a while. He came to the corridor of the side hall very carefully.

This is where the remaining princes live.

From the previous exchanges, there should be two princes here, a fourth, and a fifth, both of whom are the younger brothers of Joan.

The eldest prince died of illness directly outside, and the second child was crazy at the door, and the remaining two princes. Although Ye Liang had no affection for these people, he still hoped that these two people would be fine.

As soon as he approached the other courtyard, he heard the sound of ding ding dong dong in a room deep inside, and he leaned in cautiously. This is a slightly inside room, surrounded by dozens of guards from the palace, from the perspective of their bodies, they should be resisting outsiders entering this room.

But the voice just now clearly came from inside the room.

"Could it be that there are real people in it?" Ye Liang gently opened the door.

‘Squeak. ’

A puff of dust blew out from inside.

Ye Liang waved from side to side.

It seems that no one has been walking around for many days. Not only was the table covered with ash, even the door eaves were filled with sand.

Ye Liang just pushed the door just to shake off the sand.

He opened his eyes vigorously and walked in.

The sound just now came from a certain closet. Ye Liang just walked in and heard the sound inside the closet. It's the sound of nails scratching wooden boards, very harsh!

"It's weird, why can't my eyes see what's inside." Ye Liang rubbed his eyes vigorously, but apart from the trance of his vision, no other visions occurred.

His reincarnation eye seems to be a decoration here.

"Not good! There was a problem with the sand just now!" Ye Liang immediately reacted. He immediately wanted to quit, but just turned around, the cabinet just opened suddenly by himself.

Ye Liang looked at the corpse at the door, and suddenly cried out to himself!

The corpse outside was stumbling with both hands raised.

Ye Liang originally thought that they were resisting the enemy outside, but looking out from the inside, these attendants were resisting the invasion, obviously they were pushing the door of the house!

They were afraid of the things inside the door running out of it, so they gathered here and pushed the door in front of them.

at this time.

The man who had been scratching the wooden boards in the closet walked out slowly. He has a wolf head and is not tall, but his muscles are unusually developed.

Although Ye Liang couldn't see it, he was still surprised by the strong wind he was walking on. Latest URL:

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