Naruto God-level System

Chapter 655: You don't blame me

"Do you think this is the case? You cooperated with the Beast Race to defeat the true ancestor of the vampire, and then you successfully awakened Behemoth, then the werewolves were liberated, the vampires were destroyed, and the Beast race continued to become your food after the game. Do you think it is possible Is it big?" Ye Liang talked about it.

The face of General Werewolf became more and more ugly. In his impression, Behemoth, the former Young City Lord, might really do such a thing!

Then the beast tribe obeyed the vampire in the first place, maybe it was because of this consideration, perhaps the original beast leader already knew the truth of the year!

"Do you think I'm right?" Ye Liang asked again when he saw General Werewolf lost.

The latter's heart tightened.

"Who is this human being? Why can I see the truth through just a few words? Is he really an outsider, not the original resident of our Dark City?" He was full of awe for Ye Liang.

"It may develop like this!" The werewolf general nodded.

Ye Liang put down his teacup.

By this time, he also roughly understood the situation. Then whether to wake up Behemoth is not what he can do. After all, he can leave here after discussing it, and the Beast Race probably won't have such a good life!

No king would let his forces leave, let alone in such a destitute situation.

"I need to discuss with the Beast Race. I'm afraid we will only be able to develop later." After Ye Liang finished speaking, he stood up. He planned to leave, taking General Orangutan, and confronting the original Godzilla. In this way, they need to decide for themselves.

Whether it is or is death, you need to make your own decisions.

"Mr. Ye Liang, stay for a while and have something to say." The werewolf general hurried after him, but when he stood up, Ye Liang had already walked out of the tent.

Brother Orangutan is waiting at the door.

He saw Ye Liang come out and leaned in respectfully immediately. As soon as Ye Liang waved his hand, he handed his arm over, and Ye Liang jumped on it.

"Mr. Ye Liang, don't you really think about it. After all, this is just the destiny of the Beast Race. We can hide it..." The werewolf general walked out of the tent, but seeing the gorilla brother in front of him, he had to think about it. He swallowed his words back.

"Sir, what were you talking to him just now, why is this werewolf so anxious?" Brother Gorilla scratched his neck.

Ye Liang did not answer.

He faintly moved his head away, and only said three words: "Go back."

Brother Orangutan sighed, he didn't know why Ye Liang did this, but thinking of the latter's magical powers, he had to nod his head and looked at the wounded monkeys. The orangutan took them all over.

Not long.

The two came to the space passage that they had crossed before.

outside world.

Just after Ye Liang and the others left, the defeated Godzilla returned to his throne. After all, he was not completely defeated by the orangutan brother. This time the orangutan's departure also took away a large number of cronies, and now they are all his own people in the past. Even if they had doubts about those things at the beginning, but the orangutan brother did not come back, they couldn't say much.

"How long have they gone?" Godzilla sat on the throne and waited.

The latter goat next to him kneeled down respectfully: "It's been a week."

"Seven days? It seems that they all know what happened back then." Godzilla sighed and silently looked at the space passage in front of him.

He was not talking until the spatial channel suddenly fluctuated, and he could not help but remotely head away.

"They are back."


The gorilla brother who had been missing for many days suddenly fell out of the tunnel! His huge body is like thunder. After all, there is a lot of thunder in it. Even if he stretched out his hand vigorously, he still missed one or two shots.

Ye Liang also flew out from inside.

He stood on the back of the orangutan brother until he was near the door before he was jumped off his back.

It is outside now.

This is still the top of the mountain, but most of the beasts have been scattered, only a few veterans, the weak beasts that have been left to do business, stay here.

"Godzilla, what's going on! Why are you sacrificing my parents to the so-called Behemoth!" Along the way, Ye Liang also told his gorilla brother about his speculation and what he had seen and heard. The latter is of course unbearable! If this is the truth, it would be too cruel.

"Hey, you still know it." Godzilla sighed, "Yes, this thing is true, but you believe me, there is definitely something hidden in this matter, and I have to make this decision as a last resort. ."

"Because of fear of Behemoth's recovery?"

"You know this too!" Godzilla was a little surprised, and then said: "You really blamed you orangutans for that incident. At the beginning, your patriarch rebelled. In order to seize my throne, he stole the symbol of the throne. The crown, but you have to know, that is the key to the cemetery of the beast gods, can that kind of thing be easily seized!"

Godzilla's face was full of decadence: "Later, the crown was triggered, and the few of us followed the space channel opened by chance and entered the tomb of the beast god.

I am afraid that what happened later is different from yours. We directly met the true ancestor of the vampire who was the deacon at the time. He told us that our beasts were nothing more than fodder cultivated by Behemoth and used as rations. In order to convince us, they also found them. The incubator that nurtured our ancestors I also believed this after seeing those ancient materials!

After your patriarch learned the truth, he couldn't accept it. He went crazy in the cemetery of the beast god. I took your parents and some innocent people and left from there. But a few days later, we got the news of the true ancestor of the vampire. It is said that your crazy patriarch broke the church that was used to seal Behemoth in it. In order to repress him, he must sacrifice enough flesh and blood. This matter is only me and your people.

In order to prevent the entire beast race from falling apart, I could only tell them about this. After a discussion, they volunteered to be sacrifices to suppress Behemoth. They just asked me to take care of your brothers before leaving. Two of them, I also agreed.

You don't blame me. "

"Your uncle!" The orangutan brother immediately rushed over with red eyes: "Do you think I would believe it!" He immediately attacked Godzilla!

His life has not been difficult at all these years.

I am often sent to various places to perform dangerous work! The younger brother stays here and is bullied by those wild beasts every day. If it weren't for himself, he would have died a long time ago! Latest URL:

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