Naruto God-level System

Chapter 360: I'm in the coffin

The coffin is cracking!

A thin mummy lying on the coffin was exposed. He lay flat, holding the Chaos Blade firmly with both hands, no matter how hard Ye Liang tried, he couldn't cut the blade down.

She giggled at Ye Liang, then raised her hand and sat up directly on the coffin board.

"Ye Liang, you are really slow in coming."

The mummy smiled coldly, Ye Liang's scalp was numb! Although he is ready to deal with it, it seems that it is not enough.

"Fuck your uncle!"

Ye Liangmeng drew the knife and slashed at the opposite arm again!

Sparks are flying!

Obviously, his very thin arm was under the demon knife, without a trace.

The mummy rushed over quickly! Ye Liang backed back again and again, as he backed away, he slashed at the latter with the demon knife, sparks and lightning along the way, leaving a golden light in the black void!

After retreating for a while, Ye Liang used the peacock magic method to get rid of the latter. He hung high in the midair of nothingness, while the amazingly powerful mummy was watching from the ground.

Ye Liang touched Krypton's eyes.

Can't see through the strength!

This mummy seemed very mysterious, it was no longer detectable by his level. But even so, he still has the power to fight!

It's just weird.

This mummy is obviously higher than those flying insects, flying insects are 80-level monsters, but this mummy is not as strong as flying insects?

"what happened?"

Ye Liang was very puzzled.

At this time, the mummy that was on the ground suddenly jumped up. He was extremely fast, just after his feet were off the ground, a pair of transparent wings suddenly stretched out behind him!

Thin as thin wings, weak blue and white!

Amazingly, it is the peacock magic method!

"how is this possible!"

Ye Liang was surprised. The peacock magic method is a special skill he brought from the earth. Although it does not require much energy, the route of operation and the method of use are his intellectual property!

It is absolutely impossible for the other party to possess this kind of power!

Just when he was thinking, the mummy flew over. Ye Liang hurriedly picked up the knife to chop! Just when he was about to slash the mummy with a knife, a black sword suddenly emerged from the void!

He was similar in style to the Chaos Demon Sword, and as soon as he emerged, he flew into the hands of the mummy.

The latter took a knife and met a severe blow.

"Dang!" Ye Liang and the mummy each stepped back! Obviously there is a huge disparity in power, yet evenly matched.

Ye Liang mentions it again!

This time it was not just the easiest wave, he also mixed Konoha's tricks in it!

Konoha Swordsmanship-Three Sun Moon Dance!

The three phantoms suddenly slashed towards the mummies from three directions. Although they were separated by two meters, they were true and false. The sound of three demon knives breaking through the air could not be ignored anyway!

The mummy was startled and took a step back.

He faced Ye Liang's attack and did not rush. Seeing that he couldn't escape, his wrist shook, and the same three phantoms split out!

Dance of the Moon on Three Days!

This monster also used Konoha Swordsmanship!

"How is it possible!" Ye Liang exclaimed, his facial expression stiff, as if he was taken aback! He quickly wanted to change his tricks, but the mummy's three-day moon dance had already hit.


The sound of three metal clinking sounds, Ye Liang quickly backed away.

Dozens of steps back in a row!

Unlike just now, this mummy's three-day moon dance is actually more proficient than Ye Liang!

Ye Liang spat out fresh.

He raised the knife again, but the mummy in front of him became coldly small!

"This guy can understand all my tricks." Ye Liang said solemnly.

By this time of the war, he could see it.

The mummy can imitate his moves!

Although he didn't know how the other party did it, this possibility is definitely there. His eyes of reincarnation possess this ability.

Now on an alien planet, other civilizations can do it, it's not impossible.

He quickly understood the other party's flaws, and Ye Liang knew that he was not easy to deal with since he conjured a similar monster knife. But Ye Liang also noticed another place.

Although the mummy can learn to imitate his tricks, the mummy is always stiff and slow. No matter how fast he learns, it will take time!

Ye Liang quickly put away the Chaos Demon Sword.

At the same time, the mummy on the opposite side actually put away the demon knife, and he raised his **** at Ye Liang, which was a very serious provocative action.

Ye Liang was not upset either.

He faces each other.

Suddenly accelerated, rushed towards the opposite side!

Just as he was about to approach, he suddenly used the instantaneous technique!

The tricks can be imitated, but the instantaneous technique is not stiff at all, so how can you imitate it! He punched the opponent in the head.

Just when he was about to touch his opponent, the mummy suddenly disappeared!

Instantaneous surgery!

"Good guy! This is okay!" Ye Liang didn't have any surprises. The moment the opponent disappeared, he scatters his shuriken madly!

Dozens, even hundreds of shurikens were shot around!


There was a sound of metal humming from above.

"He's on it!"

Ye Liang didn't even look at the mummy, and immediately threw a wind escape spiral pill upwards. Then, his body flashed and Fei Lei Shen immediately activated it.

Just when the mummy was about to imitate Helix Maru, he hit the mummy's back with a strange blow!


The mummy's body fell rapidly, and before his warlock could activate it, he collided with Helix Maru!


Bone to pieces.

"Sure enough! Even if you are imitating well, how can you compare to the reaction of a real person!" At this time, the surrounding scenes suddenly changed.

It is no longer a boundless nothingness, but a very crowded space. When he opened his eyes, he found himself lying in a coffin!

Next to it is a corpse!


Ye Liang was facing the mummy, looking at each other affectionately.


The coffin board behind him shook open.

Ye Liang quickly retreated toward the outside of the coffin.

It turned out that everything just now was an illusion. There is no empty space, no mummies, flying insect swarms, everything is fake!

Ye Liang wiped his lips.

There was a puddle of green liquid beside his mouth, which seemed to be left behind when he kissed the mummy just now!


He spit on his stomach for a while.

At this time, the sound of the system rang again.

"Congratulations to the host, for gaining the power of the law, I suggest you, don't vomit! That's a big tonic! Oh, no! I'm going! You are all vomiting"


what are you talking about!

Ye Liang looked at the green liquid on the it was sticky, but there was a burst of energy coming out of it. It was the same as what he had just felt in nothingness.

"This thing is the law?"

"Of course! Replace it!"

"You said before that it can't be absorbed!"

"When did I say it?"

Ye Liang's brain hurts!

Feelings were in the environment just now, and I had never spoken to the system at all.

This t is all fake!

He touched the green liquid on the ground and let him swallow it. He couldn't do it!

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