Naruto God-level System

Chapter 420: Scale fish

   Naruto God-level system text Chapter 420 The next day of scale fish.

   Ye Liang, who had been waiting for a long time, finally entered the battlefield.

  The place for their competition this time is not in the formal arena, but in the lava field in the center of the universe star. The temperature here is extremely high, and ordinary human plants and animals cannot survive!

   Of course, powerful monsters and special fire creatures can exist.

   After a large group of people assembled, the referee in charge of the commentary stood up. This person is also a sword immortal, Danfeng eyes, and silkworm eyebrows. If he hadn't seen the high chief playing swords, Ye Liang even thought that the referee was much better than the high chief.

   Actually, this person is just an outer disciple of Universe Star.

   "Everyone is reasonable."

   This outer disciple arched his hands towards the crowd. Seeing that everyone was quiet, he began to tell: "Want to come, everyone is still a little ignorant about the game."

   He pointed to the boundless sea of ​​fire behind him: "The core of the cosmic star here is naturally extremely hot. Our cosmic star has to look for herbs that can heal inflammation from it within a period of time.

   Your task today is to help us find more herbs within the prescribed time. The more herbs anyone finds, the more points they can get.

   points can finally be counted into the total score! "

   "What does that herb look like?" asked an ordinary staff member.

   The referee stroked his goatee: "After you see it, you will naturally understand."


As soon as   's words fell, a staff of staff who came to the game rushed into the depths of the fire. The temperature of this sea of ​​fire is about several thousand degrees, but everyone's physical strength has long been beyond the ability of such an ordinary flame to hurt.

   They endured the heat and rummaged in the fire.

   Ye Liang did not move, he faintly watched more and more people enter the sea of ​​flames, but instead blocked other staff.

   "Why, are you war stars planning to give up the game?" The referee couldn't help but feel a little curious when he saw Ye Liang's situation.

   Ye Liang bowed to him: "It's not that I want to give up, but I should ask some questions clearly."

   "Problem?" The referee was puzzled.


   Ye Liang nodded: "Every year in the Great Universe, it is either death or injury, but this task is too simple. The kid doesn't believe that the universe stars will arrange such an easy task."

   He looked at the referee, as if waiting for his explanation.


   From the staff galloping in the distance, there was a scream: "Run, there is something in this sea of ​​fire..." Before the voice was finished, it was completely muted in midair.

   Ye Liang cast his gaze over.

   I saw a huge scale tail tossed from the sea of ​​fire, it got into the bottom shell, and never seen again.

"That is?"

   Before Ye Liang started to ask, the referee explained it consciously.

   "That's a scaly fish! In this sea of ​​fire, there is a fish that can swim freely in the bottom shell and flames. It is cruel by nature, even if it is a successful cultivator, it is not its mouth.

  In your words, it is the eighth stage and let it be eaten! "The referee suddenly became solemn.

   Ye Liangning condensed his eyes!

   The eighth stage can be killed in seconds, which means that this fish is close to the ninth stage! Even if it doesn't have any power of law, in this natural environment, ordinary staff can not resist it.

   Nature has a natural bonus to this predator!

   "Who are you going?"

   Ye Liang swept the people behind, and found that they were afraid to change, feeling a little helpless.

  What a proud son of heaven! In the face of absolute danger, they are nothing but flowers in the greenhouse.

   He stepped forward.

At this time, the land at his feet began to change. Ye Liang knew that this was the man-eating scaly fish who was about to move. Now at the starting point, the fish could not start, but if he was taking a step forward, he was facing an infinite abyss. !

   He did not move.

   waited for a while, the abnormal movement under his feet disappeared.

   "It looks like it's gone."

   Ye Liang guessed that Leplin had gone to find other targets, so he walked out with confidence. But just stepping out of the rock at the starting point, a red fish head with a head bigger than a truck appeared!

   She had rows of teeth, her eyes fixed on Ye Liang's body, as soon as she appeared, she bit Ye Liang directly from the soles of Ye Liang's feet.

   One slip!

   Ye Liang was dragged into the ground by it.

   "Damn beast!" The magic dance on the side hurriedly rushed over, but when he came nearby, he found that there was no hole in the place where the scaly fish drilled!

   seems to appear out of thin air!

   "The scale fish can swim in the bottom shell. The swimming mentioned here is not to destroy the bottom shell, but to swim on the ground!" The referee behind him explained.

   "Is there anything else?" Mo Wu was taken aback. Seeing that she could not find Ye Liang's trace, she took out an alloy rod from the storage space and stabbed it.

   She is going to break the ground!

   Since there was no exit, she rescued Ye Liang by breaking through the ground!


   A gap was broken in the ground, but the alloy rod broke.

The referee shook his head: "It's useless, this surface has been forged by this sea of ​​fire for trillions of years! Even the ninth stage, I am afraid it will be difficult to break, let alone your eight-stage female doll~www.NovelMTL .com~Ma Wu's face suddenly changed.

   She has been with Ye Liang for so long and has feelings: "Is there no other way! You are the referee of the universe star, you must have seen other ways too?"

"It's useless."

   The referee shook his head again: "Unless the fish shows compassion and sends the kid up by himself, don't even try to rescue the kid even if the peak power appears!"

As soon as   's words fell, the huge fish head burst out of the surface. It looked at the referee playfully, and rushed towards the starting point.

   "How is it possible! This starting point is a ban on top and bottom, how can the mere squash fish jump over!" The referee quickly tried to hide, but the huge fish head had hit his chest.


   The referee was hit and flew out, and the scaly fish broke apart in this second.

   Ye Liang crawled out of it. He held a grass with red leaves in his hand, with a faint flame burning on it, even if he left the sea of ​​flames, it still did not go out.

   "Healing herbs!" Mo Wu exclaimed.

   She hurried over to help Ye Liang, and found that the latter had no injuries except for the damaged clothes: "How is it possible! Didn't you get swallowed by a scaly fish! How did you survive?"

   Ye Liang smiled.

  He is the strong man in the ninth stage, let alone Linyu, even Linlong is useless! Not to mention that Ye Liang also mastered the law of armor, this kind of ordinary alien beast couldn't hurt him at all.

  Except for clothes.

   "Don't worry, I think I have found the herb." Ye Liang wiped the blood from his face, and he stepped on the rock on the ground.

   "Those herbs are all growing under the rocks!"

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