Naruto God-level System

Chapter 352: Caught carelessly

An aura suddenly surged in the distance!

It was like a tiger coming out of the cage. Before he saw anyone, he saw a wave of heat rushing over here.

Ye Liang looked at the Qiming ship and was overjoyed instantly!

General Demon Tiger is here!

At this time the mining team had returned to the city, and General Demon Tiger arrived at this time, obviously they were reporting.

Ye Liang immediately turned on the movie camouflage!

He wants to delay time!

Even if you know this trick, it may be useless for a woman's strength!

"Boy! Do you still play this trick for me!" The woman snorted coldly! A chill instantly blew from her mouth to the surroundings. Ye Liang's body was exposed!

Although he is in the shadow, the entity is still there! Those cold winds that had just encountered Ye Liang were separated by his body and were discovered by the woman.

"Boy! You can't run!" The woman grabbed Ye Liang's position, and just as the Qianjun sent her, a sound wave blasted towards the woman again!

"Who dares to move my guests!"

The devil tiger is running!

He yelled, although there was no actual lethality, but the violent voice still shook the woman, shivering!

"This old guy is so fast!"

Women knew the Devil Tiger. When the Devil Tiger killed General Mantis before, everyone knew about it. She knew that she was not the opponent of Devil Tiger, and she wanted to make a quick battle!

Grab Ye Liang!

The body that was blocked by the sound just now used all its strength.


The woman suddenly hit a rock wall!

Just when she was about to meet Ye Liang, she was blocked by a ghost door that had burst in!


Ye Liang's escape method has never been broken! After activating the Rashomon, he hurriedly ran towards the demon tiger's position, and just when he started, he used the instantaneous technique again!

Your uncle!

Ye Liang wasn't kidding you when I was instant!

After three steps and two steps, Ye Liang ran to the position of Demon Tiger, and it was at this time that he finally relieved his breath.

"Are you all right, little brother!"

Mohu patted Ye Liang's shoulder worriedly, and he looked at the woman in the distance with a serious look: "Don't worry! Since you Ye Liang recognizes me for one day, then I will be your uncle for a lifetime. This vicious woman, I will take care of it!"

After speaking, rushed over.

Ye Liang clenched his fist deeply. He seemed to cheer on the devil tiger, but his eyes were melancholy: "sb! The ghost recognizes you as the uncle!"

far away.

Mohu fought with the woman.

Both of them are masters above level 80, women are level 85, and Demon Tiger is indeed at the top level of 89! This kind of strength comparison is already very obvious.

The woman was blasted far away by the devil tiger's punch. She wanted to continue to resist, and saw the devil tiger rushed up again: "Damn barbarian! You dare to bully me like this! Then don't blame the old lady for being unreasonable!"

She blinked suddenly, and the red light that had disappeared appeared again!

This time, it was not a simple way to see the path, but a strong red light wave instantly emitted from the eyes!

Red eye magic pupil!

The Centipede General could kill the magic dance with a single blow!

Now the naked man is coming towards the devil tiger, not only has his power greatly increased, but at the same time he is flying away, it seems to be wrapped in a strange black air!

"Humph! Do you think this kind of thing can help me!" Mohu sneered. He saw the light wave coming, without dodge or avoid, actually slapped directly to the front, and threw it over!


The palm of your hand collided with the light wave!

There was no very loud crashing sound, and there was no terrifying mighty power, only a cloud of black air that was directly shot apart.

"Huh! The old man has been traversing the universe for many years. This subtle power of law has long been invalid for me! Not to mention this copying trick, even if the bug queen personally performs it, the old man is not afraid!"

The woman frowned, and when the Demon Tiger tried to attack again, she suddenly sneered.


As soon as the voice fell, the black energy that dissipated instantly rushed towards Ye Liang behind the Devil Tiger! Demon Tiger made a back hook for a while, but he caught a hole in Hei Qi!


Ye Liang was surprised.

Immediately I saw the air in the middle of the black air, and it suddenly surged! After that, the black air turned into a woman's appearance in mid-air!

She really appeared in the next moment!

"Space alien technique!"

This time it was Ye Liang's turn to be surprised! He took a shuddering step back, still being grabbed by his shoulder by the woman!

"Old monster! Goodbye!"

The woman's voice recalled in the air. The moment she grabbed Ye Liang, she disappeared in place, including the captured Ye Liang!

"Damn it!"

Demon Tiger hammered the ground with one hand! But regret it at this time, it is still too late!

A few hours later.

The sky gradually sank.

Ye Liang woke up in a hidden cave. He was half naked, wrapped in a tree skirt, and there was no one beside him, tied to a stone pillar!

He tugged at the vine that tied him, and suddenly found that it was a soft plant, but it was as tough as steel! No matter how hard Ye Liang tried, he couldn't break free!

He used Space Ninjutsu again, but Chakra dissipated in his body as soon as it turned.

"It's useless! The surrounding area has been restricted by me! You can't escape!" The woman's voice came from outside the cave. She walked in step by step, swept Ye Liang, and sat down again. Stone bed.

Ye Liang was paying attention to the surrounding environment at this time.

In addition to the stone pillars to help yourself, there is also a table, several chairs, and even a bed, a cabinet, and a coffee table for your body!

It looks like a simple room.

"This is your home?" Ye Liang asked.

"of course.

It’s not my home, is it still yours? "The woman looked at Ye Liang faintly. She did not continue to speak, but fiddled with a transparent glass bottle on the table.

There are several such bottles on the table, and even the cupboard by the bed is full of glass bottles.

"I don't mean that, I mean, don't you all live underground? How could you build a house in a cave?"

"Which one of your eyes sees me as a worm!"

The woman subconsciously replied She did not look at Ye Liang, but continued to play with her glass bottle. I saw that she poured a bottle of dark green liquid into the red liquid.

Pour the red liquid back again!

It's very complicated anyway, and I can't see what I'm doing.

"Are you doing an experiment?" Ye Liang took a mouthful. Women's movements are no different from those of scientists in the previous life. Seeing her movement, Ye Liang naturally guessed it.

The woman ignored him.

She continued to experiment. It wasn't until several hours later that she finally thought of Ye Liang.

Take out some hard biscuits from the drawer and put them in front of Ye Liang: "Eat!"

"Just something like this?" Remember the website of this site, www. biquxu. Com, easy to read next time, or enter "" on Baidu to enter this site

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