Naruto God-level System

Chapter 301: Barren Star Experience

"Nothing, but I don't know much about the environment here. I want to walk with my seniors all the way." Ye Liang looked polite and bowed respectfully to the middle-aged uncle.

"You are a bit interesting." The middle-aged uncle smiled, showing a kind smile. "I've seen too many clansmen. In previous years, they would come in groups to be stupid. You are the only one who is a little polite."

He took out a red cylinder from his pocket and handed it to Ye Liang. "This is a signal flare, if you are in danger, you can ignite this.

Youth hunting is not allowed to lead a teacher to help, you must go alone.

By the way, seeing that you are so honest, I will give you some more tips. When you encounter an unknown beast, try not to get close, or you will die without knowing how to die. "

After the middle-aged uncle finished speaking, he waved at Ye Liang.

The meaning is already obvious.

Ye Liang left and returned to the vicinity of the large army. At this time, those who had split up also approached.

The clan family is delicate and noble, and travel must be guarded by the family members. This is the iron rule of the Datongmu clan!

"I didn't see my family," Ye Liang muttered.

The branch family who served next to him smiled: "You may not know the two-style adults. They are all aristocrats from the Amaterasu line. They have the most and most complete resources. For things like hunting, generally only the clan can Do it."

"Isn't the clan also a noble?" Ye Liang asked again.

"Although the clan is a nobleman, it is compared to dividing the clan. In fact, the backbone of our Datongmu clan is the clan doing things, such as hunting, planting, or plundering."

"That's it."

Ye Liang nodded.

This family is equivalent to the royal family, you don't need to do anything, just enjoy everyone's fruits. The clan is equivalent to the status of minister, responsible for commanding and doing practical things.

Just split up...

Ye Liang looked at these branch families, and they didn't even lift their heads in front of the Zong family.

This is very telling.

Separation means resignation and soldiers!

"No wonder the parents don't like the clan family so much.

The same person is a big Tongmu, but the other party has been pressing on his head, obviously he is stronger than the other party, and he has to endure the humiliation of the other party! "

"Okay, I roughly understand."

As soon as Ye Liang told the branch family, he brought a few of his followers to the distance: "How exactly did this hunt go? Do you have any understanding."

"Not sure."

Datong bowed in a wooden manner: "The clansmen of each line will give their children and grandchildren a map of the wild beasts. We are divided into families, and naturally there is no one."

After listening, Ye Liang frowned.

He dragged his chin to think for a while, and suddenly saw a lonely clan in front of him: "Then follow me and try not to talk too much."


The group leaned into the house where they were alone, and Ye Liang leaned forward: "Brother, what do you call it?"

The man was looking down at the map, and when he heard a sound in his ear, he turned his head: "Daitongmu style?"

This person was surprised and suspicious. Looking at Ye Liang, he clearly knew Ye Liang.


Ye Liang's heart thought.

"How can you find someone casually and still know yourself?"

He immediately showed a happy face!

"Brother die, it's been a long time. What have you been up to lately?"

The clan family member was taken aback.

"Long time no see? What are you talking about."

The Datongmudi style next to him hurriedly turned his ears: "This is the fellow young master of the Zong family. You have never dealt with the two before, the relationship is very ordinary!"


Ye Liang is stunned!

Feelings have struck up a conversation with their own, but also hit the enemy?

"Haha, it turned out to be the doujin master! I have long heard that the doujin master is superb. Not only is he unparalleled in strength, but he can also take the top rank among the three thousand rebels! Admire and admire!"

Ye Liang arched his hands.

The atmosphere calmed down.

"Take the head of the admiral?"

Datongmu Doujin was stunned. "Have I done anything like this?"

I haven't done it before, but Ye Liang's words still stuck in his heart.

Datongmu colleagues hurriedly posted upside down: "It turns out that the second-style brothers admired me so much. I used to think that the brothers were cold and unsmiling, which seemed to be a mistake."

He was smiling.

Everyone in the Datongmu clan is aloof, and it is very difficult to say a compliment. Now I heard Ye Liang's praise from the same clan, and I felt very happy.

Ye Liang's mouth twitched.

The situation seems to be developing very smoothly.

He arched his hand towards Datongmu colleagues: "Fangren brothers, my strength is not as good as you. This mission is very dangerous. It is said that there are still life concerns. I am pleased for the lives of this group of people."

"It's easy to talk."

The comrade who had just been flattered agreed immediately.

Those who split the family were shocked!

It is better to expect the sow to climb the tree if you expect Datongmu to be a flatterer.

The dust settled.

The group of people walked along the land of the barren star.


Some wild beasts began to appear around.

Ye Liang shrank behind his colleagues, behaving very helplessly!

"It's time to show real technology!"

The comrades show great power, and they will protect Ye Liang from the wind and rain in the front!

"What a fellow who takes the first level!"

Everyone admires it not long.

The crowd came to a canyon.

Datongmu frowned. He looked down at the map and took a few steps forward: "Brother Ye Liang, according to the map, there is a hard-bodied bald eagle in the center of this canyon, with average strength. Used as a hunting target, that's just right."

"Then brother, go down, I will definitely cheer brother on."

Ye Liang gave his colleagues a cheering gesture.


Datongmu Doujin was embarrassed. He had always volunteered to meet those wild beasts before, and this time hesitated slightly.

"This desolate beast is the second stage." He said embarrassedly.

Ye Liang was taken aback, and then he understood.

It turns out that the strength is not enough...

He stepped forward and looked at the bottom of the canyon. Just under some rocks, there were really some huge vultures, densely packed, at least dozens of them!

"Brother, can you see the bottom of the valley?"

Suddenly a trace of doubt flashed through Datongmu Tongren.

The bottom of the valley was enveloped by a white mist. Although the concentration was not high, there was a strange power in it. Datongmu Tongren exhausted his pupil power and could only sweep a distance of more than ten meters.

"Since I was young, I have focused on pupil power, so I can barely watch a few dozen meters."

Everyone was dull.

Ye Liang had already said that, but he still misjudged everyone's strength. Even Zong's colleagues can only see a dozen meters, not to mention the rest.

A shyness flashed in his eyes: "I can only see one or two meters and say..."

Don't keep talking.

Ye Liang and the others made preparations.

Since I am going to hunt in the canyon, I must have a rope.


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