Naruto God-level System

Chapter 321: President meeting

Da Da Da Da Da Da!

The six-claw robot bears pain that it shouldn't bear at this age.


Three minutes is finally over.

The six-claw robot that was unscathed suddenly exploded!

In all parts of his body, countless explosions started one after another, not only from one direction, but from all parts of the body!

The ghost knows how many punches Ye Liang hit!

At his speed, there must be more than tens of thousands in three minutes!

The robot is blasted infinitely!

It took more than ten minutes for the explosion to finally stop. At this time, the body was all loosened. Not only did the parts lose the slightest control, even the head fell off.

It slowly raised six hands, and finally fell weakly.

Six-claw robot!


Ye Liang took a breath.

Time ceased to consume him very much. At this time, his face was pale and bloodless, just like his body was hollowed out. He smiled, looked at the soldiers on the ground, and then fell down.

The soldiers threw their guns into the sky and rushed towards Ye Liang!

Residents of major cities were also in front of the TV, chanting long live victory. They looked at Ye Liang who was abandoned by the soldiers, and felt extremely longing in their hearts!

This sense of freedom that originally resided in the Star of the Ten Thousand Races comes from within. They recalled the brilliance of the planet thousands of years ago, and the sense of blending that infinite civilizations have hosted and traveled on their planet!

Ye Liang lay on the soldier's palm, his heart extremely quiet. This battle with the six-claw robot made him feel the power of the third civilization for the first time.

People can become stronger only with awe, and Ye Liang won't give in.

Slowly, fell asleep.

One hour later.

A very huge armed helicopter fell in the sky, and a dozen meters of well-trained special personnel lay down along the rope ladder. They were firmly guarded near the helicopter.

Ye Liang had already replenished his physical strength.

Surrounded by soldiers, he walked towards the gunship.

A person got off the helicopter.

With the support of several other guards, he walked towards Ye Liang. He is a middle-aged man with gray hair and beard, but calm feet. He looks more than 50 years old. He is obviously an ordinary person, but he looks like a dragon.

Very tight!

Ye Liang was startled, and immediately understood the identity of this person.

"I think you are the leader of this planet." Ye Liang arched his hand towards the person. He didn't know the etiquette of Wanzuxing, so he followed his own country.

"Well, my name is Ryan, and I am the president of Wanzuxing."

President Ryan also bowed his hand to Ye Liang: "Thank you for saving our planet, water and fire. This time the matter is mainly caused by the war star, and we are already negotiating with that. When the compensation arrives, I will give you all ."

Ye Liang smiled.

"Mr. President, I have no idea about your compensation. As for my intention, your subordinate Mr. Da Ben should have mentioned to you."

Ryan's expression suddenly stopped. Instead of letting Ye Liang continue, he pointed to the helicopter behind him and beckoned him to go up.

Although Ye Liang didn't understand what he meant, he still went up.

The two quickly arrived in a hidden building by plane.

Ryan took the lead and flew off. He made a gesture towards Ye Liang: "Mr. Ye Liang. It was live on TV before, and I can't tell you some things in public.

Now please come with me. We, Wanzuxing, will definitely give you a satisfactory answer. "

Ye Liang jumped off the plane.

He was noncommittal about Ryan's answer.

However, this planet didn't kill his power, so he was not afraid.

The two jumped on the roof of this building.

Judging from the interior of this building, it should be just like the Pentagon in the previous life. Inside are crowded urban white-collar workers. Ryan did not directly enter the building, but opened a hidden passage on a certain floor.

He walked in first.

Because there was no order from him, the others were waiting at the door, and Ye Liang followed in.

This is an empty room, about tens of square meters, with no other entrances. In addition to a few bookshelves full of books, there is a desk and a few chairs.

Ryan stretched out his hand towards Ye Liang: "Sit." Judging from his appearance, this should be the final destination.

Ye Liang looked around, he dragged a chair over at will, and his legs were lifted: "Mr. President, you can tell me now."

There is no life here, obviously there are only two people.


Ryan nodded: "It's true, it's not that I don't want you to use the portal, but the place you go this time is too dangerous."

He swallowed.

"You also know that our Ten Thousand Stars have long been ordered by the Third Civilization Group to ban travel! It's okay for you to go to Jupiter, but the unicorn is one of the top ten civilizations!

If we send you there, we will definitely be sanctioned by the top ten civilizations!

To be honest, the ten major civilization methods are powerful, and you are an outsider, I am not very optimistic about you. "

Ye Liang frowned. He didn't look like Ryan was but he had to go for this unicorn trip.

"Mr. President, can't you really let go?"

"No, with the unicorn star's technology, a slight fluctuation in space will definitely be discovered. Moreover, the war star has been communicating with the outer planet recently, which is even more dangerous!

Mr. Ye Liang, please be considerate. "

Ye Liang's heart sank.

His expression suddenly became cold, and a majestic killing intent spread to the surroundings!

"Do you know! There are a thousand ways to kill you as long as I want to! Are you sure you want to do this?" The place where the killing intent is enveloped, even solid objects are frozen!

Ryan shivered!

As soon as Ye Liang's killing intent came over, his heart was already mobilized, but it didn't work, it didn't work. Although Ryan was the president, he had to pay for the lives and deaths of citizens around the world.

"Sorry, Mr. Ye Liang." He shook his head.

This behavior surprised Ye Liang.

Unexpectedly, as president, Ryan had such courage to enter. He randomly collected majestic killing intent.

"Is there really no other way?" Ye Liang sighed and asked.

"It's absolutely impossible to want space teleportation." Ryan shook his head. After saying this, he took out the cigarette from the drawer and wanted to pass it to Ye Liang, but Ye Liang refused.

"Mr. Lane! Whether you help me or not, I am determined to be a one-pointed star! I just hope you can give me some clues."

Ryan looked weird. After putting away the tobacco, he took out a paper envelope from the drawer.

"Mr. Ye Liang, are you sure you really want to go to the unicorn star?"

"OK, sure, and sure!"

Ye Liang's expression was very firm.


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