Naruto God-level System

Chapter 642: Communicate with monkeys

Knowing that Ye Liang had discovered the strangeness, he already had a new mind. It would be a great thing if one could not defeat the enemy without fighting.

The orangutan is a powerful life form after all, and maybe there is a clue to leave here.

Ye Liang made a heart-to-heart movement.

This is Braille, which means peace. Ye Liang felt that although the orangutan could not speak, if he used this gesture, he might be able to communicate with the two.

Wishful thinking.

Orangutans are not humans, how can they understand human gestures?

After several exchanges, nothing came out. Ye Liang was staggered by the orangutan stoned!

He had to find another way.

He began to try various languages ​​learned on various planets.

"Huh, hum."

This is the language of the pig head. Ye Liang had been with half-orcs for a while, and he was very familiar with the language of half-orcs. After all, the learning ability of the blood wheel eyes was not so good.

"Hmm haha." Ye Liang beat the rhythm.

The orangutan brothers glanced at each other, and they all rose up inexplicably.

"Brother, do you think this person is crazy? We are not pigs. What is he using boar language in BB? Does he look down on us?" The ape brother poked his elder brother unhappy in the waist.

The latter turned black.

Brother Gorilla's temper is much worse than his younger brother! Although it is very reliable, but facing such a situation, he is less calm than his younger brother! Clenched his fist and rushed up! .

"This kid is calling us pigs!" It was furious!

When the orangutan brother heard this, he naturally rushed up. The two brothers are both intelligent creatures, and naturally they will not show mercy to humans who call themselves pigs.

Ye Liang's coffin had already been booked in their hearts.

"What's the situation with these two monkeys?" Ye Liang flashed away when he saw the orangutan, who had been somewhat relieved because of his heart, suddenly became like this.

He flashed and continued to speak in Pighead's language.

The orangutan is even more fierce!

The purple spirit next to him can't stand it anymore. She didn't know exactly what Ye Liang wanted to do, but she understood all the languages ​​spoken by both!

Zi Ling is a celestial fox. Like the orangutan, she also belongs to the wise beast species. Of course, she has always understood the orangutan's words. After that, Ye Liang did some weird moves, including those pig-headed words, she also understood , Nothing more than'Savadika' Aliase! These are used to show goodwill.

But the monkey didn't seem to like these words. Zi Ling probably understood the reason through the conversation between the two. She quickly reminded her: "Big Brother Ye, don't speak the pig language, these two orangutans think you Call them pigs!"

"Huh!" Ye Liang grew his mouth: "Can you understand them?"

"Of course, I am a Sky Fox person, how can I not understand the animal language, what are you doing, have been weird since just now?"


Then you said it earlier!

Ye Liang was speechless to Zi Ling! If he had known that she could speak orcs, how could he do such things that make people speechless!

"Then tell them that we are not malicious, just passing travelers." Ye Liang told himself. Zi Ling was taken aback. Although she didn't understand Ye Liang's meaning, she still translated according to his words.

"Kukkukkuk Hasa!"

Zi Ling was speaking monkey language, and put his hands on his head by the way, adding oil and jealousy. The two orangutans were taken aback for a moment, and both saw the doubt in each other's eyes.

They also shook their heads towards Zi Ling: "One library and one Kuoriyagado!"

"Kukkukkuk Hasa!"

"One library and one Cuoria Gado!"


"..." The two communicators put their palms on their heads at the same time, swaying while communicating, and soon the two grumpy orangutans finally settled down.

They don't stop at the same place in doubt.

"Great, they are not going to confront us anymore!"

"What did you say?" Ye Liang asked.

"I told them that we were just passing travelers, and we had no intention of opposing them. At the same time, we just wanted to leave here soon."

"Then you quickly ask if they know the way to leave!" Ye Liang said quickly. When he saw the orangutans can communicate, he naturally inevitably explored the main things.

Zi Ling nodded clearly when he heard Ye Liang's words.

"It turns out that you meant this." She finally understood why Ye Liang had been so painstakingly communicating with the two orangutans. She had thought about it so far.

She immediately communicated with the orangutan.


After about a stick of incense, Zi Ling looked at Ye Liang happily: "They really know the way to leave! On this alien beast island, there is a beast sacred mountain, which was created by their ancestors with great effort. Yes. These orangutans said that when the cemetery of the beast gods is opened, they can open the passage to the outside world by offering sacrifices to the keys in the cemetery!"

"Then quickly ask how to enter this Beast God Mountain and how to enter this Surgical Beast God Cemetery!" Ye Liang asked again.

Zi Ling nodded.

After some more exchanges, she suddenly drooped a face. Seeing her like this, Ye Liang's heart started: "What do you say?"

With a bitter face, Zi Ling looked at Ye Liang: "They said that this beast sacred mountain is in the center of the island, but if you want to enter this beast **** cemetery, you need to obtain the key to open the holy land from their leader. They can do nothing. ."

"This orangutan actually has a leader?" Ye Liang thought about it for a while, he suddenly breathed out, and looked at the two orangutans kindly: "I can ignore the matter here, UU read but can you? Tell me, what strength your leader is, I can assure you, just simply wanting to leave, will never show disrespect to your beast god."

After hearing Zi Ling’s translation, Brother Orangutan first made a deep voice. After a few seconds, he suddenly laughed: "I can tell his strength. I can even take you to the Beast Mountain, but you have to give it first. I promise, you must be able to beat my leader, otherwise I will be dead and I won't take you there!"

It looked at Ye Liang deeply.

Ye Liang was dumbfounded when he heard Zi Ling's translation. He carefully inquired about the situation of some orc leaders, and after fully understanding his strength, he finally nodded with certainty.


The group tacitly set off on the road.

At this time, Ye Liang finally understood the meaning of the orangutan. Feelings, the orangutan actually has an enmity with the leader, and he was forced by the leader of the orc when he came out this time!

If he can't close the land here, I am afraid that the orangutan family will be eradicated from this island, because compared to other beasts, the orangutan is too much like a cunning human being! ?

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