Naruto God-level System

Chapter 327: Equipment shop

Too much poor strength!

The **** demon knife can only slash and kill the strong at level 40. Once this limit is found, he will collapse and be broken! Even if Ye Liang injected energy, he couldn't improve his level by several levels.

These weapons on the wall are different!

They obviously have experienced special roughness. Not only are they sharp and sharp, they even dare not touch the tip of a knife with the strength of Ye Liang! It seems that just a touch will be hurt by sword energy.

Ye Liang took out the Chaos Demon Sword from the space and compared it.

Reluctantly shook his head.

At this time, the weapon shop owner who had been waiting next to him suddenly walked up. This is a middle-aged man with a mustache. He has a mole on his brow and looks very kind.

"Little brother, what kind of weapon do you want to buy at this time?" the boss asked.

Seeing that the boss was kind and kind, Ye Liang didn't care too much. He wanted to buy some high-strength cold weapons, swords and knives.

He is used to the Chaos Demon Sword, so naturally he will not change it.

After listening to Ye Liang's words, the boss raised his hand and placed several control knives on the wall in front of Ye Liang. These are Ye Liang's heartbeat.

One is like a sword, and there is a ghost head on the grip, so lifelike! The intensity should always be. The other ones are sword-like, and Ye Liang could feel the sharpness of the weapon before reaching out! Such sharpness is probably no less than ten times the Chaos Demon Sword.

"Boss, what's the price of these knives?" He asked.

These knives should have been specially shown to Ye Liang by the boss.

He just spread it out and shook it a few times, and then hung it back on the wall: "Brother, it's not that I said you. Although this weapon shop is for you adventurers, these knives are the treasures of this shop. I'm afraid the little brother can't afford it."

Adventurers are the nicknames of slaves, mainly because they are afraid of calling slaves, which is too disturbing.

Ye Liang was taken aback.

He didn't expect the boss to take the weapon back. Now that you have taken it out, you can say it clearly and take the weapon back. What do you mean?

Ye Liang suddenly felt that the boss was not too kind.

At this time, the boss changed his expression: "Little brother, although these knives are expensive, they are not unbelievable. I think the ornamental knives you have just now are of good shape.

Although the strength is a bit weak, if you want to study it for me, it is not impossible to give you these knives. "

"Watch the knife?"

Ye Liang mentioned the Chaos Demon Sword in his hand: "You mean this?"

"Yes!" The boss nodded faintly: "It's true. The old man has been selling knives for many years, and this is the first time I have seen such unique knives.

If the little brother can borrow me to observe for a few days, I am willing to give these practical knives to the little brother, what do you think? "

"For nothing?"

Ye Liang was taken aback. He didn't understand the good shape of the Chaos Demon Sword, but if he could get such a few good knives after a few days, it would definitely be a blood trade.

He immediately wanted to pass the knife over.

At this moment, a big rough hand held him down!

"Boss, are you just watching for a few days? If there is a gap in the future of this knife, what will the boss do!" Scar stopped at this moment.

Ye Liang was taken aback. He didn't know the meaning of Scar, but the opponent must be an old bird, and he waited silently.

"This gentleman is agreeable again? This little brother is ready to lend the knife to the old man, why are you stopping him?" the boss asked.

Scar did not catch the stubble, but looked at the boss coldly: "I will ask if there is any loss from this knife in a few days! How do you make up for it!"

He stared at the boss, who was so engaged by him, and his expression was not indifferent immediately: "Go! If you don't come to buy a knife, you will be an eyesore here.

Our Qiming Weapon Shop does not lack guests like you! "

For some reason, the boss suddenly started to rush people! He raised his sleeves, it felt like I was going to kill you if you stayed.

Ye Liang looked dazed.

In a situation of confusion, he and Scar were driven out by the boss.

Scar took Ye Liang to a certain alley: "Brother, you can do it! I actually have such an awesome knife. If I were you, why bother to go to the pitted weapon shop and just use this one? Up!"

He looked excited, it seemed that the Chaos Demon Sword was precious and scary!

"You mean my sword is very powerful?" Ye Liang asked.

"It's more than amazing!"

Dao Scar swallowed: "If, I'm not mistaken, your sword has already born wise." He stroked the Chaos Demon Sabre, and the latter hummed immediately.


Scar nodded: "A knife that can produce wisdom is absolutely nothing. If your knife is well strengthened, you can definitely hang those ordinary swords just now! Even the king of swords Not impossible!"

"You said my sword can be strengthened?"

Scar carefully handed the Chaos Demon Sword to Ye Liang: "Of course it can. I think the reason why your sword is weak is because of the material.

This knife is made of a commonplace. Even if you have a strong wit, the material itself cannot be changed. If you can use metal alloys, you can re-forge this wit knife. The surprises are not superficial! "

Ye Liang was dumb when he heard the words of Scar. Seeing no one around him, he put away the Chaos Demon Sword again: "I understand what you mean.

In this way, the previous weapon shop owner also saw this reason. "He put away the demon sword to prevent more people from knowing it.

He still understands if Cai is not clear.

Scar nodded: "It happens to be going to Dora Star this time to collect supplies. The worms of Dora Star are rich in metal alloy materials. If you can find some powerful metals or the carapace of some powerful worms, Able to forge weapons.

There is also the Qiming number at Forge House. "

"Thank you then." Ye Liang thanked Scar. Because they still need to purchase gas masks, the two wandered around the market again.

When he was leaving, President Ryan once gave a lot of money as compensation. In addition to purchasing armor, Ye Liang also added a few props to Scar.

Even thank you.

In the evening.

After counting and today's spoils, Ye Liang fell asleep.

The next day.

The adventure has begun!

Ye Liang followed the army into Dora Star. The Qiming spacecraft arrived at Dora Star yesterday, but it was a rest time. Feichuang spent a day resting on the planet before it officially invaded the planet.

It's smoky here.

As the Mogu Prince said, it was full of poison. Ye Liang was wearing a gas mask, and soon derailed from the army.

"Brother Scar, is the special metal you mentioned near here?"

Ye Liang and Scar were gathered together, and the two formed a small team, and also deliberately alienated the large group.


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