Naruto God-level System

Chapter 477: Rare body hatch


"Hera's incubator is not hidden from the outside."


Ye Liang shrugged. He didn't expect that Hera was completely unprepared for a place that was so valued by Isara. Since the villagers all know it, isn't it cheaper for him.

He intends to try his luck in the afternoon.

"By the way, how are your ninjutsu studies recently?" he asked.

After all, Baimao is for him to do things. The so-called combined use of grace and power, should be concerned about.

"I have learned the technique of five dragon bombs, and I will be able to master the spiral pill in a few days."

Have learned so much!

Ye Liang was surprised.

"It's slow," he said simply.


He is a big boss, even if he is surprised by the speed of Baimao, it is impossible to show it.

Bai Mao immediately bowed his hand to Ye Liang: "The subordinates are not as intelligent as the adults, they can only learn this."

"Then work harder." Ye Liang sighed.

My day!

This kid...

Ye Liang was unable to complain about Baimao's talent, he and Baimao nagged about some other things, so he sent him to continue investigating.

Ended a curse.

After Ye Liang changed his appearance with the transformation technique, he swaggered to the main street of Heradu City.

Chongren's IQ is very low, besides, there are few masters who can surpass Ye Liang. It is basically impossible to discover Ye Liang's appearance under such circumstances.

He shook a few steps and came to the forbidden area.

"This is the hatchery of Queen Hera." Ye Liang observed from a distance for a while.

This is a dense forest.

Although it is called a hatchery, Ye Liang did not see any modern instruments inside.

"Could it be inside?" He took a few steps forward.


A rare worm appeared ahead!

The eighth peak!

Unexpectedly, when I just walked in, I met such a powerful bug.

This is an irrational insect. Ye Liang didn't take it to heart. After a little bit of monthly reading, he walked in lightly.

Can't waste time.

As he continued walking, except for the insects he met at the beginning, Ye Liang seldom encountered insects in it, until a standing figure stood in front of him.

The peak of Tier Nine!

Rare humanoid insects!

Ye Liang frowned.

Just as he was about to bend over to hide in the grass, the bug man in front of him moved his ears!

This seemed to be a bug man with sensitive hearing. Before Ye Liang lowered his body, a flying wind blade shot towards his position.

"Mr. Ye Liang, it's been a long time!" The insect man turned his head and smiled.

Ye Liang blocked the flying wind blade and looked at the insect man in front of him in surprise!

"why you!"

The worm in front of him was the worm leader Zhu Wen who had previously met in the palace.

"Why can't it be me."

Zhu Wen smiled and arched his hands towards Ye Liang. He straightened up and walked slowly in front of Ye Liang: "It's not me who is weak, how can you get in touch with Lord Yisala."

"You are Yisala's spy!" Ye Liang asked.

"You can't say that. I listened to Herana wholeheartedly and never rebelled."

"Then why are you doing this?"

Ye was very curious.

Zhu Wen is a great red man of Hera. He is not only a rare body bug, but also the guardian of Hera Palace. Such a person actually betrayed?

"Because Lord Bai Hengshan." Zhu Wen smiled and pointed to himself: "Do you think my name is something a bug person should have?"

"Name? Swine fever?" Ye Liang was taken aback.


Zhu Wen's name is indeed not like the name of the worm, because the worm is generally a Western name. Ye Liang was a little concerned at the beginning, but Zhu Wen didn't say, nor did he ask.

"Our rare worms are not a native worm race. It was born by the Queen who personally used the power of the law to transform the rest of the elite worms.

We may be black ants, or wasps, or some other kind. But it must be said that we have absolutely nothing to do with the beetle tribe of Queen Hera!

Do you think it is necessary for us to follow Hera in this case? "Zhu Wen asked.

Ye Liang was stunned.

This was the first time he knew the origin of the rare body. Originally, he thought that the rare body was just a mutation from the bug man. It seemed that he was short and shallow.

"Then why do you surrender to Queen Hera?" Ye Liang asked. As Zhu Wen said, they are not originally a tribe of the beetle people, so why bother to believe in Queen Hera.

"Because of the name!" Zhu Wen sighed.

"Everyone of our rare bodies was given unique names at the moment they were born. This was bestowed by Master Hera using the power of the law!

It gives us strength and limits our freedom. The person whose name is given by Hera-sama cannot betray the person who gave the name. Once he does this, he will be broken into pieces before the idea begins! "He lowered his head sadly.

Ye Liang knew that this kind of free life might be more uncomfortable than just going to death.

"The rest chose to give up Zhu Wen said helplessly. "Just like long years will drive madmen, most rare experiences choose to destroy their brains after a period of birth.

They will become insects with no intelligence!

Although they still obeyed the Queen's orders, without the brain, there would be no thinking. They completely reincarnated the tool-specific bugs! "

Ye Liang's heart was also touched!

He knows that this kind of life that cannot escape control for a lifetime, and can only live as a puppet for a lifetime, is terrifying!

Queen Hera has a perverted desire to control!

"Then why are you all right?" he asked.

"Because my name was taken by Master Bai Hengshan!" Zhu Wen said with a smile, "I should have ended up with the rest of the insects, but at that time Master Bai Hengshan was with Master Hera who hatched the eggs.

He gave me a name casually and freed me from the control of Queen Hera. "

"Then you are so sentimental!" Ye Liang sprayed. He originally felt that the situation that Zhu Wen was telling was quite miserable, but listening to what he said now, Zhu Wen was not under the control of Queen Hera at all!

Then you say an egg.

Ye Liang was speechless.

At this time, Bai Hengshan pointed to the dense forest in the distance: "Master Ye Liang, follow me." He walked in alone.

Ye Liang glanced at him behind, but chose to keep up.

Not long.

The two approached the real core.

It was a square that was emptied of trees.

There are countless glassware here, which is huge, about the size of a basketball court.

Ye Liang was watching inside.

Inside each glassware, there lived a huge worm larva. They were still asleep and did not open their eyes.

"Master Ye Liang, be careful!" Zhu Wen suddenly cried!

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